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I look back for a fraction of  second, rethinking my decision before huffing and taking another step out the house. No, I wasn't gonna chicken out now. My decision is firm. I slowly start taking small steps being creful not to be seen. I am so glad that my brother is willing to help me escape, I will make sure to buy him lots of games and stuff toys as a thank you :)

I look left the right making sure no one is there and that I can make a clean escape.

"Whew, Thank goodness no one's here, I can escape quietly and without hurting anyone." 

I took another step then I started running so that no one can see me. As I slowly approach the gates I can see a white porsche parked just outside. I squint my eyes so that I could see what is that white thing sticked on the window of the car. I got closer and closer, only to see that it was an envelope with my name written on it. I plucked it out and opened it because I have a feeling it was something from my brother. I WAS RIGHT! It is from my brother.

The letter said:                                                                                                                                                                  "Dear Haley,                                                                                                                                                                               Oppa is sorry that things had to end up like this. I promise that i'll try my best to fix everything here okay. Take care of yourself over there and i'll be keeping tabs on you from time to time okay. Stay low for awhile so that the council members won't be able to find you. When other people ask for your name, use your korean name given by mom okay? Also, i'll try to contact Soo Man Samchon so that he'll also be able too protect you while i'm not there with you. Be careful over there and always remember that oppa loves you, arachi? Saranghae!                                                                                       P.S. Do you like the car? Its yours, that's my gift to you. take care of it.                                                                                                                                             From: Charles-oppa"

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