Chapter 11

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( A/N: I just wanted to thank @angestria for the amazing cover she made for me. ^*^)

*Tanker POV*

I panted as I wove through the alleyways of London, the slums were a beautiful place to lose someone in them.  Killing that old woman had worked amazingly in my favour and Zornitsa's face had been lovely in her pain. Now for my last part of the plan, confuse her in the lost dark streets of England's finest slums and then turn back and take my rightful title off of her as I pluck out her selfish soul right out of that glorious body, maybe I'd even play with it before completely finishing her off. I snigger to myself and shiver with pleasure at the thought. I stop by a church and lean against the wall by the alley, catching my breath and waiting for the right time to backtrack and surprise her. A screeching scraping sound started on the wall I leant on, I jumped from the vibrations and stared at the bricks.

"Who's there?" I asked, freeing two of my swords into my hands, the noise stopped suddenly and a musical laugh instead took its place,

"I said who's there? Face me, you wimp!" I shouted into the darkness of the empty passageway, the laughter stopped and everything was quiet again like I had hallucinated everything, I put my swords back into their scabbards and leant on the wall again with caution,

The scraping started again right behind my ears and I yelled with alarm twirling around with my swords raised again. But a wall was all I saw, the noise had stopped too. 

"Hold it together Tanker," I scolded myself,

"Stupid church and spirits," I swore before deciding that I should leave now before I go crazy and focus on that bitch's face of fear when she sees me again, turning around I walked forward - and stopped dead in my tracks. The bitch herself was leaning on the opposite wall of the passage, A dagger cleaning her nails,

"It's you. How'd you manage to catch up to me, you know what never mind I don't care. Lucky you, you can die right next to a church, repent for forgiveness and all that shit." 

The bitch didn't even look up at me, I snarled at her and raised my swords running at her, she finally glanced up, but something was wrong. Her eyes were completely black, no iris or pupil at all and just as I was about to stab her she disappeared. Disappeared?! I looked around me and as I turned around, a knife went straight through my hand and into the stone wall behind me, my sword clattering to the floor loudly. I screamed and when I raised my other hand to take it out, another blade flew and sank into my hand on the other side of my head. I writhed as I shrieked and the laughter came again, this time from much much closer,  then the scraping started by my ears right behind me. I trembled and I realised I had soiled my pants, the liquid dripping down my legs into the road.

"Please. I...I'll..I'll pay you. I h..have a lot of gold. Please." I whimpered and then the noises all stopped,

"y...yes. That's it. much do you want. A...anything, just let me go. I won't tell anyone, I swear," I looked around and then something brushed on my shoulder, just as a feminine voice spoke out,


"What?" I widened my eyes in fear when the voice laughed again.

"I hate that word. Don't you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about," I shout and scream when a dagger comes flying and slams straight through my ankle and into the wall behind me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just st..stop," I wail and resume my screaming as another blade sinks into my other ankle.

"Sorry?" The voice laughs again, "for what Tanker? For what are you sorry about?" Boots come into my view from the darkness.

"I DON'T KNOW! Who the fuck are you! Do you even know who I am to the Dark King! I'm his protege, you will die for this," I shout at the person coming towards me.

"The Dark King's protege?" The voice laughs again, and I shake from anger.

"What? What the fuck are you laughing about?!"

"You never learn do you, Tanker," and then the bitch herself walked out of the shadows, she had her hood pulled over her eyes, but she clutched something in her hand and her cloak pockets were stuffed,

"I'll make you pay, you selfish rutting whore!" I shouted, spitting at her form as I shook from pain. She didn't even act like she heard me and walked straight towards me. She lifted a hand holding a purple petal and I smirked crazily,

"A flower?! What the fuck?" I laughed at her.

"That is where you are terribly wrong Tanker. This is the aconite flower. Every bit of this plant is poisonous, and the pollen inside it even more so. The most poisonous flower ever discovered." She took off her hood as she said this and my eyes widened, I cried out in fear squirmed away from her,

"W...what...what the f..fuck are you!" I screamed, because her eyes were completely red now, with slits instead of round pupils, and her red hair was now turning white at the tips, a blinding colour that shone as the wind whipped at her hair. Her forehead shone with a golden light coming from a weird mark drawn on it.

"Your worst fucking nightmare," She smiled and slowly caressed the petal down my cheek and I screamed, my voice breaking at the terrible pain that broke out all over my body. She laughed and the wind carried her voice down the roads of London.

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