Chapter Thirty-Three

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October 29th, 2019


Zaivinth was probably looking for me and I'm sure to be found sometime soon. I put my hands into my wool sweater pockets. I went over to the wooden dock, walking out over the lake.

The moon wasn't full but it was waxing to fullness. I sat at the edge of the dock, swinging my legs over the side of it. I watched as bugs bounced off the water.

Then I heard a song start to play. It was a voice, a beautiful woman's voice singing such a sad tune. I sat up straight, I looked around but I saw no one in sight.

Who could it be? I looked down the lake, trying to see if there was a figure on the other side. There wasn't.

I felt something wet touch my leg. I gasped and tried to lift my foot, but something held it tight. I looked down to see a woman with gills on the side of her face, musty green hair with bright red eyes looking back at me.

She smiled, her teeth pointy, made for gnawing. "You."

The she pulled me into the water.


I've been searching for her for hours. Every minute that we were talking this out, the angrier I got.

I couldn't even track her scent. It's like she disappeared completely. I was worried at first, then I just got mad.

I roared as I flew over the trees in my kingdom. Does she really not want to be found so much so, that she had to mask her scent.

    Grey flames erupted from my mouth. Sending it high into the sky as I turned around.

    I touched down at my castle, turning back to my human form. "Your highness," someone held out a towel. I took it and wiped my face and neck. I handed it back to the maid.

    "Call the Chancellor and tell him to bring the maps." I growled walking up the black sprial steps to the main working floor. This is where all of our offices were, as well as the war table. Which is surprisingly where we discuss war tactics. Only the general, chancellor, and the direct royal family of the dragon kingdom was allowed to enter.

    "Tell him I'm in here." I said to no maid in particular and pushed open the door, and sat on the throne.

    Days earlier I had assigned Sheila to be my war general. The chair that was my to my right. Just in case something ever happened to me and she would be the next in line. Then our children. She needed to know wat tactics and with the help of Xion, Selven, and myself who are all war hero's, she will learn from the best.

    The door swung open. There was sweat on Selven's brow. Scrolls were a mess in his hands, "you called me your highness?" He bowed his head closing the door behind him. The room was dark, only the lights from the candles illuminated it.

    Selven displayed scrolls out in front of me. He spread all of them out and tacked them down. "Shouldn't we wait till Queen Sheila arrives."

    "She's not coming." I crossed my legs over one another. I think that royally ticked was an understatement at this point. She knew how to get under my skin so quickly.

    "I don't think this is best idea." Selven slumped down in his chair. "Sheila will not be happy with this—"

    "I don't care."




    "This is what Kolgrim, our enemy wants." He displayed a hand to the table. The maps with little red X's where the terrorist attacks had taken place. They are slowly making their way to our kingdom. Though we were on the edge of the continent, he would have to go through everyone to get to us by land.

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