Chapter 7

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If I raised my hands to the arrow he'll know what I want to do straight away and he was too smart to fall for gullible distractions, I had to play my cards right otherwise it would be all for nothing. He was getting impatient at my constant retreat up the staircase, so it wouldn't be long before he attacked me.

I looked around me for something, risking my left flank and exposing my side completely, I heard his jump before I saw him coming and only years of brutal training had my body throwing itself sideways, my hand on the arrow already pulling it through my shoulder. Skin and muscle ripped further, and the bigger part of the arrow now hung from my front profile, hanging dangerously through me with the tail feathers still protruding from my back. A sudden idea formed in my head as I crouched on the stair landing I had rolled onto, my eyes never leaving the scowling cold-faced killer in front of me. I had landed a few stairs below my original position and he now stood in front of me, glowering at me as though I was his next meal.

"You will not leave this place alive, I will enjoy ripping your skin slowly from your skin, and revel in yo-"

"Yes, blah blah. Meaningless threats. You haven't even managed a single hit on me yet, and with all that talk from before, I thought this wouldn't be so hard." I interrupted, kindling his rage purposely to force a reaction out of him. He feinted right before darting left and slicing for my other arm, I smiled smugly as I understood what he was trying to do. He wanted to cripple my stronger side and maybe I could use that to my advantage. As he crouched for his next offence I braced my self for the stupid plan I had just conducted in my head. I had one shot at this, and it either worked or I was done for.

Despite his outbreak, his movements were sharp and strong, slashing at every opening I yielded with startling accuracy. When my back was to the top of the next flight of stairs, he seemed to smile to himself as though he knew I was now cornered. He lifted his rapier high preparing for the final stab, and only when he was about to let the sword down I lifted my hands in front of my face in mock-defeat, blocking my sight completely. This was the moment everything depended on, was he going to take the bait, my side was completely and utterly exposed, he would be stupid to not- and Amable was anything but stupid. The hairs on my arms prickled as a small bit of wind blew past them, as I had thought, he had fallen right for it. His sword whistled through the air and I counted the seconds before contact.


My hands were suddenly clammy and sweat beads dripped down my back in unwelcomed rivulets.


"Noo!" Cae's roar was terrifying and I almost turned had it not been my life on the line. I gripped my fists tightly and took a deep breath.


In one move I dropped my hands to go right to the arrow shaft, seizing it with every muscle in my body whilst twisting around and bending over backwards. The sword sailed over my head, slicing clean through the rod. The pain was excruciating as I fell to the floor in a crumpled heap, the world was hazy around the edges of my vision and the arrowhead glimmered where it had fallen next to me. I grabbed for it, clambering dizzily to my feet again. I had to do this last part quickly before he regained his balance and came back for me because if he did, I'd have no chance that second time. With effort, I glanced up at the chandeliers above, everything dangerously tilting around me. I looked back down at the arrow and slowly dipped it in my blood, coating the tip completely, then I rallied my strength a final time and with the stuttering breath I had, I hurled the arrow at the chandelier above.

I didn't wait to see if it hit or not. The edges were now completely dark and I could barely focus in front of me, come on. I gritted my teeth and staggered down the stairs just as people started screaming, the ringing in my ears escalated and suddenly Cae was in front of me, gripping me, shouting something that I couldn't hear. He put his arm under my shoulders and bent down gripping my knees before standing upright again with me bundled in his arms. He was probably running, bounding down the steps seemingly as though he was flying because I barely felt a single thing. We went past the stairway and I could make out bodies on the floor but I was too far-gone in the pain to process them. Cold air slammed into my face as he left the Confraria still streaking swiftly through the city alleyways. I lifted a hand and turned his firm face towards mine making sure he heard my words before I blacked out,

"32 Buckstreet, white hou-" Everything was faint now and I sighed quietly as I embraced the darkness.

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