Chapter Three

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John was frustrated, Lyla and him had gotten into another fight and he couldn't run to Dinah like he always did. He didn't even know where she was or if she was okay. Hell, he didn't even know why she left to begin with. He wished she would call. He wished he could find her. He needed to know why she left.

Grabbing his phone, he dials her number, praying she'll answer. Even though she hasn't answered the last few times he's called.

"John, you have to stop calling." Dinah says softly as she answers the phone.

"Why?" John asked. "I don't want to."

Dinah releases a soft sigh. "You're married."

"I don't care." John said. "I want you to come back."

"Why? What's so important that I come back?" Dinah responds, he can hear her shifting on the other end.

"Because I love you." John said.

It's silent on the other end for a few minutes and John is worried that he'd upset her.

"John, I left because I'm pregnant." Dinah finally says.

"You're pregnant." John echoed.

"With your baby." The brunette continues.

"Come home." John said.

The line suddenly goes dead, almost as if something was wrong.

"Dinah?" John calls out worriedly, only hearing static. "Dinah!" He repeated.

There was still no sound except for the static before he heard absolutely nothing.

"Dinah!" John yelled.

The phone line went dead.

"Shit." John cursed.

He needed to know she was alright, dialing Felicity, he takes a deep breath.

"Hello?" Felicity said as she answered the phone.

"Something happened to Dinah." He breathes out.

"What?" Felicity asked.

John runs a hand over his head. "Something happened to Dinah, we were on the phone and then all I heard was static before completely losing her."

"Okay, I'll trace her phone." Felicity said.

"Let me know if you find anything?" John asks.

"Will do." Felicity said.

Several hours later

John was pacing around Dinah's apartment, she still hadn't sold it. "Come on Dinah, where are you?" he mumbles to himself just as the front door slowly opens and Dinah walks inside.

The brunette doesn't even notice him at first as she looks at her busted up phone.

"Dinah! Where the hell have you been?" John asked. "I was so worried."

Flinching, Dinah looks up at him, unable to hide her busted lip. "Why do you care?"

"What happened?" John asked.

"I got in a fight, what does it look like?" Dinah asks sarcastically.

"Why?" John asked, moving over to her.

Dinah drops her phone and bag onto the table and turns to face him fully. "Because I'm a vigilante that wasn't about to let three men harm a child."

"Dinah, you have to be more careful." John said. "You should have called for Oliver."

"I can handle myself John." Dinah responds, moving to walk past him.

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