Gurukul Years

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The chanting of vedic verses filled the entire chamber. Under the tutelage of Rishi Yagyavalka and the guidance of Mata Gargi, the four princesses had ventured into the world of education. Mata Gargi watched as her for young pupils recited the verses with full concentration - each different from the other. She watched Sita as she recited the verses with a calm smile on her face. Sita was by far the calmest of her pupils, the most serene, always with a smile on her face and ready to help those in need. Next to her was Mandavi. She was the tallest of the four and the most impulsive. She was rather tomboyish and ambitious. She looked tough as nails but she loved her sisters a lot and protective over them. Sitting next to Mandavi was Urmila who was reciting the verses with ease. She was both mischievous and serious. Like Mandavi, she was fiercely protective over her sisters and would readily claw people's eyes out, should they hurt her sisters. She was also rather artistic and spent her time painting and listening to her father's lectures with curiosity and wide eyes. She was like her father - always thirsty for knowledge and learning new things. Mata Gargi smiled. Urmila  was definitely her father. Sitting next to her was the youngest of them all, Shrutikeerti. Loved by all and pampered by everyone, she was a shy and rather quiet person who would be shielded by her sisters and parents. Four different personalities yet their love for each other was very strong. The girls finished chanting their verses and murmured a small prayer. Mata Gargi said "Princesses. You have recited the verses really well. For today's lesson, we will learn about true devotion and how one can learn it" Urmila piped up "Mata Gargi. How can one learn about true devotion ? It should come through one's old mind." Mata Gargi smiled "Putri. Its true. One cannot learn it. But one can attain it. And by attain, I mean spiritually and mentally. When one places his own heart and soul into God's hands, then comes devotion. And devotion, my dear princesses is one of the strongest pillars of strength and sacrifice" Urmila asked "But Mata Gargi. How will we know that ?" Mata Gargi smiled and replied "A time will come, children. You will learn to experience it"


The morning sun shone brightly in the sky and the rays made their way into the numerous huts that stood ground. People in saffron clothes were walking around. A group of young boys in saffron were assembled near a large tree. An aged sage sat under the tree looking at them. He was the learned sage Vashishta and it was his Ashram. He took in pupils under his tutelage. The young boys were his pupils. They were doing the customary Surya Namaskar. The pupils opened their eyes and murmured their formal greetings to their teacher. Guru Vashishta said "Princes. Today we will start the Art Of Warfare. Can anyone tell me what are all needed to master the Art of Archery and Art of Swodsmanship ?" A hand shot up in the air. Guru Vashishta replied "Yes Bharath ?" Bharath replied "Proper Focus" Guru Vashishta said "Correct. Anyone else ?" Another hand shot up in the air "Yes Shatrughan ?" Shatrughan replied "Along with proper focus, a sense of determination" Guru Vashishta said "Very well said Shatrughan. Anyone else has something to add ?" A third hand shot up in the air. Guru Vashishta smiled "Yes Lakshman ??" Lakshman replied "An ambition to do the best." Guru Vashishta replied "Definitely Lakshman. Anyone would like to add something ?" A fourth hand shot up in the air "Yes Gurudev." Guru Vashishta "Ram.. Tell me." Ram smiled "Along with proper focus, sense of determination and ambition; a sense of compassion, love towards the art and respect would make one master the Art of Warfare." Guru Vashishta exclaimed "Excellent Ram !!! These said things are what exactly makes one master the Art Of Warfare. Let us start." Guru Vashishta led them to a hut where makeshift weapons were kept for learning. They were thought the basic techniques and left to practice. Guru Vashishta watched his pupils as they practiced. He was proud of all his students. His eye caught four boys. They were his favourite pupils. The sons of Raghuvanshi Dashrath. His eyes landed on the youngest Raghuvanshi, Shatrughan. He was known as quite a prankster. Mischievous, a smile on his face and a sense of humour with a wise mind which he inherited from his mother Sumitra. He rarely got angry but when he did, it was a task to calm him down. His movements with the makeshift were calculated and careful. Guru Vashishta's eyes shifted to the second youngest of the Raghuvanshi clan - Lakshman. Older twin to Shatrughan, they both had few similarities. Unlike Shatrughan, Lakshman didn't smile a lot though he had a wicked sense of humour that he brought out rarely. His face had a constant frown and he was prone to anger very quickly. Calming him down was a task that only their oldest brother could accomplish. Guru Vashishta looked on as he slashed his sword with force. His eyes moved on to the second oldest brother - Bharath. Calm and soft spoken were what described Bharath best. He was very good-tempered and kind. But Guru Vashishta also knew that Bharath was fiercely protective over his brothers and once his inner temper was stroked the wrong way, he would be ferocious and merciless over those who have wronged his family. Right now, he watched as Bharath practiced the slash moves with focus on the weapon. Guru Vashishta's eyes softened and he laid them on the oldest brother - Ram. The name itself brought some peace to him. Oldest son of King Dashrath and the apple of his father's eye. Calm, composed, righteous and caring. Ram was truly his father's son. He always put people's need before his.. Guru Vashishta watched Ram's easy moments with the wooden weapon. What was common in between the four of them was the love and protectiveness they had for each other. The four brothers bond was so strong. One would never let anything happen to the other. The sparring class came to an end and after the class about the vedas, the pupils retired to their huts to take a bath and head to dinner. Dinner consisted of staple food like that of the sages that live there. As they retired to bed, Shatrughan sat outside the hut looking at the sky. Lakshman who was putting down the straw mat to sleep looked at his twin and went outside. "What happened Shatrughan ? Why are you sitting alone ? Is everything alright ?" Shatrughan replied "I miss Ayodhya Bhaiyya. I miss Pitashree's voice, Maa Kausalya's ladoos, Maa Kaikeyi's delicious food and Maa's hands on top of my head" Lakshman put his arm around his twin's shoulders "I miss them too Shatrughan. But you know what. We have each other. That's what matters the most here." Shatrughan smiled at his older twin. They were joined by their older brother Bharath. Lakshman asked "How come the artist is here and not romancing his canvass ?" Bharath replied "I guess we're all feeling homesick. I miss Ayodhya's warm environment" Lakshman wrapped his other arm around Bharath's shoulders "Me too Bharath Bhaiyya" Two arms engulfed all three of them in a hug. The three brothers didn't have to turn around to see who it was. They knew who it was "Ram Bhaiyya.." Ram smiled at his younger brothers "What are you doing out at this time of the night ?" Lakshman replied "We are missing Ayodhya, Bhaiyya." Shatrughan said "We are missing home." Bharath said "We are feeling homesick" Ram smiled softly at them "My dear brothers. The people that we love are not always far from us. You know they are with you... In your heart. Close your eyes and remember them your hand on your heart." Ram placed a hand on his heart and closed his eyes. The other three did the same. A serene smile crossed their face. It turned into a contended smile as they opened their eyes. Shatrughan said "Ram Bhaiyya. You are right. Family is always in heart and never away." Ram smiled "Exactly. Now its time we sleep. We have to be up early tomorrow" The brother rolled over their straw mats and lay on them drifting into sleep. Just as Ram was about to fall asleep, he felt someone touch his legs. He opened his eyes to see Lakshman pressing his legs. Ram smiled "So you are back again Lakshman. No matter how hard I try and put you to sleep, you always find a way to come and press my legs. Get some sleep, Brother of mine.." Lakshman replied "Bhaiyya. You and I very well know that I can't sleep without spending time with you. Please Bhaiyya. Allow me this time" Ram smiled and nodded his head.


