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The day when da lista would be signed finally came. Ambrose threw a huge party in honour of it and wouldn't even hear about just signing it in private. Rylan and Arabella already made a plan to leave right after she would get the paper in her hands and a plan how Lennox would cover for them, to which he agreed without a second though, even if it hurt him to let his friends go.

Arabella was dressed in a long white dress and was forced to mingle with other people in the castle without seeing Rylan all day because of some tradition. Knights were even worse than most of the men she came across during her stay. After she pushed their disgusting remarks away, all that was left for her to socialize with were the court ladies.

During one of the conversations about children she really didn't want to have at that point, Zeke walked up to her and told her he'll take her to Ambrose, who was ready to sign. While they were walking, he asked, "Are you sure you want this?"

"Of course I want this," said Arabella confused as to why he was asking her this.

Zeke bit his lip and nodded, but didn't say anything.

Arabella was escorted on a platform by the thrones where Ambrose was sitting on a throne, with Lennox and Rylan standing close. A small table, that by one side of the throne, had a piece of parchment lying on top of it with a big feather by its side. He looked at Rylan. "You want this?"

Rylan looked at Arabella and nodded smiling.

Arabella expected to be asked the same question, but wasn't.

Ambrose dipped the feather in the ink and was about to sign, when all of the windows went dark. The room was filled with shadows and smell of lilies. People started to panic, but all of the doors in the room were locked from outside so all of the attempts to escape were failed. A sound of thunder was heard from outside and the entire castle shook. A cloud of what seemed to be pure darkness appeared in the middle of the room and from it stepped a tall woman in red dress that was so long it dragged behind her as she walked. "Zion, here we meet again," she said with a voice that was probably intended to sound sweet, but it send nothing but chills down the spines of everyone present.

Rylan realised the woman was looking at him, but decided not to do anything to make her stop because he was interested in where this was going. He looked at Arabella who gave him a nod as if confirming his intentions.

"Kneel, worms!" yelled the woman and the entire castle was shaken again. The entire room, safe for Rylan and Arabella kneeled in one second, their heads touching the floor. "Much better," she said pleased with herself. She slowly made her away towards the platform. "Where were you all those years? Oh, it doesn't matter!"

"I told you, he was here and..." began Zeke.

"Oh, shut it." Ciastia reached her hand in his direction and Zeke dropped dead within seconds. She made her away ahead until she was standing a few feet away from the platform. "Zion, say something."

"Zion?"" asked Ambrose looking at Rylan, but quickly bowed again before he could suffer the same fate as Zeke.

Rylan realised she meant him and just tilted his head because he wanted her to continue, but at the same time he didn't want to lie to her.

"What spell did you use?" she asked walking closer. "You look so young and... different. Remember when we met? You were so charming and handsome. And then you threw me away like I was some whore of yours!" she yelled and leaped at him. She grabbed his face to make him look her in the eyes. "But that way a mistake, right? You will not repeat it, right? We can be together forever."

Rylan could see Arabella from the corner of his eyes and instantly knew she was paralyzed with fear. "What?" he quietly said in confusion.

"What?!" Ciastia exclaimed and let him go. "After so many years, you say "what" to me. After you cheated on me, you say "what". I can't believe it. I was thinking about you every day since than. And you? When we finally meet again, you act like you don't even know me." She made a few steps around him like a vulture circling its prey. She walked closer to Arabella and with a quick gesture took her face in her hand, holding it with her claw-like nails. "I see you've got yourself a new one. Isn't one bastard enough? Or was I right and is this one to be sacrificed for a spell?"

"Let go of her," said Rylan with chillingly calm voice, but rage was clear in his golden eyes.

"As you say, baby!" Ciastia did a few quick gestures and Arabella disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Arabella!" yelled Rylan and reached for the smoke, but it was too late. "What did you do to her?!"

"She's safe. You'll see her again, don't worry. She's at my place and once we get there, you'll see she is safe and sound."

"Bring her back."

"No." Ciastia took a step towards him and placed her hands on his chest. No matter how tall she looked like, Rylan was still taller than she was. "I missed you."

"Give back my girl," said Rylan.

"Your chin used to be a bit more square," said Ciastia and ran the back of her nail along his jawline. "And your Adam's apple more... round. You messed up on that ageing spell pretty badly. But now that we are together, you can turn yourself back."

Rylan wanted to hit her with a spell so badly, but he knew it could very well injure someone in the room. "Bring Arabella back."

"Let me see the dragon." Ciastia's hands made their way to his shit and teared it open in one try, to which Rylan flinched, but kept in place as he was wondering what she was doing. She stared at it with opened mouth. Then up at Rylan and back down at his exposed chest. "This is not the right dragon," she whispered. "You are not the right man." Her eye were now wide and full of mixed emotions. "You... you are..." she breathed out. "You are that bastard." Her hand flew to his cheek, but it wasn't a normal slap as it was so strong it literally blew Rylan to the floor. "He should have got rid of it," she mumbled under her breath. Her eyes focused back on Rylan again. "You should have been dead!" She was yelling so hard she was louder than thunders outside. She leaned down and whispered loud enough only for Rylan to hear. "Bring daddy over or your whore will be just like you should be: dead." With that she disappeared in the same darkness she appeared in.

Everyone stood up immediately and seemed to have a fascination with Rylan for a completely different reason now.

"Grab him!" Ambrose yelled at the top of his lounges.

Rylan was attacked by almost entire army and couldn't do anything other than shift into the dragon and try to shake off all of the men. From nowhere a pair of chains appeared around his neck and feet. He tried to shake them off, but couldn't. Starting a fire would be too dangerous and using spells in dragon form was almost impossible with high risks. People in the hall were going mad from fear and panic was spreading even faster now.

But all of a sudden the chains loosened and fell off him. Rylan looked at the person who released him and it was Lennox, who only nodded him that he should go.

Rylan took off without a second glance. He flew near the ceiling of the hall in search of an exit. When he had no other option, because the guards started shooting arrows at him, he bowed his head and flew straight through the glass that was the window and away.

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