Chapter 4

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That terrifying eye wasn't there anymore. I had checked when Aldhaven had offered to escort me to the dining room. There was absolutely nothing, even all colours had seemed muted, dead without all that energy seemingly feeding it. I shook my head in exasperation and mentally slapped myself, there couldn't be an eye in the first place, what was I thinking? A floating eye?! 

It was probably because of my lack of sleep due to scouting the manor all last night and today, I sighed again. I looked towards Aldhaven, seated to my right - at the head of the long dining table. I frowned at him and asked with a bored tone.

"Sir Aldhaven, I am sure you have exquisite food waiting for me to taste, but I need to seal the deal tonight as I have a lot of other works I could be focusing on at this precise moment. So if you don't mind, can we please skip this useless meal and go up to your study room so that you can get my papers ready." He smirked slightly and seemed to lean further into his chair. The audacity! I opened my mouth to retort at his impudence but was interrupted by his slow almost girly drawl.

"How are you so sure my study is on the top floor, Your highness, " His voice slightly pressurising the title. It took me a second, and I laughed at his terrible attempt at trying to catch me in an act. Oh, If he wanted to play the game, then I was setting the rules.

"If you're going to be dumb enough to put such an important room on the bottom floor, exposed and an easier target to thieves, then I'm sincerely sorry for thinking more of you. In fact, the audacity of trying to blame me for spying is just too much. I'm a princess, you dirty worthless swine." I spat at him, before tiding away my cutlery to leave. He winces at my retort and raises himself slightly from his chair,

"I am so sorry, ma'am I had to make sure, I - " Before he could finish I stormed off towards the huge double doors, my heels clicking viciously on the red-tiled floor. Aldhaven followed after me, begging me to remain and finish signing the deal, but I carried on and walked out into the cold, brisk air of London before he caught up to me. The huge doors shutting behind us with deep rumbles.

"Please, Just li-" His pleadings were suddenly cut off by a dagger through his neck, from the bushes behind him.

"Wow, I thought those trackers would at least keep you back a few more minutes. Gotta say I'm a little impressed Cae" I laughed roughly and bent down to get the dagger out.

"You little b-"

"ah-ah, language, Cae dear." I tut quietly

"Why did you even send those little pieces of sh-"

"tsk, language," I interrupt again,

"I swear to fu-"

"Maybe third time's really the charm," I glance at him whilst getting up,

"Zornitsa! I swear I'm going to skin you alive if you don't shut the rutting hell up and let me finish my god damn sentence." he finishes with a growl. I stay silent for a second before I decide it's safe to answer back,

"You satisfied now?" I quip with a grin and he snarls at me, before walking off into the dark.

"Um Cae, you're supposed to help me get this body off of his house porch," The bushes answer me with small swishes and I grumble at his childishness. I rearranged Aldhaven's body over the steps and ripped a piece of my dress before laying it on a thorny bush to my right. Tearing the dress off of me and hiding it under a hole behind several shrubberies, I tensed myself. I placed a hand on my mouth and made a loud muffled cry of supposed despair before jumping onto one of the orchard trees on the massive estate, There was a second of silence before the doors flew open with a groan, a few bodyguards went to step out but they stopped short at the sight of their Master's body in a pool of his own blood. A sick part of me laughed with satisfaction and whispered quietly in my head, at least he matches his house decoration now.

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