Chapter 15 - Dead Twice

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I forced all the energy inside of my body, trying my best to activate my S.A even though I felt like I was in hell. I wobbled and fell on my knees. Thousands of Mr. Qite's were staring at me, talking to each other. I was surrounded. What was I going to do? I was about to get killed. A second time.

With clenched fists, I stood my ground and stood up. Not yet. I'm not going to die a second time.

"Gehhh..." I grumbled.

More blood gushed out from my leg as I resisted the urge to cry and faint. I was smearing blood on the floor and you can already see a long trail from behind me. My eyes began to glow sapphire as I surrounded my body with that dazzling glow. I could see the shapes the air is moving, how it is taking form. "Ssss..." I gritted my teeth, deepening the glow until it's so bright, you'd feel like Ashley used her S.A on you.

Then, I released.

A tremendous amount of force from the air that was in a huge bubble of air popped and an explosion occurred, sending the Mr. Qite's flying, slamming into lockers and walls. Books from the bookshelves in the middle of the hallways toppled over on them as I took the time to escape.

No matter how bothering my leg was to me, I had to overcome any obstacles in front of me. That's what a hero does.

Tears began to show itself in my eyes while I wiped them away.

I need to get to Mrs. Matthews or at least any of the teachers. And quick. "You're not getting away!"

I looked behind me and I thought my heart stopped for a second.

The thousands of Mr. Qite's were trailing right behind me and fast. Then... the Mr. Qite's started flashing rapidly which made me panic. Are they a bomb set up by Mr. Qite? Or is it something else?

"You see, you might've thought we were clones of Mr. Qite, but allow me to introduce his real S.A!"

I recognized that voice. The Mr. Qite that said that just recently dissolved and turned into something else. A human. A student. No, a villain. And I not only recognized that voice, I recognized that face. And I remembered this boy's name. Xavier. The villain who has the S.A of controlling his opponent's blood.

"Man... seeing you all so smothered in blood brings me chills! Literal chills!" Xavier sneered. I glared back.

"Well, Mr. Qite is a teacher at our villainous school. He was never on your side to begin with. And you must know that even teachers tell lies. Mr. Qite doesn't make clones of himself. He can change other's appearances into other people. So this whole time, Mr. Qite was just bringing in villains into your hero school! I can't believe your headmaster isn't even in control of this."

Another Mr. Qite turned back into the person's normal self and I recognized that girl. She's Neo.

"Hmm... looks like Mr. Qite stopped using his S.A. Oh well, this will at least make things less confusing!" Xavier snarled and lunged at me. I was about to kick him away, but slipped instead and fell on the ground, dodging his attack. "Hmm...... isn't blood just the prettiest thing? You look beautiful in blood..." Xavier mumbled. I glared at him. Can he be even more creepier than this?

"Shut up, Xavier. We're here to teach the villain noobs how the job is done. Now," Neo glowed dark purple furiously. "Let's kill the girl and have her on our side."

Everest, her golden sword that glowed red flew into her hands and shined as it fixated itself onto me. Then, they both charged. Into solid air, that is.

"As if I'd let you guys kill me that easily..." I growled, maintaining up an invisible air shield around me. The glow sustaining my S.A was weakening, even shaking, and I knew that I was about to go down. But there was another thing I feared. It isn't death. It's the fear of leaving everyone behind. I imagined how Dominic, Celine, Penelope, Ashley, Levi, Alexander, even Maxwell would feel. I pictured them sobbing through hiccups beside my lifeless body. Then, the image shattered.

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