Chapter Thirteen 💧

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"Momma? "Janella calls . I know she needs something when she calls me using that name .

"Yes honey, what have you done this time round? "

"Can you get me a new toy? "

"Not today Ella you've got too many toys "

"But Mommy I want a new one "she says.

"Janella how many more toys do you want? "I ask coz I'm bored. I just came back from a shooting and am tired trying to finish my homework.

"Mommy please, the last one I pwomise "she pouts.

"Okay you've won but under one condition. You are gonna put on a hood ."I state knowing she hates them.

I put my contacts on and put on my disguise and a hood. I dress Janella a black jeans and a black top and a black hood similar to mine.

"Where are you guys going dressed like gangsters? "Max asks

"Momma is going to buy me new toys. "

"Good luck then "he says turning back to his phone.

"Momma isn't that James? "Janella asks staring at the TV. Truly it's James on an interview. I only nod at her and notice she's staring too long.

"Let's get going Ella "

"Karen can you and Leen come at my place? "I ask through the phone.

"No problem,infact we are almost there. "

Never question why they were coming over.

"Angel, where are we going to? "Leen asks as soon as she sets her sister in the back seat.

"Ella says she needs toys. "I say looking at the back seat where Karen is with the kids. And see Ella and Darla chatting .

"My niece is a genius, at least you got your momma out of the house. "Leen says smiling at Janella.

We spent almost three hours in the mall cause we didn't buy Ella's stuff alone, we also stopped. Now we  are already going back at home only to see some cars in our parking lot.

"Whose cars are those? "Karen asks as if reading my mind.

"I dunno, we have one way to find out if we go inside. "I state. We all head to the door everyone carrying something in their hands apart from Janella.

"Mum, we are home! "I shout once I enter the house.

"In my office darling! "Dad shouts. We all drop our bags at the chairs and all head to dads office.

"Grandpa, Mommy bought me a new Toy ,"She says as soon as she sees dad.

"Come here munchkin"Dad says carrying her. As I look around the room, I notice a couple seated in one of my dad's coaches and also a girl also about 19 or 20 who I don't know ,together with James and also a younger boy about 15 years old. All my siblings plus my aunt and cousins are around.

"Mandie! "I say shouting and jumping at her. Let's not lie I missed her. I've not seen her lately, like today's shoots I went by myself because it happens she was on a vacation. Everyone stares at me weirdly as my siblings and friends laugh.

I take a seat next to her and as she still holds her hand on my shoulder. "Hey uncle T "I say to Mandies husband. Who responds smiling.

"Who are these people? "Ella asks. That brings me back to remember that we have an audience.

"Ooh excuse me sorry ,I'm Angel Collins, sorry about earlier" I say to the new people and shake their hands.

"Angel do you by any case remember John and Joan Mathews? "I try remembering them but I can't hence I shake my head.

"We lastly saw you when you were too young, Call me Joan and this is my husband John"The beautiful lady says .

"I'm Julie and this is Jordan. This jerks sister "The girl says ruffling James's hair. And that is how the girls went one introducing themselves.

"Who is this beautiful baby girl? "John asks pointing at Janella.

"She's Janella my daughter. "I state.

"She has blue eyes and hair like your mums Amanda "Joan says to mum. That's when true I also got them from my Granma .

"Of course because she's my granddaughter. "Mum says smiling at her.

"Momma I need to pee "Ella says loudly as she gets of my dad's lap. This causes all eyes to turn back and look at me. I see Elena wanting to stand up but I tell her to sit and excuse myself with Janella out. Once I'm out I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding ..

"Don't forget to be back for dinner, "Mum shout at me.

"Yes dearest mum I won't " I shout back.

"Momma can we sing? "Janella asks, currently we are waiting for dinner. I only nod and she sings to me twinkle little star to me. I won't lie she's got a sweet voice.

Dinner went on so well that is until  Joan asked me the worst question ever, she's been staring at me and my daughter weirdly.

"Angel where is Nella's dad? "another person with the Nella nickname again.

Almost everyone gasps and Karen and Davin almost choked. My dad and mum were all looking me with curios looks waiting for an answer.

"He's not in the picture anymore of her life. "

"What happened to him? "James asks curiously.

"None of your business! "I say without thinking. I see mum glaring at me "I'm sorry, but I don't feel like talking about it. '

"It's okay honey, James stop pressuring the lady? "Joan says. After about a minute of silence I excuse myself and Janella saying we are tired and need to sleep. As I walk away I hear Julia saying to James "That's not how to talk to a girl you like"

I wondered who the girl James liked was. Coz I know he can't like me.

"Momma can I shower with you? "She asks which I only nod and make sure my door is locked this time.

"Love you Momma "Ella says as I lay her on my bed.

"Love you princess. "I say kissing her chubby cheeks.

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