Chapter 3

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Deal With The Devil

Chapter 3

The wedding is tomorrow


The wedding, the most horrible days of my life will be tomorrow, and I just learned about it today. The same day that I went dress fitting with my mom. I supposed being the richest man in the world has its perks but this is way beyond anything, I'm getting married tomorrow. I don't even have a say in my wedding day or anything. In truth, I haven't spoken since, well, I don't know when I last spoke but I can't seem to find my voice anymore, there is no one to listen to me anyway.

My friends are too busy with their own lives, and my boyfriend or my ex-boyfriend now since I'm about to be married. I haven't talked to him, not even sure how I can talk to him. He has been the sweetest guy for me and I truly do love him, he's the only man I've ever been with and even when we never went any intimate with our relationship, we still love each other. He's the best, he literally is, he's such a gentleman and so kind, he truly makes me feel like a princess.

I know he will eventually figure it out, I just hope that he will be able to forgive me for this and at least let me explain to him what is going on here, heck I don't even know what is going on and I'm in the middle of it all. Everything is so confusing and in chaos around me, I feel like I can't even breathe, let alone think of even function anymore. I might be over thinking this whole thing and acting so negative but this is my life and I'm getting married by force to someone I don't know. How would anyone else feel in my shoes right now? Horrible, right?

None of this is something that I can look on the bright side and it pains to have to do this. After driving back to the house, I go straight to my bedroom, I open the door and my little sister, Melody is sitting on my bed. "Melody, what are you doing here?" I ask, hearing my voice after so long feels strange, I try to put on a smile for her because she's far too young to see my pain, but all that comes is a fake smile but she believes it.

"Mommy said you sad, you hug me when I sad, now I hug you" She says and jumps from the bed and runs straight into my arms. I go down to her level and hug her too. She doesn't know it but this is exactly what I needed, I needed a hug from someone without a hug of guilt like my mom. I did see guilt in her eyes, but I also saw greed. "Thank you" I whisper to her as one tear slides down my cheek from my right eye.

I clear my throat. "Now, why don't you join our brother in the toy room" I tell her, I feel like I'm going to break down and I can't let her see me like that. "I'm the oldest sibling in my family and Melody is the youngest, she along with all of my siblings have always looked up to me and I want to be the best sister that they can have. I can't break down in front of her or any other of my siblings. "Okay, see ya later" She says and skips out of the room to the toy room.

As soon as she's gone, I throw myself on my bed and just hug my pillow, the day isn't even over and I feel tired. Yet, I feel mentally and emotionally more tired than physically. Then again, I also didn't sleep that much last night the position that I did sleep in wasn't the best and my muscles are aching all over, but I simply don't care at this point. The pain in my heart is far too overpowering for any physical pain to even shine through, my emotions are beyond hurt and my soul feels like it has been ripped from my body.

I feel numb everywhere, in my body, in my heart and in my soul. I can't believe that this is happening to me and it's happening tomorrow. I'm not ready for this, but then again I was never ready for this. All this thing has shocked me more than anything has ever done in my life and I don't even know how my body will be able to calm down after this. My father has been lecturing me about being a good wife and satisfy his every need, but what he basically means is that I have to bow down before my husband and do whatever it is he tells me.

To me, that is wrong. A marriage is not supposed to work like that, maybe it did before, but not now. This is the 21st century and things are different now, yet for me, it feels like I have been thrown into the Viking period, where women are sold off to the highest bidder and they don't have any say in it. That is me, just a thousand years later. Both parties in a marriage are supposed to equally respect one another and care for one another.

To me, a marriage is also done for love, but this is not love. What I need to face is that society is based off money and my family in their desperate need for more money, did the only thing that they thought they could do. Sell their oldest daughter to the highest bidder, who just happens to be the richest man in the world, meaning I can't even get a divorce, as he owns all the lawyers and the police. If I get treated badly, there is literally nothing I can do about it. When I'm married to him, I will belong to him whether I like it or not. And to tell the truth, I'm afraid.

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