Chapter 3

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In CHAN'S house

"Hey so guys, I already planned out who will be sleeping with who. It's besttt, like legit best. So Hyunjin and Seungmin, you two are in the first room over here, Changbin and Felix, yoh two are in the middle room beside Hyunjin's room, Jisung and Minho at the last room all the way at the back. Me, Woojin and Jeongin have our rooms here." Chan said." You guys may go to your rooms. Dinner will be at 7pm. If your going out, come back on time cause it'll be a feast. "Woojin said. Everyone went to their rooms.

Jisung POV

'Oh no I'm paired up with Minho again. What if he calls Sana and ask her to come! What if they do things? What if I throw up flowers again?' Jisung thought while he was going to his and Minho room.

The moment I entered the room, I saw a King sized bed. 'AH FUCK YOU CHAN I SWEAR I WANNA KILL YOU BUT STILL THANKS!' I thought.

I lied on the bed first while Jisung sat on the chair and took out his phone and started messaging someone. After a while, he kept his phone.

"Yah Jisung ah?" Minho said.
"Yeah hyung?" I said in a tired tone.
"You wanna go err w-watch m-mo-movies? L-like a d-date?" Minho stuttered between his words. The moment he said the word date, I stood up from the bed with my eyes widen.

"What?" Was the only thing I could say.

"Haha you know what, never mind it sounds weird--" Minho got cut by me saying, "I'll come! Let's watch a movie!"

He gave me a smile, a smile that pierced my heart but I obviously had to hide it. "Then let's go now? Just take one of my clothes and pants. It should probably fit you." Minho said. I took a white shirt and black pants and changed into it. After that, we told Chan and Woojin that we'll be watching a movie.

At the movie theater

"Since you came with me, it's my treat. Let's pick a movie first.. Well there's IT Chapter 2, Weathering with you, Titanic, Frozen, Men In Black 2." Minho said. "Let's pick Titanic. It's been a long time since we watched it." I said.

"Alright. Hi! May we have 2 movie tickets for Titanic? R17 and R18." Minho said.

"Food?" The cashier said. "UMM do you have cheesecake perheps?" I asked.

"Sorry sir we do not sell cheesecake, we have popcorn though." The cashier said.

"Then I'll have the popcorn." I said. "Big please thank you!" Minho added.

After that, we collected our popcorn. Before we entered the theatre, I heard a female sound calling Minho's name. I turned around and saw Sana. Almost immediately, I felt like throwing up but I pushed it down.

"Sana yah!" Minho called. "Oppa what are you doing here?" Sana questioned.

"I'm gonna be watching Titanic with Jisung. Wanna tag along?" Minho asked.

"Sure! I'll go buy my tickets wait a second!" Sana said.

After 5 minutes, we went in the theater. I sat at R17, while Minho and Sana sat at R18 and R19. A few minutes later, the movie started. I then realized, we were like the only people in the movie theater.

" WOW isn't it amazing? We're the only ones in here." Minho said.
"Yeah! It's amazing. Just like you oppa." Sana said.

I wanted to watch the movie peacefully but I couldn't cause of the flowers trapped in my lungs. They were giggling and more. When I finally heard silence, I looked at them only to see them..... Kissing. Immediately, I really felt like vomiting out the petals in my lungs. I told it to wait for a while as I told Minho that I have a bad stomach ache so I'll be going to the toilet first. He just said okay and I rushed to go to the toilet ASAP.

The moment I entered the toilet store, I vomitted all the petals. I looked at it and realized.... They were roses and some had thorns on it.

I felt more still stuck in my lungs so I forced them out.

Minho POV

After Jisung left to go to the toilet, he took a long time coming back. I thought something was wrong so I decided to check up on him. I told Sana I'll be going to the toilet so wait a while and left.

When I reached the toilet, I went in and I heard someone vomiting. After a while, he started to speak.

"W-why, hyung..? Why can't you realize my feelings for you? Why did you go to her and not m-me? Why Lee Know hyung... See, now it's because of-" someone said and I cut him off.

"Is that you Jisung?" I said. Jisung, Chan and the others only knew my so called "other name" which was Lee know, not even Sana knows.

"Jisung, open up! Jisungie!" I shouted. He then opened the door. I became shocked at the horrific sight. The whole cubicle was filled with rose and thorns. "W-what's this?" I stuttered.

"Just like what you see.." Jisung said.

"Tell me! Who did this to you! Tell me and I'll kill him or her! Jisungie please tell me!" I said.

"It's best if you don't know it." Jisung said softly.

"Why is it that serious? But please, Jisungie, please tell me.." I pleaded.

"The person that made me get this disease.... Is...... -" Jisung fainted.

"Jisung! Jisungie!! Yah Han Jisung wake up! Hold on Jisungie."I quickly took out my phone and dialed Chan and woojin.

No one's POV

" Hyung! It's Jisung! Please help!" Minho said.

" Hold on a second. YAH FELIX, SEUNGMIN. HYUNJIN! COME HERE! "Chan shouted.

" It's in speaker mode. Say it. " Woojin said.

" It's Jisung. Please help!! He-He he fainted! There's flowers everywhere here. Please come quick! "Minho said.

" Felix dude hold this. Me, Woojin and Seungmin's gonna go bring Jisung and Minho back. " Chan said.

"ok Minho hyung. What kind of flowers were they?" Felix said in a calm tone.

"There's alot of roses... And there's thorns on it. Felix, do you know who did this to him? Please Lix, tell me please." Minho started crying.

"Jisung will tell you that when he gets back. We're going now." Seungmin said and ended the call.

"Oh gawd Jisung ah please be alright." Felix said.

"Roses with thorns.. That mean it's at that dangerous level already?" But this morning it was just fine. "Hyunjin said.

" Excatly, something must have happened just now that made it have thorns. But Minho hyung... HE'S REALLY AN IDIOT ISN'T HE?! AISH I FEEL LIKE KILLING THAT BASTARD PLEASE LET ME KILL THAT FUCKING BASTARD. " Felix shouted.

" Ah!!! CHANGBIN HYUNG! HELP YOUR HUSBAND! "Hyunjin shouted.


Hahaahahahahahah so is this where Minho learn that he is the reason to Jisung's Hanahaki? Read the next chapter coming out soon!!! MISS YOU WOOJIN!

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