Chapter Twenty Eight 💧

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What is he doing here. In my room. I was awoken up minutes ago by a crying Janella ,who is now asleep.

"What do you think you are doing here? "I ask the intruder who just ignores me.

"James freaking Mathews ,what are you doing here! "I say irritated.

"I didn't know my middle name is freaking "he says smirking at me.

"What are you doing in my room dork? "

"I came to make sure your daughter is okay since her mother being the ignorant bitch she is decided to cry her eyes out and leave her kid stressed "he says looking straight at me. I don't know why but I found myself slapping him hard.

"No one asked you to and never call me a bitch. You won't tell me on how to raise up my daughter! "I say gritting my teeth.

"Stop thinking you are the perfect mother here .Your everything but perfect, all I can think of is how you aren't even near the word perfect. You are a bad mother. "

That hurts it stings badly. I look at him and just shake my head as much as I want to cry I won't. I didn't need someone to just confirm my fears but he just did.

"Are you done ?"I ask with a cold look.

He seems taken back and he tries to cover it up with a cough.
"Are you that  selfish to your daughter and stop thinking she's one of your fans. "he says.

I sarcastically laugh and look at him.
"That's not a first. "I say

"Blue stop being heartless and mean

"Stop right there, you know what, I don't care what you have to say. Ive' had  those thoughts before and you know what I almost believed it. But that's until I decided to look at Janella's behavior and you know what, I give myself a pat everyday for what I do for her. I couldn't be here now if not for her. She knows what is right and wrong and also she loves and never judges anyone. That's what I raised up my daughter to be a lady. Since you came around all I've been thinking of is it negativities . But you know what,  I am a mother of which Janella has, the non perfect one .

I love my daughter so much. You won't convince me anything less about me. Don't talk as if you are a parent. As if I'm the one sleeping around with anything that has boobs.  I wish your parents knew they brought up a manwhore and not a perfect son they think they did.

If you'll excuse me, I need to feed my daughter and myself. "I say leaving a shocked James.

"James what the fuck, you sleep around?!"His father says walking in with an angry face.

"Were you guys eavesdropping? "I ask.

"Mhhhhh we just came by to see if anyone is dead yet "Max says scratching his head as if he's been caught stealing

I shake my head as I laugh walking towards the kitchen. I make pasta for both Janella and me. I'm sure she hasn't eaten yet because I damn know her because she's my daughter Daa!

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