Chapter 12 - This Is My Boyfriend

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(Andy's POV)
Geography lesson, the last one for the day. I can't wait to go out of that hell to be honest like who can? The clock is ticking slowly than ever, it's dead silence in the room, the voice of the teacher talking loudly about South Africa is the only sound here. I wasn't even listening to her, all I had in my mind now was Rye, my boyfriend and his soft kisses, his perfect perfume of roses, his beautiful big shining eyes, his cute smile, just everything about him is perfect. I can't wait to just go home and cuddle with him, kiss him and see his gorgeous face. The bell rang as we all ran as fast as we could out of the room filled with boring facts about Africa and the teacher's sleepy voice. When I went out of the classroom I waited in the schoolyard for Shawn, his girlfriend, Sam and Luka but then I saw someone very familiar coming towards me from the street next to the school...

Omg it was Rye. Aww he came here to get me. I walked fast to him, I was so happy to see him here but he wasn't that happy. When he was right in front of me looked at his eyes, he was trying to avoid mine, he looked worried, the anger in his body was showing, the sadness was visible too but the real question is no what he is feeling, the real question is why. While we were standing next to each other I heard Shawn's voice and turned around to see him.
"Hey man who's that beautiful guy right here?" He joked and came up to me giving me a hug, holding his girlfriend's hand tightly. I looked at Rye again as I saw him trying to smile but failing at it, he looked at his feet, I know what he was thinking. He was afraid that I will tell my friends that he kidnapped me. Ugh. Can't he just trust me for fuck sake?
"He's my friend, I met him a week ago, I think, and yeah. Sorry I can't come with you." I said looking at all of them as they smiled and looked at Rye.

"It's okay." Sam said as he went to Rye and waved his hand in front of his face. Rye looked at Sam and smiled awkwardly. He blushed slightly as I giggled even tho I was still kinda sad but seeing him smile like this warms my heart.
"Hello, I am Shawn, this is Luka, my beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, amazing boyfriend. " He said grabbing Luka's hand and cuddling into him, me and Rye looked at each other and instantly smiled. " And this is Shawn, my twin brother and his girlfriend Sofie." He said showing them as they smiled at Rye and he nodded. He turned to Sam again. He went with fingers through his hair, his smile turned into a smirk as he looked at me. I didn"t know what was happening to be honest but the next thing that he did shocked me. I took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers, he pulled me closer to him and turned to my friends.
"And I'm Rye, Andy's boyfriend." He said quietly but loud enough for them to here it. F u c k. Noooooo why did he...?
Oh god...

"Omg Andy why didn't you tell us?"
"Congrats mate."
"Awwwww how cuteeee." All the greetings were too much for me, I didn't want to tell them yet. Why did he ugh? I just faked a smile and dragged Ryan away from them, they all looked at us confused but right now I didn't give a fuck about who was looking at me." Rye why did you tell them?" I asked him kinda disappointed, trying to hide the anger in me. He looked at his feet avoiding eye contact with me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were ashamed of me." He whispered. No RYANNNN. Ugh.
"I'm not fucking ashamed of you, I just wanted to tell them by my own." I said calmer than before but still mad at him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. I sighed and looked away from him to the other people in the schoolyard. There were some of them holding hands tightly, others kissing each other softly, walking together, smiling, laughing.

Then I looked at Rye, tears were streaming down his cheeks, his curly brown hair was covering his eyes, his whole body was shaking. I sighed and smiled a little. He is really sorry. I went closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to my body, he immediately wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me tightly.
"I'm really sorry." He whispered again as he sniffed once and cleared his throat. I didn't say anything, he knows that I will forgive him anyway, so we just stayed there hugging each other tightly.
I kissed his neck once just to show him that everything's fine. To be honest leaving kisses on each others necks became something like our little thing. When the other is worried or annoyed, or sad, or just doesn't feel okay the other kisses his neck just to calm him down and to show him that everything will be fine and that everything's fine, that he is there and he will stay forever.
"Can we just go home?" I asked him quietly as he nodded his head quickly and pulled away. I took his hands in mine just to make sure he's okay. He was sad, he was still not looking into my eyes. Oh baby...

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