12:honeymoon period

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Sam's pov:

Don't know whether to be frustrated or happy. I'm of feeling a bit of both.

Jack and cas arrived back from their little adventure from the park. We dressed up, got our babygirl dressed up and went outside.

I carried our princess around cause she might be feeling tired and I like it better this way.

"Momma,why you in papa Sam arms?" Asked jack cutely.

"Because she's tired lil man. And I can see so are you. I'll go for an afternoon nap now." Said dean shocking us by taking Jack from cas and putting him to sleep in Jack's room.

"I will keep an eye on him,he is tired. He ran behind ducks and bees the whole time" cas told us,with a proud glimpse in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Alright, all of us will have a nap,cas? We'll wake up around 6pm and then we can search for a case,that alright with you babygirl?" I asked her

She just nodded and nuzzled in my chest. She was completely red now. I'm assuming that she is remembering what happened a little while before.

Ariana's pov:

As soon as sam mentioned going for a nap I saw it was around 2pm right now.

'Four hours...is a long time. We can continue in that time. No..no stop.bad aria. You can't  just keep thinking about them and getting horny all the time.'

I start feeling the heat in my cheeks as soon as I start remembering what happened in Dean's room.

I nuzzle a little in Sam's comfy chest and try to hide myself.  I feel him laughing quietly at my reaction.
He kisses my forehead and continues back to the room next to all of our rooms. It has the biggest bed and it also has a tv.

I still get shy when he kisses my forehead, I guess that's just the kind of person I am.

I don't speak a lot,coz I'm afraid. I know now, that they'll try not to harm or hurt me. Key word being try.

But I'm a bit of an emotional mess,so I don't know when and how I might get hurt.

As I'm lost in all of these deep thoughts I notice I'm laying on the bed and Sam is laying on his side on my right.

He's staring at me. As soon as he sees that I caught him staring he smiles. His smile puts all sorts of butterflies in my belly.


I jump a little and see dean raising his hands as if surrendering.

"I was just closing the door sweetheart,nothing more. And I see you guys have cuddled up without me,i feel offended " dean pouts.

I giggle and make grabby hands at him. He smiles and shakes his head and lays down on his side on my left. He takes my hand in his and while keeping eye contact kisses on it.

I feel electricity passing through me from there the eye contact making it something more carnal,more deep,I guess.

I feel Sam's hand on my stomach rising my shirt. I didn't get the time to wear a bra as Jack had suddenly arrived and now I was bare underneath.

I have always been insecure of my body because of my family saying that it's fat,dirty,small.

But they act as if I'm to be worshipped and there is no other feeling I've liked more in this world.

Well apart from seeing jack laugh and feeling a motherly wave come at me. But this is a different sort of happiness, the kind where you crave it.

Sam is breathing heavily near my ear,dean is running his hand on my thighs slowly.

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