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When yeonjun end the conversation I quickly get up and change my clothes.

I stood infront of my closet choosing a hoodie. I look at window it's probably too cold right now, so put 2 long-sleeved shirt inside my cute hoodie and pair it with a black jeans. [the photo is in the media]

I brush my hair and just let it down and put a lip balm in my lips.

Not long enough, someone knock on the door.

I open the door and see the guy that I love the most.

"your here!"

"I miss you!" he said with a pout.

"I miss you too" I said and he gave me peck.

"let's go?" he said as he grabbed my hand.

[In the park]

"I thought people in this hour is already asleep"

"their not like you sohyun" yeonjun teased.

I punch him in the arm knowing what he's talking about.

He winced in pain while holding his arm.

"just kidding, baby booh" he said and bop my my nose.

He said and I look at him in the eyes, the eyes that will lost you when you stare at it.

Oh how I wish to stare at it every single seconds.

While I'm lost in Yeonjun's eyes he suddenly pull me into a hug.

"don't stare like that to other boys okay? Only me! Don't stare at them or make eye contact with them."

"yes sir!"

"I love how you stare at me when we're together"

"I love how I always make you smile"


"I love you"

And I kissed him, he was shocked at first when I kissed him first cause usually he will kiss me first, but he kissed me back and put his hand on my face to deepenend the kiss while I put mine on his neck.


"your mine and only mine so don't look at other guys except me."


"your mine and only mine so don't look
at other girls except me!" i copied him and giggle.

"don't kiss them don't hug them. Only me!"

"get that?!" I said.

"yes ma'am" and we both giggled.

"it's almost winter break, I will miss you" he said and pout.

"yea... I will go back to daegu and spend my whole winter break together with my family. How about you meokieee?"

"same. But why do need to live so far??" he whined like a kid.

"don't worry meokie we'll be contacting each other everyday okay? "


"come one don't be upset"

I know how to make him okay. I kissed his cheek. He flinch and smile.

"why do I like this girl so much that I can't even go mad because of her" he said.

"I just notice how cute you are with that hoodie" he said. I blush at his simple statement.

Fuck you yeonjun.

"I love how I make you blush every single compliment I say to you."

He said and I grab his hand and continue walking.

"sohyun-ah can I sleep in your apartment today?"

"no" I sternly said.

"why? I'm too sleepy to drive, and who now's something might happened to me while driving." he said while looking at me like a puppy.

"fine. Since I don't want anything to happened to you."


"but you will sleep in my guest room okay?"

"yes ma'am! Let's go home"

"I'm glad it's still weekend tomorrow"

"me too"

While walking we finally reached to my apartment.

"can I know my girl friend house pass code?"

"the day when you are born" I said and get inside my apartment with him at my back.

"well that was unexpected"

"when did you change that pass code into the year I am born?"

"uhmmm... I think last month? When you confest that you're yeonttomeok"

"anyways here your room and mine is just in there so if you need anything just knock on my door okay? Now good night meokieee!" I said.

"sohyun-ah? How about my goodnight kiss?"

"What a cutie" I kissed him in the lips and in the cheek.

"good night my meokieee, sweet dreams. I love you!" I said and went to my room.

I leaned my back on the door and touch my heart.

This is the first time I let anyone sleep here in my place. Especially it's Yeonjun.

I shrugged all my thoughts and sleep.


There's too many 'I love you' and kissing scene in this chapter 😂 sorry if you cringe too much in this chapter 😂

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