Chapter 1

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So, the first chapter is gonna be a little boring. Just warning you. Its gonna get better though. I promise. Thanks for reading <3 Terrilynn


"Luke, let go of me. I'm not a child." I whine. I felt like crap. My head was spinning and I just wanted to pass out on the couch.

"Shay, you're really drunk and you can't walk without tripping over your own two feet." He chuckles. I playfully slap his arm. I narrow my eyes at him as he opens the front door.

"You're lucky our parents aren't home right now. Mum would kill you, Shaylee." He tells me. I roll my eyes. Luke gets drunk every once in awhile and obviously, he's not dead. He opens up my bedroom door and gently lays me down on my bed.

He pulls off my shoes and pulls the covers over me. "Good Night Shay. Love you." He smiles.

"Love you too." I reply and he closes the door. I wait a few seconds to make sure Luke wouldn't come back in. After waiting a few minutes, I pull out my laptop and go on ooVoo. The first person that answers is Michael.

"Hi." I whisper. He's sitting at his computer, as usual, playing video games and getting drunker than he already is. He waves back with an idiotic smile on his face.

"HELLO!" Ashton yells as he answers. Making me go deaf and possibly blowing my headphones out. I give him the death stare.

"Ashton!" I hiss, "I don't have headphones on so that I can go deaf!" In two days my brother and I would be turning 18. I've never been one to care much about my birthday so, I decided his friends and I should plan him a little something. Ashton sticks his tongue out at me like a two year, causing me to roll my eyes. Honestly, I'm not sure how I still love all of them. The three of them act like a group of five year olds when they're together.

Finally Calum answers. He smiles at me and I smile back, heat rising into my cheeks. Just a few hours ago, Calum and I may or may not have had some special "connection". If you know what I mean. Ashton pulls out his phone and starts talking.

"Hi Keek!" I laugh. He continues talking, thankfully not spilling anything about Luke's party. He ends the video and we start to talk about where we were going to hold the party.

"I don't think we should do anything crazy. Maybe just have it at our house. Two of you can go out with him, and the other one can stay with me and Kimberley to put decorations up." I suggest. They all nod. Kimberley is my best friend. We've known each other since first grade.

"Me and Michael can take him out." Ashton volunteers.

"Keep him out until one of us texts you the okay to come back." I explain to them. Michael gives me a thumbs up and continues to play his game, while Ashton just gives me a little head nod. We end up talking about the party until about 2 in the morning and finally decide to all go to bed.

~~ (2 DAYS LATER)~~

I hear a knock on the door and yell, "Luke, Michael and Ashton are here!" He runs into the living room and quickly pulls on his shoes.

"Happy Birthday Luke. Have fun." I smile and kiss his cheek.

He hugs me, "Thanks, Shay. Happy Birthday to you too." He smiles, and rushes out the door. A few minutes later, my phone begins to vibrate. I take the phone out of my pocket and see "Kimberley" written across the screen.

"Hey Kim what's up?" I say answering the phone.

"I'm sick and can't help with Luke's party. I'm really sorry. Calum's still gonna help though, right?" She replies.

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