12: Race #1 the Axis

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Sorry for the long update—and for all the others that are sure to come—it's because one day I feel like writing as much as I want to, and the other day I don't feel like writing at all.

". . . The Axis." Audrey said.
Prussia: ehemmm.
Audrey: Alright fine, The Axis and Prussia.
Prussia: ehemmm, again. "The Axis, and the awesome Prussia." Victoria said.
"Ver good."
🇪🇸: um, chica, is it ok if me and Romano join?
Romano: Oh Hell no tomato basterd, I want-a no part in-a this.
🇮🇹: but fratello— "no, and that's that."
Audrey: I don't see why not, after all he is Italy, sure he's the southern part, but he—
Romano: alright enough, I'll-a join this-a stupid race.
Audrey: great.

Just a few gallops behind the house and In-between a few trees, was an open field with a few more trees.
"Alright so this's usually were he lands as a dragon and trains the little dragons, but lucky for us it's free today." Audrey said. "All you horses have to do is run straight to those trees over there, do a big circle around them once—starting from the left—and then run back here."
Prussia: vow, zis is basically training.
🇮🇹: nooooooo—
🇩🇪: shut it Italy, and get into running position.
Romano: don't-a talk to my brother that way potato basterd. Just for-a that you're going down.
🇪🇸: this'll be easy, it's like the running of the bulls, except there are no bulls.
🇯🇵: I am ready, Audrey-san.

Audrey: very well . . on your marks . . Get set . . . GO!

The run to those trees was about a mile—or five—away. "It's completely obvious who's winning." Audrey said. "You are so right girlfriend . . . It's Prussia." Ruby said.
Cleo: sis, Germany trains like twice a day, or maybe twice in the weekend. Once Audrey said 'GO' he ran off like it was nobody's business.
Luna: you can do it Italy, think of all the pasta you'll eat once you win and turn human!
Rose: Oh, so we're playing that now, well then. Romano, Spain, there will be tomato's for whichever one of you wins!
Ruby: in the laugh of the awesome Prussia, kesesesese. He said since I would look like him if he was a girl, I could use his laugh. Anyway back to what I was gonna do . . .
Prussia show them how awesome you run as a horse, and that you're so awesome as one that you'll win!
Aqua: Japan, think of all the anime's were the main character had to run to somewhere and made it on time!

🏃‍♂️🐴 somewhere along the race🐴🏃‍♂️

(You can just think of the first three names of an anime that you know that has action and running in it)
🇩🇪: ha, zis is too easy.
🇯🇵: (a#1) (a#2) (a#3) . . .
Romano: Oh no you don't, they're-a mine!
Prussia: mien Awesomeness as a horse vill beat jou all.

Audrey: here . . they . . come . . . And the winner is . . .

🇮🇹 wins:

🇮🇹: VE~ I'HO FATTO (I did it)
Luna: I knew you could do it Italy.
🇭🇺: hmmm, well it looks like all that running away from Austria when he tried to discipline you, paid off. I'm so proud of you.
🇦🇹: and getting off Switzerland's lawn.
🇩🇪: und my training,
Luna, 🇭🇺, and 🇦🇹: ehhhh.
🇪🇸: bien hecho (well done) Italy, you won fear and square, right, Romano?
Romano: . . . . Fine, whatever. But-a once we turn into humans again fratello, I'm-a gonna get the first plate of pasta before you.

🇩🇪 wins:

Cleo: ha, told you he'd win sis.
Ruby: well that's cause his awesome brother taught him how to run fast.
Prussia: kesesesese, jou can say that again.
🇮🇹: ve~ yay Germany.
🇯🇵: nice racing Germany-san.
🇩🇪: danke, same to jou.
Romano: damn it! I could hav-a beaten you potato basterd.

🇯🇵: wins:

🇩🇪: nice racing Japan.
🇮🇹: ve~ well-a what'd you expect, he's-a always the first one who finishes when-a we do laps at home.
🇯🇵: arigatō to you both. And Aqua-chan.
Aqua: Yes?
🇯🇵: arigatō for the running idea, for telling me to think of arr the anime's were the main character had to run to somewhere and they make it on time.
Aqua: Oh . . well . . Dōitashimashite (you're welcome).
Evie: I think she's blushing.
Cleo: my love seances are tingling.
🇫🇷: so you have them to?

Prussia wins:

🇩🇰 and 🇺🇸: oh ya!
Ruby: he did it, he did it—told you sis—oh ya ya ya!
Prussia: kesesesese, who's ze awesome und fast nation as a horse, ME!

Romano wins:

🇮🇹: ve~ yay fratello.
🇪🇸: well done, Romano, see, the running of the bulls with me does pay off.
Romano: shut it tomato basterd, and-a speaking of tomato . . . Pssss, hey Rose, ragazza, where are the tomato's?
Rose: . . . . Me, you, on a date to an Italian restaurant once you turn human again.
It was silent, the only sound was the hiss of the wind passing through the leaves of the trees.
Romano: . . . Pasta. Or pizza?

🇪🇸 wins:

🇮🇹: ve~ yay big brother Spain.
Prussia: Oh vell, jou vin some jou lose some. I'm still an awesome horse.
Rose: it's no surprise he won, what with the whole running of the bulls thing in his country.
Romano: chigi, I was-a so close!!!

Audrey: well alright then, we're done with the Axis, time for . . .

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