16: Race #5 everyone else

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I didn't want to put the same picture as the last one, so I just looked for another one. Don't they all look so happy 😆😊
Featuring the nations: India, Turkey, Cuba, Austria, Hungary, South Korea, and the Baltic's.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: well everyone, flying mint bunny said Wales will be done in a few minutes.
All the horses: FINALY!
🇩🇪: me und my bruder need beer.
Romano: well me and-a my brother need pasta, potato basterd.
🇺🇸: I'm goin' straight to McDonald's once I'm on two feet.
There were nations complaining and talking about what they're going to do once they get their human legs back. One would head off home to his piano, another home to his tomato farm.
Audrey: well then let's make this last race count . . .
Esmeralda: good luck, India.
🇮🇳: thanks.
Audrey: Three.
🇦🇹: wait, let me get into position.
Audrey: . . . Two.
🇰🇷: wish me luck gramps.
🇨🇳: I'm your bà (dad) not yéyé (grandpa).
Audrey: . . . one GO!

🐎 little time skip 🐎

🇮🇹: hmmm?
Luna: wacha thinkin' about, Italy?
🇮🇹: who'll win, mana Hungary, or-a mama Austria?
Prussia: kesesesese, I think jou mean papa Hungary.
Audrey: well albino here's your chance to tell her.

🇭🇺 wins:

Audrey: and our winner, is the woman who had the pants in the relationship with Austria, Hungary.
🇮🇹: ve~ yay mana Hungary.
🇧🇪: you go horse.
🇭🇺: sigh, thanks, sigh did I hear Prussia call me a man?
🇫🇷: well actually it was papa, but you're close enough.
🇭🇺: . . . I'll be right back.
Victoria: ladiehorses and gentlehorses we've a Hungarian horse going after an Albino horse.

🇦🇹 wins:

Audrey: ladiehorses and gentlehorses, our winner, the man that gave us Mozart, Austria.
🇮🇹: yay Mr. Austria.
Prussia: if I vas in the race, my awesomeness and fastness vould of beaten jou.
🇭🇺: that's not what I heard you say to him a few nights ago . . . In bed.
And then there began a run, a Hungarian after an Albino.

🇱🇻 wins:

Audrey: and our winner, is the youngest of the Baltic's, Latvia.
🇷🇺: if I had hands, I'd give you a nice pat on the head.
🇪🇪: which will probably make him shorter.

🇱🇹 wins:

Audrey: and our winner—
🇵🇱: omg like I knew you could do it, Toris.
Audrey: Don't interrupt me Pinky Pie,
Victoria: way to go, Poland, you ruined the fan. Now there's no point in saying the rest.
Audrey: bla bla bla our winner is Lithuania.
🇱🇹: Sigh, sorry about Poland.
Audrey: it's okay. Nice running by the way.
🇪🇪: well when you're apart of.
🇱🇹: or work for the Russian family—once known as the Soviet Union.
🇱🇻: you want to find a place where you can find peace, even if it means you have to run.
🇵🇱: in other words, gossip.
🇷🇺: chto vy skazali? (what did you say)
The Baltic's: n-n-n-nothing!

🇪🇪 wins:

Audrey: and our winner of the remaining nations, is Estonia, the oldest of The Baltic's.
🇷🇺: I congratulate one of my most working servant nations.
🇺🇸: nice running Estonia ma man.
🇪🇪: Thanks, America.
🇵🇱: Toris you were so close, what did you do wrong?
🇱🇹: m-me? I didn't do anything—
🇵🇱: exactly.
🇱🇹: hey I ran as fast as I could.
🇪🇪: oh boy, they'll be like this for a while.

🇮🇳 wins:

Audrey: and our winner, he's the nation that gave us curry. India.
🇮🇳: thank you, thank you.
Katia: dale (go ahead), ask him.
Esmeralda: so, India . . . how about you and me go try some spicy food once you're back to normal?
🇮🇳: that depends, how spicy do you like your food?
Katia: So in other words, yes.

🇹🇷 wins:

Audrey: and our winner is Turkey, the nation that according to Sharpay from High School Musical 2, had her towels imported from.
🇺🇸: and the turkey was imported from Maine.
🇹🇷: Alfred, shut up and let me enjoy this moment, I bet Greece wishes he was a horse.
🇺🇸: yah, sure, but we all know what he wishes he was.
Every horse, pet, and Sealand hummed in agreement.

🇨🇺 wins:

Ana: two words. Viva Cuba!!!
Audrey: I couldn't of said it better myself, oh wait, I could. Girls.
The Sisterhood of Heroines: VIVA CUBA!
Ana: Oh ya, I forgot to mention that all seventeen of us have cuban blood—weather from one of our parents or both.
🇺🇸: ya think.

🇰🇷 wins:

🇰🇷: hahaha I win, not only did I invent horse racing, but I won it.
Audrey: hey you said it, not me.
🇨🇳: iya, I don't know how long he'll be bragging about this.
🇯🇵: werr first he'rr terr arr of Asia. And then . . . . Um, Engrand, who are you tarking to?

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: what? Oh sorry everyone, thank you for the news flying mint bunny.
Well, good news everyone, the potion is done.

Sorry if some—Lithuania—are long and some—Latvia—are short, that's the best I could think of for that nation. And I'm Cuban so of course I had to write down Viva Cuba, I have to support my nation all the way.
PS there actually is a movie titled Viva Cuba—and of course, it's in Spanish—so to all my Cubanos—and Latinos—give it a look on YouTube. Or on this free app titled Tubi, where it has English subtitles.

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