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Hi, now that Deal With The Devil has been finished, I would like to know if there is something you wish to ask either me (author) about me or the story and the characters or any chapters. I will answer everything truthfully and the best way that I can. And if you have questions about certain chapters it would be best to leave the number of the chapter so I don't have to search the whole book. You can ask me anything whether it is about the book or even about the weather.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments :)


@FatimaAlBaloushi asks: Why the chapters are short?
The answer to that is because I have been diagnosed with dyslexia and despite that I do love reading and writing but longer chapters I find hard to read so I often make my chapters 1000-2000 words and few times longer than that. I find that short chapters are easy to read and I can frequently update for everyone.

@Rebellious_she-man asks: What inspired your to write this book?
I honestly don't really know what inspired me exactly. It was last summer when my family and I were going to our farm house and the drive is six hours. I put on some music and I just watches the nature which I find so beautiful (hint, the garden in the story is actually based of a real place in Icelandic nature) and somewhere along the way I just picked up my phone and started taking notes and I named the book there Deal With The Devil and I had a clear vision on how I wanted it to be and how I wanted it to end. So when we got there I began writing and I created the cover and published it.

@_YerinHwang_ asks: What is your MBTI personality type?
I don't know what that is and google isn't much help either. It might be because English is not my mother language and I don't know what that stands for in English so please explain.

@jannataralamia asks: Are we getting a sequel?
Well yes and no. There will be a second book which I've already started called Kneel Before The King and while it may not be sequel it is the second story and there might be a third story someday. However, there will be bonus chapters, check the Thank You chapter for more information on that.

Elly_Jelly123  asks: What is the story behind the names?
Fawn is a character that I wanted to be as innocent as possible and I was either going for Fawn or Dove but I stuck with Fawn because I found it more fitting because she is a character that comes from a rich family, a bit spoiled (not too much though) and doesn't understand the cruelty in the world and I wanted her to have that child like innocence inside her. Sebastian's name came actually because I was watching Reign (amazing show by the way, love it) and there is a character named Sebastian (always called Bash) so there came his name. Colt was just a random name as I had originally wanted him to be a short while but then the paid actor thing came to mind and he became a character too. If you want explanation on the other names such as Melody, Zack, Victor or William please don't hesitate to ask.

@Rokkammownika asks: Would it be more possible for a few more bonus chapters on Sebastian's POV?
The story was originally only supposed to be in Fawn POV but then everyone asked to see what he was thinking so I did a bonus chapter which people fell in love with as well as Sebastian (as people hint out that they want to steal him from Fawn) but yes there might be more bonus chapters in his POV. For more information check out the Thank You chapter.

@Secret_Blossom123 asks: Does the second story have either their daughter or Colt?
The second story which is called Kneel Before The King does take place in the Middle Ages while this one in the present. No, neither Colt nor their daughter will be present in that story. That one is not a sequel, only a second story but while they won't be in that book there will be coming bonus chapters for Deal With The Devil to know more check out the Thank You chapter.

Bjorg Halla ❤️

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