It was before dinner. The girls were playing in their room with a ball. They were throwing it to each other in circles. Sita said "This new ball is so beautiful" Shurtikeerti gushed "Its perfect." Urmila exclaimed "Haha... I love this new ball. Its so nice to play with something other than dolls" Mandavi agreed "I can't believe I am agreeing with this Rakshasi for the first time" Urmila exclaimed "You called me Rakshasi !!! You are the biggest Rakshasi here" What used to be a game between four now became a heated game between Mandavi and Urmila. Sita tried to stop the argument but in vain. Urmila threw the ball so high that it went way beyond Mandavi's reach and into another chamber. Mandavi chided "Now look what you've done Urmila" Urmila shouted "Me ???!!! You forced me into doing it" Sita interrupted "Mandavi.. Urmila.. Stop it.. Let us find the ball" The four sisters went in the direction of the ball. The ball had rolled into the family pooja chamber. The four girls went in different directions. Shrutikeerti exclaimed "Didi !!!" Sita came running "What happened Shrutikeerti ??" Shrutikeerti pointed towards a hug box on which a large bow was placed "The ball is under this box." Mandavi exclaimed "We can forget about the ball. Its impossible to move this box." Urmila nodded. Sita asked "Why not ? If we can lift the bow, the box will be easy to move." Urmila "But Sita. How can for young girls lift this bow ?? " Sita smiled and went to the box. She lifted the bow with such an ease that her sisters looked at her with shock. Urmila couldn't speak a word. She didn't realize when Shurutikeerti had gone to call their parents. Rajrishi Seeradwaj Janak couldn't remember being more shocked in his life. Urmila had never seen her parents so shocked. She knew her sister was special. Her mother had taken her aside when she had screamed about her parents being unfair. Sita was the adopted daughter her parents had found while ploughing Mithila's fields. It had taken away all her immaturity and Urmila had grown mature. As far as she could remember, even before her mother's talk with her, she had always adored Sita. Sita was a comfort she always turned to and she also knew that if Sita needed someone, it would be her.

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