Chapter 1

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I hide behind the chimney and watch the carriage roll down the cobblestone road towards the manor in front of me. The Guardsmen step away from the doors and let it go through the gates, and the rumble of the carriage wheels is loud enough to work as a cover for me as I jump over the wall and land on one of the orchard's trees silently. Scanning the garden, I find three lamplights spread around leading towards the front door, and a stable house to the far right with what only seems to be one light source. 

Crawling forward I jump onto the next brach stealthily and silently lean forward, the sentry is leaning on the bark of the tree with a shotgun leaning against his hip. 

I grin slyly and move my arms down to swing from the branch, but before I move down another man appears and I lose my footing abruptly. The branch shakes violently and I have no choice but to jump off- and face a standstill against the people who guard the man I came to kill.

Apparently my target - Aldhaven Wilson - was coveting after the wealth of my master and had been conspiring with a few nobles to try and attack first Amable's reputation in the social circles then using the support of the nobles to strip him of his prestige with the King of England. Today he was to meet with Princess Aolani Alana, niece to the Queen of England, to have her sign a secret trade agreement between Aldhaven's property in Western Ireland and the Princess's property in Eastern England in exchange for her support to his status in the social hierarchy.

We had received the mission directly from the Imperial Palace, stemming from the King's suspicion that the Princess was a possible rebel, and she had been secretly plotting to overthrow the Queen during social gatherings. So Amable sent me and my fellow shadow to assassinate Aldhaven, and take the princess hostage during their meeting.

Using a few bricks of dark brown hair dye, and heavily applied cosmetics, I was unrecognisable to any who saw me. It was a necessary process in my missions as a Shadow, so I could move around freely.

"Well, ain't this a bit awkward," I drawl out in the corniest southern accent I can manage. They point their guns at me straight away- well one does the other is fumbling with it. Maybe that's why you don't lean on weapons?!

"You good there mate?" I lean forward immediately making the other man step forward with his gun - and that was all I needed. His step made his balance off by a slight centimetre; more than enough for me if I were to hypothetically pull on the gun and hypothetically make him fall towards me and I would then - hypothetically of course - hold him at knifepoint to keep the other man at bay. But I was not one who indulged in hypotheses. 

I move in the span of a heartbeat and just as he opens his mouth to shout, I cut in saying,

"Make a sound and you die. Do y'all think you can scream faster than my hand can move?" I tsk and move forward suddenly, pushing the man abruptly, I press on his temple with the hilt of a dagger and use his body as a distraction as I dart forward and do the same to the other sentry. They slump ontop of each other and I quickly hide the bodies. I click my tongue in annoyance, my original plan had to be aborted now, but could I call myself a Shadow if I only had one plan? Aldhaven will never see me coming.


**POV Change: Princess Aolani Alana**

The carriage was moving so slowly, what bad customer service. I rapped my knuckles on the window of the driver,

"Sir, would you kindly speed up, I don't have all day just to drive up to the manor." I huff indignantly and sit back down daintily,

"My bad ma'am, but a man is blocking the road and -"

"I don't care whos on the road and why, if you can't get me there fast enough then please stop, I am sure my walking will take less time than this good-for-nothing lump of so-called vehicle." I huff again and settle back into the seat fixing my dress around me. I feel the coach pull into a stop and angrily turn back towards the window.

"How dare you stop! You would let the niece of the Queen walk on this path in the middle of the night! Tell me your name and we'll see if you live to walk tomorrow you horrendous piece o-"

"My, my, ain't you a violent'un.", The door had opened and a handsome man stood outside hands braced on the door frame, he had a sort of soft beauty around him, almost feminine.

" Wh..wha...who a...are you?" I stutter and fall back abruptly, cheeks burning and hands shaking.

"Sorry for the intrusion your honour, but I need t' do a new routine check, For the safety of your precious life o'course," He winks and bows slightly, his voice was caressing and - like his looks - sounded soft and feminine but with an edge. My breath hitches and my cheeks redden, even more, I blow the breath I didn't know I was holding and turn away so as not to show my reactions.

"You may proceed," I state with a wave of my hand, He steps in and shuts the door behind him, and I turn around with a snap,

"What are you doi-"

"I wouldn't dare do vulgar things to a treasure such as you m' lady, It's just more convenient to check on the go so as to not make you late," He winks again with a smirk and turns around checking my bag and the adjacent bench. My heart raced and my hands wouldn't stop shaking,

"Who said you couldn't do anything? Don't assume things on my par, kind sir." I drawl quietly my heartbeats loud and deafening. Every second he stood still just made me ache for him, he turns around quietly with a chuckle and moves towards me,

"Ma bad, m'lady. I'll never do that again," he mutters as he strides towards me, powerful and dominant. He stretches an elegant finger and lifts my chin assertively, my breath comes out in irregular puffs and my eyes stray from his bright green-blue eyes to his sensual lips. Lips that would no doubt be enticing to kiss, I could imagine myself kissing and biting that bottom lip.

"You sure you wanna do that?" He chuckles seductively and closes the gap,

"Pretty sure," I whisper, raising my hands on an impulsive moment to touch his chest. His hands travel towards the back of my head, and I hear him whisper a quiet "Goodnight" before everything goes black.

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