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Caspian stared into cell, the unconscious shapeshifter against the wall. He had chains on his wrists and ankles to keep him down. Magic surrounded him to keep him from shape shifting. The fairy continued to stare into the cage before he turned his head towards the other fairies. "Keep an eye on him. Tell me when he's awoken." He said as he turned to leave. "Yes sir." The other fairies said as Caspian closed the door. He quickly flew back to the main gates.

"Where's the boy?" He asked. "This way sir." The guard said before Caspian followed after him. When they arrived at the door, he noticed Emerson laying against Nathaniel. "Thank you." Caspian whispered to the guard before slowly walking in. Nathaniel has his arm wrapped around his brother, softly rubbing his shoulder. Caspian slowly crouched in front of them. "How are you feeling?" He asked, going back to English. Emerson looked at him before looking down. "Better..."

Caspain tilted his head a little. "Do you want anything? Food? Water?" He asked, Emerson shaking his head. "Thank you though..." He said quietly. Caspian nodded slowly before standing up. "How is he...?" Emerson asked suddenly. Caspian turned towards him. "How's who?"

"The boy..."

Caspian tilted his head. "Why the hell would you care about him?" He asked suspiciously. Emerson looked down a little. "I-I don't have a bad feeling about him..." He said quietly. Nathaniel looked at him. "Something about him, didn't seem right.." Emerson said again. Caspian tilted his head confused. "What do you mean?"

Emerson looked at him. "I-I don't know how to explain it." He said quietly. Nathaniel rubbed his shoulder softly before Emerson looked at him. "I want to see him." He said. Caspian shook his head. "He's too dangerous. I can't let you see him." He said as he crossed his arms. "Please.." Emerson whispered. Then, a guard came in and spoke to Caspian. Caspian sighed and turned back to Emerson. "Come on. He's awake."


Emerson slowly approached the cell door. There sat the raven boy, his arms chained to the wall. Unrecognizable writing was written all over his arms and neck. Emerson glanced at Caspian before the male opened the cell door. The boy slowly lifted his head to see the male walk into the cell, Caspian closing the door after him. "The hell you want?" He asked. Emerson slowly sat on the ground.

"I wanted to talk."

He heard the male scoff. "Like I would talk to you." He growled. Emerson watched him before he looked down a little. "What's your name?" He asked. The boy looked at him. "Why the hell would I tell you?" He asked. Emerson sighed softly. "I don't want to be mean to you. You don't deserve to have someone be mean to you." He said softly. The scoffed again.

"What are you? Four?" He asked. Emerson looked down a little. "W-Well no..." He said quietly. "You sure act like it. Being friendly isn't gonna get you anywhere kid." He said. Emerson sat up again. "It's gotten me this far. Why stop now?" He asked. The boy looked at him before looking away. Emerson looked at him before crossing his legs. "I'm not leaving till you talk to me so, I hope you get use to it."

The boy looked at him again before sighing. "Ravn." He said quietly. Emerson looked up at him and tilted his head. "It's Ravn." He said again as he slowly looked at him. Emerson slowly smiled. "I like that name." He said softly. Ravn looked at him before he looked away. "My name is Emerson." Emerson said with a small smile. Ravn stared at him before Emerson pulled his knees to his chest.

"Can I ask why you're here? Or how you found me?" Emerson asked as he stared at him. Ravn stared back before looking away. "I was sent by the warlocks. They wanted to have me bring you to them." He said. Emerson tilted his head. "Why?"

Ravn scoffed and shrugged. "Hell if I know. I'm just their little messenger. Nothing else." He said, growling to himself slightly. Emerson watched him before he spoke again. "You sound like you don't want to be a messenger." He said quietly. Ravn kept his gaze down. Emerson watched his movements. "Do you want to be a messenger....?"

Ravn kept his gaze down. "They took my family from me......They killed my family in front of my very eyes.....They forced me to use dark magic for them...." He explained. Emerson watched him as he saw Ravn's fists clench. "They took my entire species from me...." He growled again. Suddenly, his chain snapped off, freeing his hand. Caspian eyes widened as he quickly ordered the guards to aim their bows at him.

Emerson eyes widened as he quickly got up in front of Ravn. "Wait!" He yelled. "Kid move!" Caspian yelled. "I'm not letting you hurt him." Emerson said as he stared at them. Caspian stared at him. "Are you out of your god damn mind??? He tried killing you! His people have tried killing fairies for centuries!!" He yelled. "I'm not letting you hurt him." Emerson said.

He felt Ravn's hand on his shoulder. "They're right kid. Let them shoot." Ravn said. Emerson shook his head. "You're shooting me if you shoot him." He said again. He kept his ground. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he grabbed at his chest. He collapsed to the ground, his hand tightly grabbing at his chest. Ravn sat behind him, his eyes glowing. "You asked for it." He said before he looked at Caspian. Suddenly, he disappeared, a cloud of black dust and feathers where he once was.

Emerson opened his eyes, the pain slowly fading from his chest. He slowly sat up before looking at Caspian. "Look what you did! He escaped because of you!" He yelled. He groaned, aggravated before turning away. "Dumbass kid...." He mumbled before walking away. Emerson watched him and the guard walk away as he slowly looked down. He soon heard footsteps before he felt someone pull him into their arms. He looked up to see Levi hugging him. He looked at him before he hugged back tightly.

Tighter then he ever had before.


Ravn crouched outside the warlock's throne room. He stared out the window, playing with a ring on his finger. "Are you going to explain to me what happened? You've been sulking for an hour and a half." Another messenger, Harin asked. Ravn looked at him before he looked back out the window. "Have you ever wanted to escape?" He asked.

Harin sat across from him, his white wings dropping beside him. "I mean yeah, but we can't. They'll kill us." He said. Ravn looked at him. "We're more powerful then they are. We could easily take them on." He said. Harin rolled his eyes. "You're talking about the same people that killed and enslaved our entire nation." He said before standing up. "Why wouldn't we be able to take them on?" Ravn asked as he stood up as well.

Harin looked at him. "There's millions of them and only around 3,000 of us left, Ravn. We have no chance." He said. Ravn sighed before looking out the window. "We won't know unless we try..."


"And he just left?"

Emerson slowly nodded as he sat on a bench. Levi was next to him while Nathaniel and Florian sat across. Rees stood in the corner as he watched them, Alden and Quill keeping guard. Levi had his hand on Emerson's back before the younger sighed. "We need to leave. After what I did today, I don't think I'm very welcomed anymore." Emerson said. Florian nodded slowly. "Then we leave at dawn." He said. Nathanial looked at him as the elf walked away. "Nathan?"

Nathanial glanced over at Emerson. "Do you think we'll be okay?" He asked quietly. Nathanial looked at him before smiling softly. "We'll be fine. I know we will." He said as he stood up. He walked over to him before pulling his head close to his chest. "Get some rest alright?" He asked softly as Emerson hugged him tightly. "I will."

Nathaniel nodded before looking at Levi. "Watch him, please.." He whispered. Levi nodded before Nathaniel turned away and went after Florian. Levi glanced at the younger, Emerson staring at the ground. He sighed quietly before pulling the younger into his arms, softly kissing his forehead.

Date Published: January 6th, 2020
Edited: August 4th, 2023
{Words Count: 1426}

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