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I was sitting in my dorm room writing my paper for my psychology class. When I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go see who it was. I opened the door. It was Nick Fury standing in front of me. "Ms. Cheek." He said. I smiled. "Director lovely to see you, please come in." I waved him inside and shut the door behind him. "Tea?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I was coming to tell you to pack up, you've been accepted as the new Avenger." I stood still. Time seemed to stop. "Your kidding me?!" I said. He shook his head no and smiled slightly. "Welcome to the team kid." I smiled and hugged him. "I'll pack the essentials and we can the rest another time." I said. After about 30 minutes of packing we raced out the door to the black SUV. After driving for a while we pulled up the Avengers Tower. "Come on Kid!" Fury said I looked up at the tower. We walked into the building and got into the elevator. It then began going up. As we rose higher and higher my soulmate tattoos started to burn and itch. "What's wrong?" Fury asked. "My soulmate tattoos are burning, it gets stronger the higher we go." Fury smiled. "You know what that means. "One of your soulmates is the Avengers." It dawned on me. Holy shit he was right. I was going to meet the Avengers and my soulmate. Wow this is a day.

We walked out of the elevator to see the Avengers all sitting and lounging in the middle of the room. "Guys this is the new recruit, I'm leaving her in your hands." With that Fury was gone. I walked up to them. "Hi there!" I said. All of sudden I noticed all of them fidgeting with their wrists, ankles, and other body parts. "Wait a minute why are all our marks acting up?" Clint spoke up. "It must be because of you, our mate." Thor spoke. "Only one way to test it and find out." I stuck my hand out for Tony to shake it. We shook hands then we both felt the bond. Tony looked shocked. He turned to the team. "It's her, she's our soulmate." Everyone was silent. Then Steve spoke up. "I'm so sorry this is awkward Doll." I smiled. "It's okay it's a shock to all of us!" I tilted my head and smiled. I heard little coo's. "Let's all introduce ourselves to our soulmate and new team member." Steve said. They gestured to me to come sit with them. I took a place in the middle of a huge couch. Steve spoke up. "I'll go first, I'm Steve Rogers darling." I shook his hand. "Clint Barton babe." He said smirking as I shook his hand. "I'm Natasha Romanoff love." I shook her hand. "I'm Thor Odinson of Asgard my love." He said. I took his hand. "I'm Bruce Banner sweetie." Finally there was Tony. "I'm Tony Stark nice to meet ya!" He said as I shook his hand. "It's so nice to meet you all!" I smiled. "I'm Catherine Cheek, but everyone calls me Catie!" All of sudden Clint spoke up. "How old are you, you look young?" I smiled. "I'm 19 in college at MIT for psychology." They all nodded. Steve then spoke up. "I know we just met Doll but what are your abilities?" I smiled. "I can show you I just need a lot of space and I have many different abilities." Steve nodded. "The gym would be good." He said. "Can I change into some better clothes for this?" I asked. Tony chuckled. "Of course kitten follow me." He lead me to a small bathroom. "Get chanced I'll wait here to walk you to the gym." I nodded. I went inside and changed into a pair of black Nike Leggings and a white Nike crop top with some adidas shoes. I walked out of the bathroom to see Tony smiling at me. We started walking to the gym. "What?" I asked when I saw him staring at me. "Your just beautiful I'm sorry." I smiled and blushed. We finally made it to the gym to see everyone there. "Okay show us what you can do Doll." Steve said. I walked into the middle of the room. I took a deep breath then let my wings out. They are medium black, purple, and blue wings. I then opened my eyes to see them looking at my wings. "That's not all!" I smiled. I then let my magic flow through me and watched as I created a spear out of it and did a few simple tricks with it. I then decided to show my elemental powers. I raised my hands up and a breeze flew through the room and I swirled the air around my fingers and made a small tornado in my hand. I then rubbed my hands together and my palms lit of fire and saw them gawking at me. I then let it extinguish. "I'm not done yet!" I smiled. I then raised my hands up and leaves and vines started to swirl around me. I grew a flower in my hand. I then made it all disappear. I walked over to the pool. "I'm doing this but I need you all to not freak out at all okay?" I asked. "Of course love!" Thor boomed. I dove into the water. I went down into the bottom and sat there for a while. Then I came up and swirled the water around me and I rose out the water. I then set myself back down on the surface of the water and began to walk on it. I jumped out of the pool. "Ands that's what I'm a witch of sorts you could say!" We smiled. "That was amazing!" Clint screamed. "Our soulmate is such a badass!" Natasha yelled. I smiled big at their praises. "Oh I can also heal myself and others!" They all smiled. "That'll come in handy with Legolas he gets hurt all the time." Tony teased. I smiled. "Is there a place I can shower and change?" Tony smiled. "Let me show you to your room love!" I smiled a thanks. "Come down after you settle in and are clean and we will eat and watch a movie!" Clint called out as I walked away. I nodded and gave a thumbs up. Tony showed me to my room. "This is yours love, we are going tomorrow to get stuff to decorate it and get you more clothes cause you need it, no arguing!" He said. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you Tony so much!" I hugged him. Then he grabbed my face and leaned down and kissed me. It was soft and sweet. We finally pulled away. "Thank you Tony." He smiled. "Get settled in kitten." He then shut the door behind me. I smiled and twirled around the huge room. I then headed to the shower.

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