Chapter 4 - Confirming What We Know

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It was half past nine the Friday morning and Maya is wide awake.
She doesn't want to think about her appointment later today, but she has to.
Katy arranged an appointment for ten so they could just confirm everything which Maya still wasn't sure about.
She knew she was pregnant, but they probably have to see how far as well.
Maya hasn't actually thought of much other than to tell Josh about the pregnancy and she isn't sure if she'll ever want to think about anything else.
She is pregnant but besides that she hasn't even thought about telling Riley.
Gosh all she has thought about was telling Josh and that was basically it.
And she doesn't think it is weird.
She is normal and even to just tell her mom was big enough of a step to completely put her off from ever trying to tell anyone else.
But even if she doesn't want to tell just anyone the father of her child has to know about its existence.
Maya and Katy were at breakfast trying to figure out how they got in this situation before Maya doctor appointment.

"How did Dad react to me? When you guys found out," Maya said.
"We were both really excited. But in this case it is something entirely different. How are you going to raise that child? If the guy is only seventeen then he doesn't have a job nor is he done with school. And with you wanting to leave everything related to school you aren't thinking about what to do for a income so that means I'll have to help raise that child which isn't going to happen because I can barely take care of you. So Maya, what are your plans?" Katy asked.
"I am going to continue with my channel as it is doing really good for the moment and when the baby is born I'll probably still go on since it is a good stay at home mom job and I do get money from it. You don't have to worry. I'll take care of my own child," Maya said as she put her bowl which she was eating fruit from in the sink.
"And for Joshua, he does work part-time at his father's business and he is planning on doing a four year business degree or directly going to his father's work. It was agreed that someday Josh would take over from his father and for now that is still the plan last I heard. But I'll try to talk to him about that as well. I am going to brush my teeth then we can go," Maya said.
" So your plan is to keep the baby and keep on working until you can what? Afford a place to stay?" Katy asked looking at Maya.
"I'm not sure what Josh's plans will be so I'll obviously have to find out but the plan for me is to take the money I have currently gotten over the last few months from doing the videos and just buy a few stuff for the baby. Ill probably end up in just getting like the essentials and after that I'm going to see if it is needed. If I am as far as I think it will still be a long time before the baby is born and I can begin with a plan. Brushing teeth," Maya said and went to the bathroom.

It was a few minutes later and both of the girls were at the doctor busy seeing exactly how far in this pregnancy Maya is which according to her should be seven-ish weeks.

"Okay Maya," the doctor said.
"The gel I will be putting on your stomach is going to be cold so just a warning," she said and Maya instantly saw a little baby moving on the screen right next to her.
"Look Mom. Oh my gosh," Maya said.
"How far?" Katy asked.
"I would say seven weeks and two days. This means quite a few things which one is you turn one week every Wednesday. Secondly what I can tell is when your due date will be which is somewhere between 25 May, 2016. You will then be forty weeks," the doctor said.
"I have to head back to work for a bit. Ask her your questions and send me a message when I can come get you," Katy said and was gone.

The doctor cleaned Maya up and then they went into her office.
Maya sat down while Sindy got her file.

"Okay Maya. Your mother said you had a few questions that you wanted answers on," Sindy said.
"I do. I'm actually really worried about the baby because of my age. I am only fourteen years old and the stuff on the Internet is scaring me a bit," Maya said.
"If you heard having  child at fourteen is dangerous then yes. It is. When is your fifteenth birthday?"
"January, 16," Maya said.
"That's not far away at all. Your baby is not in any danger right now. The age is still safe. If you had just turned fourteen it would have been a other story," Sindy said.
"I know that every thing is measured in trimesters. I heard by my mother. How will I know what is when?" Maya asked.
"You are currently still in your first trimester. Thirteen-twenty-six is your second trimester and then the third one is from twenty-seven to whenever the birth is. Births are really random and can go any way. I've seen girl give birth at thirty-three weeks and being considered it's still early labor but the baby is fine. Anywhere from thirty-seven weeks is considered a good time to give birth. But that is depending on how the history of the family is. What you must also know is no alcohol which won't be a problem since you are fourteen but also no caffeine. The maximum is one cup a day. So that can either be one coke, one coffee or anything else with caffeine. Not too much sugar and a balanced diet as well. Lots of fruit and vegetables, enough protein, here and there you can have fish besides sushi of course and no raw eggs or fish, "Sindy said.
"My diet currently consists of a lot of smoothies. Is that healthy?"
"What are they made of?" Sindy asked.
"Fruit and yogurt with ice," Maya said.
"Can't get more healthy. As a meal?" Sindy asked.
"No just for something if I am thirsty," Maya said.
"Carbonited drinks?" Sindy asked.
"Maybe some fissy tea every once in awhile. Not much," Maya said.
"What does your diet consist of?"
"Cereal or muffins essentially for breakfast with yogurt or some kind of a milk. Lunch is depending on what the cafeteria gas otherwise I'll take like a salad or a meat sandwich. Dinner is depending on what there is. I essentially eat at my bets friend's place and they eat a lot of meat, veggies, fruit, a little of milk products in between and some carbs here and there. Otherwise I just take fruit to eat in between," Maya said.
"And for sugar?" Sindy asked.
"Obviously the sugar from fruit and here and there a cranola bar. I'll probably have with Thanksgiving and Christmas sugar but then I like the minimize it as much as possible," Maya said.
"That's good. Really good. You can crave just about anything from sweet to salty even sour. I suggest you get a diary to put all the cravings and stuff in. When you feel sick as well. I'll prescribe you a vitamin which you will have to take in the morning and if so I'll give you something for nausea as well since that does get bad but you are almost done with your first trimester which is actually where it does come in. Other than that we can just wish your baby is on time and not early. More questions? "
"No. Thank you Doctor Sindy," Maya said.
"Pleasure. Good luck," Sindy said and Maya was gone.

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