Chapter 2

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Deal With The Devil

Chapter 2

He planned the wedding


I don't know for how long I was on the floor, but at some point I must have closed my eyes and dozed off for a bit. When I woke up, my mom was shaking my body. "You need to get up now, there will be dress fitting for you in just one hour" She only says and then walks off, while I just needed a hug from her. I had thought that this was all just the most horrible nightmare and I was finally waking up from it, but that isn't the case.

No words come out of my mouth while she was there and no word came out when I stood up. I feel like my lips have been glued together and I'm unable to speak or talk or even make any sounds. Stumbling to my bedroom, my mother's words soak into my brain. My wedding dress, I'm going to be fitting on a wedding dress for my wedding. It doesn't seem like it's my wedding, it's like it's my death as this is really the end of my life. As soon as I'm married to him, I'll be dead.

Making may way over to the bedroom took harder than ever, I felt like I had no strength in my legs anymore and no strength in my body anymore. I don't feel like anything at this point, and that is what they have taken away from me, along with everything else. Maids came inside the bedroom as I had sat down on my bed, they looked at me up and down and then took me to the bathroom to fix my make-up. They didn't even try to get me to shower or get into another dress or other clothes.

It feels like I'm a doll right now and everyone else is just playing with me, and using me like they want to. When I look the mirror, I look nothing like myself. The once full of brightness and happiness eyes have turned emotionless and hollow, my cheeks are stained with dried and fresh tears and there is just no life or happiness in my face or my eyes. In this one day time, I've lost who I am and who I was, all because I've been sold to the devil. They do my make-up and cover up the fact that I'm miserable.

They did make me look beautiful and on a normal day, I would feel beautiful but at this day, after hearing about what I'm being forced to do, I don't feel nor do I think I look beautiful. They rush me to the front doors where my mom is waiting by and she takes me to the car. Neither one of us speaks while the driver is driving us to whatever store she wants to go to buy the wedding dress. A wedding dress has never really crossed my mind before in my life.

I was never the girl that dreamed about their wedding or how their dress was going to look like or even about Prince Charming, I was never that girl and even now I never dream about it. But, now I'm being forced to. "You're lucky, you only have to pick out the dress, he has taken care of everything. No need to stress over the wedding" My mom suddenly speaks to me. I knew that I was getting married, but I don't even get to plan my own wedding, I need to remind myself that it might be my wedding, but I don't feel like it is my wedding. It's my death, like I've stated before.

The truth is, I don't really care that he's choosing everything, why doesn't he just pick out the dress while he's at it? It doesn't make any sense for him to plan everything and then let me pick out the dress, then again he probably knows nothing of dresses, or weddings. I think my mom is just glad that he's paying for everything and he's paying for me, I think that's the only thing my parents care about now. Even my own mother.

The one person that I thought was on my side has turned against me because of money, he must have offered them loads of money for them to do this to me. And now they don't even want to spend it on their daughter, the daughter that they're going to lose after, I don't even know what day I'm getting married or when the wedding is. I don't even know anything at all about this, and I'm supposed to be in it. "You will learn to love him" My mom continues to say, assuring me that if this marriage works out, they continues to get money from him.

That is all I will ever be for now, someone that needs to be with him so they get money. Yeah, they got a load of money before the wedding and then they will receive money every week from him. Love the man that is literally paying to have you married to him doesn't seem like the kind of things that I want, then again, when did anyone ever ask me what I wanted in this thing. I'm not even going to be the one to pick out the dress, as my mom will be doing that.

She will go crazy in that store and I will be standing the emotionless and alone as I have been for the past day. Not that anyone's ever noticed since they're too busy getting richer with me being sold to some man that I don't even know, I've met him once and it wasn't very pleasant. The car stops and my mom drags me into the wedding dress store and right when she's inside, she starts looking for the perfect dress. I feel like crying again, even when my eyes don't have any more tears to cry.

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