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Then he walked to the bathroom he took a thermometer, a wet rag and a bucket in case his little tomato get's nausea. Spain walked then back to Romano's room. He took the wet rag and put it on Romano's forehead. With that opened his eyes. "Romaa~ you're awake.", Spain said happily. "Look. I'm really so sorry! I didn't meant that the turtles means more to me than you. Sure?! I love them but you are the most important in my life and I don't want to lose you!", said Antonio and now he was crying and sobbing.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that I'm sick.", Romano croacked with a hoarsy voice. "B-but", he protested.

"No buts. It's really not your fault. And how can it be your fault that I'm sick! Don't blame yourself!", he said and tears streaming down his face. "Aww Lovi", Antonio said and hugged Romano. After a few moment they stopped crying. Then Antonio pulled back and asked:"Are you hungry? Do you want a tomato soup?" Romano nodded. "Lay down and get some rest okay? I go down and make you some tomato soup.", he said and gave Romano a kiss on his forehead.

Romano Not Feeling WellWhere stories live. Discover now