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He walked downstairs and made tomato soup. As the soup was finished he walked up to Romano. He sat on the bed edge and shook Romano. "Roma. Wake up.", he said calmly. With that Romano opened his eyes and Antonio helped him to sit up. "Say ahhh~" Romano blushed than redder than before.

He opened his mouth. After Spain feeded him Romano clutched Antonio by his collar and burried his face in his chest. "Hey Roma?! What's wrong?"

"Ngghh" "Are you feel nauseous?", asked Antonio and looked worried to Romano who only nodded. Spain laid the plate fast on the nightstand and took the bucket from the ground. He held it under Romanos head and he began to vomit. As he was finished he laid the bucket on the ground. Romano laid himself on the bed and Antonio put the blanket on him. "Get some rest"

Romano Not Feeling WellWhere stories live. Discover now