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[wedding day]

I'm in room waiting for the ceremony to start. I'm done with all my make up and stuff that needs to be done. I'm nervous and I'm shaking.

What if I make any mistakes? What if yeonjun runaway? What if someone will stop the wedding? Millions of negative thoughts ran through my head.

" stop being soo nervous hyunie. " Miyeon my best friend and my bully from high school.

Let me tell you a very long and short story about our friendship.

It started when we graduated high school, Soobin and Miyeon dated in college and, we both decided to fix things between us so that things will not be awkward when she hang out with us. We become a really good friends. She apologise to the things she to me before, I forgive her and after that, that's when we both become really close, she is like a sister to me. And Soobin and Miyeon is already engaged, they've been dating for five years already.

" miyeon-ah I'm scared. What if I make any mistakes? What is i messed this wedding up? "

" don't worry just focus on Yeonjun for the whole ceremony and you will be okay. " she gave me thumbs up and hugs me.

" I can't believey best friend is getting married. " she said.

" I can't also believe that my best friend is also engage. " I said and we chuckle.

" sohyun-ah the ceremony is starting! " my mother said and I look at her with a nervous smile on my face.

I follow her from behind and the ceremony started.

I walk in the aisle with my mother and father by my side smiling so proudly. I look at Yeonjun with tears in his eyes and mouthing me 'you beautiful as always'i smile at him as tears us also forming in my eyes.

When we reach to yeonjun he take my hand and proceed to the center.

The priest said a few words about our marriage, until he wants us to make a speech for each other.

" shall we start with the bride first? " the priest said.

I hold the mic nervously.

" yeonjun the man that I only love in my whole life. Our love starts when you messege me unknownly. We will not be like this when you never messege me. I'm so glad that you messaged me that day. But sadly I always reply to you in a cold way. But till the day you confess that you the guy that always messege me, the guy that makes me happy every single day. I know that i said this everyday to you but, I love you so much from the bottom of my heart my yeontteomeok! " I said as I end my speech with tears with joy streaming in my eyes.

" that's a very sad but happy love life you have before. Now let's hear the speech from the groom. " the priest said.

" Sohyun-ah or should I say the girl who makes my life 1000x better when I met her. She's my sunshine that I always send a sweet messege every day. I will not regret on meeting you cause your the best thing that happened to me. I'm so glad that I set my cowardness aside and have a gut to message you. I know you hated me at first but I know that you love me. I'm so happy that I make you smile every single day and make your heart flutter everyday. I always told that I love you everyday but I want to say it in my whole life, let's stay together until our hair will turn gray. I love and only you sohyun! I LOVE YOU! " he said and I cried even more. Yeonjun is the guy that you couldn't ask for more.

" I'm jealous. But you may now kiss the bride! " the priest said leaving me, yeonjun and the audience laughing.

Yeonjun lift my Vail and wiped the tears that just left my eyes.

" finally your forever mine. " and he kissed me. The people cheer including our parents. I'm so happy, and this day the most memorable day in my whole life.

[ time skip ]

After the wedding me and Yeonjun still part ways home cause we still haven't find a house for us to live. I bid my goodbyes to him and kiss him.

" messege me when you arrive okay? " he said and I nod. " you too okay? "I said and get inside the car.

We arrive in our house and I quickly went in the bathroom to take a bath. That wedding dress is killing me.

When I'm done taking a bath I change into my pajamas and check my phone to see a 10 miss calls and 20 messages from yeonjun. I smiled and decided to call him.

" meokie yah I'm sorry I just call you right now. "

" it's okay bby, NO I MEAN THATS NOT OKAY! HOW CAN YOU NOT LET ME KNOW THAT YOUR ARRIVE ALREADY?! " he scolded and I silently giggle.

" I'm sorry okay. The wedding dress is killing me. Please forgive me meokie. " I said trying my best to make a cute voice to convince him.

" it's okay baby. I just don't want anything to happened to you, AND GOOD NEWS!!!! " he squeal like a girlnand I giggle at his gay side.

" what is it?! " I said, excited on what he's going say.

" our parents has bought us a house as our wedding gift! " he said excitedly.

" really?! So, are we gonna move their tomorrow? " I ask.

" yes, and another good news they already bought the all he things that we need in our house ! " he said.

" how can they not tell us? " I said frowning.

" babe I can already imagine your cute face frowning right now. " he teases.

" shut up, I miss you already meokie. " I said.

" I miss you too my love, just wait we will sleep together tomorrow. "

I smiled and I suddenly yawn.

" babe let's sleep I can sense that your sleepy. " yeonjun said.

" but I still want to talk to you. "

" we will talk tomorrow "

" okay goodnight hubby! Love you! " I said slightly giggle at the nickname I just call him.

" I love you too my wifey! Good night I love you again. Sohyun-ah I love you.... " he said and he end the call before I can reply to his I love you's.

I smile myself and look at my wedding ring.

I can't believe I'm married already. I thought and lay on my bed thinking about the wedding fell asleep.


Yay! their finally married. I cried a little while writing this chapter. Their so sweet I want to be in a relationship like that! 😤 jk 😆

This is not yet the ending! 😂😂😂

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