Chapter 1 - A Warm Mum Welcome

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(Andy's POV)
A big black wooden wall. I'm standing right in front of it. His hand in mine as shaky breathes escaped his soft lips. I looked at him assuring him everything will be alright as he nodded taking a deep breath. I knocked on the door few times. We waited untill my mom opened the door, her face was bright, shining because of the big smile she had, her eyes sparkling with...tears? I noticed that her lips were quivering and her hands were shaking. I immediately let go of Rye's hand and hugged my mom. She hugged me back slowly as she buried her face into my shoulder and started crying quietly.
"Everything's fine. I'm here now mom."
I whispered as she nodded her head. Omg... I made her worry so much.
Few minutes later she pulled away wiping the tears from her cheeks and removing the sadness with a big
half fake, half real smile. She looked at Rye who was looking at his feet, holding the bag with his things in both of his hands and waiting. He looked so innocent. I couldn't do anything but smile.

My mom made her way to him and smiled. "Hello, I'm Andy's mother but
you can call me Grace." she said looking at him as he looked up, his eyes were shining like always.
"I'm Ryan but call me Rye." He said as they shook hands and she motioned him to go inside. I could tell he was anxious. He was bitting his lip hard and his
hands were slightly shaking. He was doing small careful steps towards the stairs.
"Is Jerry home?"
I asked as my mom shook her head.
"He's at work, he will be home soon." She said as I nodded my head. I turned again to Rye as he was looking everywhere but me. My mom smiled again.
"I will go to make you something to eat." She informed us as she went to the kitchen. I was still looking at Rye, waiting him to notice me. Finally his eyes met mine in a second but enough for me too
see the tears...

I grabbed his hand immediately and made him go upstairs with me to my room. When we went into the room, I locked it as I got the bag from his hand,
putting it to the floor and wrapping my arms around his waist. My head resting on his chest as he wrapped his arms slowly around me too. I pulled him closer so our bodies were like pieces of a puzzle. We fit perfectly. I wanted to show him that he is enough, I wanted him to know that I'm there for him. Shake breaths escaped his lips, he was holding tears. Oh Rye...
"I-I am s-sorry...I just...what if she understand that I kidnapped y-" he stuttered out but I cut him off immediately.
"Don't say that. She won't cause I won't
tell her." I said quietly as he sighed and hugged me tightly. "I told you hundred times that I won't tell anyone, I promised you." I whispered as he nodded his head and kissed my neck. When his lips touched my skin, my stomach filled with butterflies as the smile on my face grew.

"R-Rye." I said quietly as he continued kissing the sensitive skin on my neck.
The kisses became rough and longer.
I wasn't sure if he was showing me that he want me or he was just hurt and wanted to shut me up. My head filled with these thoughts so I just pulled away, I stepped backwards looking him in the eyes. He looked down, it was like he felt guilty, he knew that I knew that he wasn't kissing me because of love or
something like this. I sighed and went closer to him.
"Sorry." This word escaped more as a whisper from his perfect shaped lips. He looked down to his feet, he wanted to hide away from me, from the whole world, he wanted just to disappear and never turn back, unfortunately I was there to take him back to reality and with the taste of my lips to drag him to a
better universe.
Connecting our lips this time was just needed, he doesn't hesitate and started kissing me back almost immediately.

A slow and gentle kiss, nothing more
nothing less. This was all that he needed right now, even tho we're not together officially and maybe will never be he needed me, he needed this love, even tho
he says that he can't love, that he just can't feel that emotion, I'm sure he can, I'm sure that one day he will be able to feel it again, even if he's not with me, he'll
feel it, because love is everywhere, love has always been on this world, even tho some people avoid it, it's still there and nobody and nothing can change that.
Just look around you, there's love in the nature, there's love in the people, there's love even in the cold lonely corners of some bad people's hearts. It's there, the
love created this world and the love is keeping it alive.
"Andy." He said after pulling away and looking at my eyes with his shining brown ones. I just noddedmy head smiling at him.
"Can we-can we cuddle?" He whispered as his cheeks turned into a slight beautiful shade of red. I giggled quietly wrapping my arms around his neck still looking at his sparkling eyes.
"Yes of course Rye." I said as he smiled and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek.

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