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Sohyun's POV

"no. You just looked so beautiful and it makes me wanna cup your face and kiss you." when he said that I feel butterflies in my stomach, I immediately hide my face.

I was blushing and I hate it. I think I look like a tomato right now.  Why does he need to say that!?!!

I cleared my throat and say 'its okay'.

Now everything is awkward. So I decided to text that yeonttomeok guy.



you there?

you can't believe what just fuckin happened right now.

you remember Yeonjun right?

the one who save me from Miyeon?

he just say something that makes my heart beat.


I can't believe I'm saying this but...

I think I like him...

not because he say something that makes my heart beats..

it's because he's the first hero that save me...

I know right hero..

he's my hero

I hope you're not jealous though...


I turn off my phone when I'm done spamming him some messages.

I look at Yeonjun secretly and blushes again.

"were here!" he said and stand up. I follow him.

"sohyun-ah can I be your friend? Or your first friend?" he ask and everything paused.

"yo-you c-can" I said and stutter.

"let's go to school together from now on okay?" he said and my heartbeat increased. Stop doing this to me Choi Yeonjun!

I nodded and continue to walk toward out school.

"don't you always go to school with your friends?" I ask.

"well sometimes when I'm in the mood to drive my car." he said. So he can drive?

When we got inside the campus the student immediately averted their gaze to us.

I guess their wondering, why is the  famous boy is with the school outcast? I sigh.

"yeonjun I think it's better that we'll be friends in secret." I said, I can already see dissapointment in his face.

"why?" he ask.

"I don't want the whole school will gossip about you and I don't want to misunderstood the students with us being together." I said looking him straight to the face.

"no way!" he said stubbornly. With that he linked his arm with me and continue to walk.

"what the fuck are you doing!?" I whisper-yelled.

"I wanted to show them that I have a new beautiful friend." he said which make me look away.

I can feel death glares from the students in the hallway.

"your locker is here right?" he ask and I nod. "great! Mine is just 2 lockers away!!" he said and smiled.

Ddugun ddugun ddugun ddugun

I open my locker to cover myself and smile widely while holding my chest.

If you keep doing this to me everyday I think I need to go to the hospital for checkup cause my heart can't stop beating normally when I'm with you.

"sohyun-ah are you done getting your books?" when he asked that I snapped back into reality and get my morning subject books.

"sorry I dozed off" I apologise.

"it's okay!" he said and smile again.

Stop smiling your making me crazy!

"where are you going? Your room is two rooms away from mine" I asked since he's just walking beside me while looking around.

"I'm walking you from your classroom to make sure no one misses around with you!" he said and I blushed again and continue to walk.

I stopped when I'm in front of my classroom door. "so see you around!" he said. 

"get inside now" he told me and get inside and wave at him before I close the door.

I look down at my foot and started to smile like crazy secretly.

I walk towards my seat and sit down. I prepare my things and once I'm done my phone beeped. Wow timing.

Yeonttomeok send you a message!


Few more chapters and this cringe story will end!

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