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I WANT TO MAKE ONE THING CLEAR! This story is not 365 days nor is it similar because Sebastian specifically said END OF THE YEAR and in this book they got married in JUNE which means she has HALF a year NOT a full year. This story was written last year and I had NEVER even heard about 365 days nor did I know it existed and it if is SIMILAR in any shape or form then it is pure coincidence. Please stop HATING on this book because it reminds you of something else and I never intended for it to be like that and I truly did not base this story on that book.

Here is the paragraph where you can see what he says:

I give him a disgusting look and I'm sure with my horrid appearance at the moment I look like a monster of some sort. "I would like to make a deal with you and it is a quite simply deal and I'm sure even you can understand it. The deal is that is I am able to make you fall in love with me before the end of the year then this marriage is unbreakable but if I do not manage that by the end of the year then you are free to divorce me all you like and move on with your pathetic life as it were before" He says.

It is not implied that she has a WHOLE year and it could mean one month and it could mean nine months but she had about HALF a year as they did get married in June and this is even some time after the wedding. PLEASE STOP saying it is like something else because it isn't. THIS IS MY BOOK AND MY STORY AND BASED ON MY LIFE AND IMAGINATION!

AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO SAY FAWN IS WEAK! I want to tell you that her character and her personality is based off myself and yes I AM weak because I have been suffering trauma and depression and PTSD and I don't fight back and I'm weak for it and having people say that someone thing I based a character on makes me feel horrible and I already have a LOW SELF-ESTEEM. Writing this book helped me put out the feelings that I have and I can't BELIVE that I have to do this but I BEG of you to STOP with the HATE. I can't take it anymore, I'm so close to breaking down.

I wrote Deal With The Devil because I may not have been married to a man I don't know but I feel equally as TRAPPED in my life and I hate it. I wanted to put these feelings out because I suffer DEPRESSION and SELF LOATHING and feeling that bad about myself makes me feel like I'm trapped in a place where there is no way out. And writing that deal is something helping me realize that sometimes taking the first step and accepting the pain and sacrificing something for freedom because that is all I want. I WANT TO BE FREE! I want to live my life the way that I want.

I feel like there are CHAINS that hold me down and I can't breathe, it suffocates me to the point that I don't WANT TO LIVE but I want to be FREE and I want to live and I want to fight and that is what this book represents to me. I NEVER wrote this to shame the female gender or to make women WEAK but I wrote this to BREAK free of my cage and SPREADING my wings.

All of those HATE comments and messages that I get EVERY SINGLE DAY are only tearing me down and I can't take it anymore. If you have something bad you want to say, LEAVE and DON'T READ IT. No one is forcing you to read my book and if you don't like something, then LEAVE.

Thank you all for reading and understanding,
Bjorg Halla

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