2: Bedtime

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Third person POV:

When it came dinner time, no one let England into the kitchen. And luckily after sunset, dinner was ready.
🇮🇹: ve~ are-a we having pasta for dinner? Please say we are-a. "No, sorry Feliciano, we didn't have the ingredients for it. But don't worry, me and the girls made the dinner." Amy said. "Oh, okay, grazie."
Prussia: tell me jou've got beer, or jou found or brought some. "I found only two bottles of beer." Victoria said.
🇩🇪: zat vill do. It's better to have some zen to have nothing.
Romano: Oh, So you have-a beer, but you don't have-a pasta.
🇨🇳: iya, less arguing, more eating.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: agreed, and since you ladies worked hard today on the food, come and join us for dinner.
And so the nations, the ladies, and Peter, sat in the dining room and ate a nice meal not made from England.

🛏time skip🛏

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: it's getting late you guys, and the drive to a hotel is three hours long.
"I think there're some bedrolls upstairs, I'll go get them." Ana said.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: Great, but some of you will have to share a room.
The Awesome trio: Oh come on!
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: But don't worry, I'm sure some of the girls will be okay with giving you their room for the night." Ana couldn't look him in the eye. "Well . . . Uh . . . You know I'll go get the bedrolls and tell the girls. But I warn you boys, if you look through their stuff, or if something of theirs is not were it should be, you will end up in pain. But not just any pain, but that it's that time of the month pain."
And so bed time went like this:

Russia with his sisters, "Ukraine, you'll be the one sleeping in the bedroll. If you're in the bed your boobs' will take up all the space." Belarus said.

Germany and Prussia in one room, and Belgium and her brother in another.
The three Asian nations in one room, "I'rr sreep on the floor." "Of course you will, you do like your personal space aru."

The Baltic's, along with Poland, in another.
🇵🇱: there's no way, I'm sleeping on the floor. "Poland please, just do it." Toris said. "Don't worry you guys, I'll sleep on the floor." Edward (Estonia) said.

Alfred, Matthew, and Francis in one room, with little Kuma next to the fireplace.
"Don't worry guys, the hero will take the floor." And the Italian brothers, along with Antonio, in another.
"Tomato basterd, you're sleeping on the floor." "But fratello—"
"No Italy, it's okay, buenas noches Lovi." "Don't call me that."

Austria and Hungary in one room, and in another room, Sealand was nice enough to give his bed to Sweden and Finland, while he slept in the bedroll.
Denmark, Norway, and Iceland in another room.
🇮🇸: You're taking the floor, Denmark. "Oh come on—"
🇳🇴: Do it or I'll choke you again. ". . . Fine." And Mr Puffin slept on a pillow near the fireplace.

In the last bedroom slept Ireland, Scotland, and Australia. And as for the rest of the nations, they slept in the sitting room. Luckily there are sofas so it wasn't that bad. They just needed a blanket and pillow, and then they were all good.

What some of the nations dream about, or talk about in their sleep.

🇺🇸: mmm, d-don't worry, the hero is coming.
🇫🇷: ohohohoho, well then allow me to *beep* and *beep* . . .
🇨🇦: L-long live the maple leaf.
🇭🇺: mmmm, Don't make me use my frying pan.
🇮🇹: ve~ make pasta not war.
E🇩🇪: mmmm, long live ze awesome Prussia.

🇵🇱: aww, thanks pinky pie, I know I look fabulous.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: dubble o ninja.
🇯🇵: I wirr destroy the titans.
🇰🇷: mmm, I invented that, and that, and that and, zzzzz
🇨🇭: g-get off my lawn.
🇪🇸: mmmm, you're just as beautiful as a tomato.

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