The Turtles

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It was a normal sunny day. Spain and South Italy, or better known as Antonio and Romano, sat on the couch in Antonio's house. Antonio had his turtles on the whole couch. "Oh... hey Roma! How should I name this turtle?", he asked annoying.

"Shut up you tomato bastard! I don't care what you do with this shit!", screamed Romano. "Romano! Don't say such things about my turtles and not in this tone!", he bleated. "What?! Do you mean the turtles means you more than me!", screamed Romano angry and his cheeks flushed with a red color. "No! That wasn't what I meant?! I-", he was cut of from Lovi. "No! You don't mean it!", he said sarcastic. Then he stood up with tears streaming down his face. "Y-you damn bastard! I hate you!" "Lovi w-wait!"

Then Romano ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door close. He threw himself on his bed and began to cry. "B-bastard" After a few moments he got a coughing fit. He clutched with his one hand his chest and with the other he covered his mouth in hope the cough goes away. But it didn't.

Romano Not Feeling WellWhere stories live. Discover now