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"You're the long lost fairy King."

Nathaniel shook his head." No, there must be some mistake. I'm no fairy. I can't be." He said. "H-He's my brother. He couldn't be a fairy." I chipped in. "But is he actually your brother?" Kael said. I stared at him, in confusion. "I'm not trying to be rude but, do you, see wings on me?" Nathaniel asked as he motioned to his back.

I saw Kael glance at Caspian before the older sighed. "Over 1,000 years ago, our village was in a war with humans. The humans harvested us for our wings and blood." He started off. "It's the reason we stay secluded and are heavily trained to fight anyone off that enters Wonderland."

"About 20 years ago, a King and his army stormed our village. They attempted to kill us all, but failed. The only thing they took from us was the newborn baby prince. The king and queen were murdered on the way towards the baby. Some say that they killed the baby once they were out. Some say they kept the baby for themselves to take his wings when he matured."

Then, he glanced at Nathaniel. "Remove your shirt. They only way we can be certain you're the long lost king is to check for myself." He said. Nathaniel glanced at me before he slowly started to remove his shirt. Caspian slowly walked over to behind him. "I knew it. Scars."

My eyes widened and quickly ran behind to see. "T-Those are his birthmarks. He's always had them!" I protested. Caspian shook his head as he turned Kael around. "It's the entry point of the wings. We all have them." He said. I saw the same markings on Kael's back. "Oh my gods..." I whispered. Nathaniel quickly turned towards us. "B-But there's no way! I-I've lived in the palace my whole life! I've never had wings!" He said shakily.

"May I remind you the King took an infant from us. You wouldn't even remember having wings or ever being born in Wonderland." Caspian said, his arms crossed. Nathaniel looked at him before he looked at the ground. "So, we're not brothers...?" I asked quietly. Kael slowly shook his head. "I know this is a lot to take in-"

"No!!" Nathaniel yelled. "No you're all lying!! None of you are speaking the truth!!" He yelled. I saw the guard raise their bows slightly as I let out a shaky breath. "Nathaniel, calm down...." I said quietly. He looked at me before he growled. He quickly put his shirt on before he started to walk off. Before I could go after him, Kael carefully grabbed his shoulder. "Leave him..." He said softly.

I looked at him before I looked back at my brother. Then I looked at Caspian. "Let my friends go." I said quietly. He looked up at me. "Excuse me?" He asked. I kept my ground. "I said, let my friends go. They haven't done anything wrong..." I said. Before Caspian spoke, Kael interrupted him. "We'll let them go."

Caspian looked towards him angerly. "Are you kidding me??" He asked. Kael stared at him before rolling his eyes. "They're harmless. The kid said it before, they were just passing by." He said. Then he looked towards me. "Come on. We can go together." He said with a smile. I glanced at Caspian slightly before I nodded. He motioned me ahead before we started walking.

"So what's your name?" Kael asked. I kept my gaze down. "Emerson..." I said quietly. "You're Kael right?" I asked as I looked at him. He nodded with a smile. "You seem to really care about him." He said. I grabbed the back of my neck shyly. "H-He's all I've ever had....He was the one of the only ones there for me..." I said softly.

I felt his eyes on me before he softly grabbed my shoulder. I looked up at him. "He seems like a really good person to be with." He said. I slowly nodded before looking away. "Do you think he'll be okay...?" I asked quietly. He glanced at me before he sighed quietly. "In time, I believe so...It's just a lot to put on a person at one time....But I would talk to him, just be with him.." He said quietly.

I looked at him before I slowly nodded. "I will..." I said softly. He nudged me softly and I looked up to see the dungeons come in to view. I quickly started walking before I saw Kael fly ahead of me. I finally made it in and immediately spotted Levi. "Levi!" I called out and quickly ran to him. He lifted his head before he got up as quick as he could, which wasn't much while being injured.

"Emerson." He called putting as he reached for me, me immediately grabbing his hand. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" I asked as I looked at him. "No, no I'm okay." He said. I sighed relieved before I saw Kael start to unlock the cell doors. He got to Levi's and I immediately pulled him into my arms once the door was open. "I'm here..." He whispered. "I hope Caspian wasn't too harsh on you guys. He tends to do that a lot." Kael said apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Where's Nathaniel?"

I turned my head towards Florian. I slowly let go of Levi as he stared at me. Then, he took a step forward. "He's not dead, is he?" He asked. I shook my head. "N-No...." I said quietly. "Then where is he?"

I looked down a little. Kael finally spoke up. "Nathaniel isn't what you think he is.." He said quietly. Florian started at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "He's a fairy.....He's not my brother..." I said quietly. He stared at me before he looked at Kael. "Where is he?" He asked.

Kael shrugged. "He ran off. I don't know where though." He said. Florian quickly started to walk. "W-Where are you going?" I asked.

"To find Nathaniel."

*Florian's POV*

I fixed my glasses as I slowly looked around. It had been a few hours I'd been searching but didn't find him. I sighed quietly as I slowly sat down. Before I could relax completely, I heard sniffles coming from ahead of me. Slowly I stood up and approached the sniffles. There sat Nathaniel, staring at the sun slowly falling down. Before I could speak, his head quickly turned towards me.

"Oh... I-It's just you..." He said quietly. I sat next to him. "Emerson told you didn't he..." He asked. I nodded. "He did." I said softly. He pulled his knees to his chest. "Go ahead... Laugh at me..." He said, sounding defeated. "I'd never make fun of you." I said. He glanced at me before he looked away. I shook my head slowly before I wrapped an arm around him. I pulled him against me slowly as I stared at the sunset.

I felt him glance up at me before he looked away. Ever so slowly, he relaxed next to me, his head slowly laying on my shoulder. I held him close as I stared at the sun. "I'd never be disgusted with you." I said softly. "Why do you say that?" He asked. I slowly looked at him. "I'd never say that to someone who I've fallen for." I said. His eyes widened as he looked towards me.

"B-But, you're suppose to be with my brother." He said. I looked down a little before looking at the sky. "He seems to have fallen for someone himself. The servant." I said softly. "Emerson fell for Levi...?" He asked, surprised. I slowly nodded. "The way that boy immediately runs to him, the way he acts towards him. He's in love, but he just doesn't know it yet." I told him. I slowly felt him grab my hand. I glanced over at him as we made eye contact. I reached to cup his cheek before I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back and quickly leaned into it.

He held onto me tightly before he slowly pulled away. I saw him glance up at me before I leaned in to kiss his forehead. Then he closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into my hand. He hid his face in my shoulder as I gripped his hand tightly. "I'll always be here for you Nathaniel. I promise."

Edited: August 4, 2023
{Words: 1427}

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