Chapter Thirty Three 💧

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After last night, where we all ended up sleeping on the floor that is also Julie, I decided to act as if I know nothing. As we are eating breakfast , I see Drake and Leen all throwing each other some flirty looks, KK and Max are acting normal, Davin and Tamina are silently talking, Julie is busily eating her breakfast while chatting with Nella, as for James, he hasn't come down yet.

"Hello everyone? "he asks in a chippy voice, everyone replies except one person, not me, I did reply, except Janella.

"Hi Ella? "he asks noticing that she didn't answer.

"It's Janella only family and close friends are allowed to call me that! "she says making all of us gasp at her boldness.

"Nella WTF! "KK shouts.

"I just don't like him aunt KK. "she says plainly.

Let me tell you something, I like dramas and this one so far, I'm really enjoying it until I almost forgot that I'm the mother to the kid.

"Blue what's wrong with her today" Leen asks me which I only shake my head.

"Nella sweetheart you shouldn't be talking to elder people that way "Max says. As I look around, I notice a pained look on James's face. He looks sad.

"Are you okay James? "Drake asks his cousin.

James looks around and once his eyes land on me, he talks angrily. "Why shouldn't I be okay Drake? "

"Just asked, no offence intended "Drake says.

"I'm not okay. How can I be okay when my own daughter herself doesn't like me! "he shouts making everyone gasp well except me.

"How do you know? "

"Blue you did tell him "

"James this isn't how we were supposed to let them know we know. "

"James! "

Those are the responses everyone says.
James is still looking at me. Everyone is silent for a while until Davin speaks.

"At least your dumb mind finally registered the truth "he says hurt evident in his eyes.

"Nella go upstairs" I order.

"No momma I'm staying. And as for you James I dislike you coz you always make Momma cry and you are a douche "she says tears evident in her eyes. The hurt expression from last night comes back again on her face.

"It's not my fault that she's a cry baby "James mutters loudly

"What did you just say? "

"What you think you heard "

The argument goes on for a while between James and I, everyone seems to be enjoying since no one stops us. I have weird friends but Daah!

"STOP! "Janella who I didn't see get up on the table shouts We all look at her as if we were caught doing something bad. Tears are streaming down her face making me already tear up, I hate seeing my baby cry .

"Nella am sorry, please don't cry "I say wiping her tears away.

"She looks around the table and says "Momma can we go back home ?"

"Of cause honey, finish your breakfast then "I say as I make her sit on her chair.

"A real drama queen like her mum and dad "Drake whisper yells to Leen which we all hear. Everyone chuckles except me, James and Nella. James gets up and leaves.

We went for shopping since we needed necessities for our stay here, Max convinced me to at least stay for a few days before I leave which I had to beg Nella for us to stay. James decided to stay back and not accompany us.

We get back around four in the evening, the house is all silent. As we head to the kitchen, Leen let's out a scream followed by KK and Tamina ,what I do, I put hands on Janella's eyes .

"WTF James! " Drake shouts .

"I was just having fun! "he says

"Having sex on the kitchen table isn't having fun!"KK shouts.

"It's none of your business "he says pulling the girl towards the exit.

To say am shocked is an understatement, I'm almost passing out .Wheb I look at him, I can't believe it, not even a day after he knows that he has a daughter, he is back to whoring around.

"Wow, what a fatherly way to show your daughter how good of a father she has "Leen sarcastically says. As I look at Nella whose eyes I already uncovered, she's looking at James with so much hurt.

"The daughter who I don't know of "he says blankly.

I don't know how but someone slapped him"What was that for Julie? "

"You being an asshole ""Wait you are drunk ?"

His drunkenness doesn't give him a reason to act all this. The girl is no where to be seen.

"I thought you were going to change once you find out you have a daughter but then you'll be the old James, who never changes. Wow you know what, I thank God you know how you've already messed up everything .Max I can't stay any longer , we're leaving have a nice vacation! "I say as I begin to walk towards my room.

No one stops me as I leave, James who seems to have sobered up is crying, like wow I never knew he could do that, I hug everyone except James as we walk out. I'm not going home, I'm also taking a vacation.

"Hello Kitty, can I get a flight to Kenya now? "

"Yes my dearest friend."

At the airport, Kitty is already waiting for us.

"I'm bored Blue, I'm coming with you for the vacation ."She says."Also were coming with my nephew Mark, "
Such friends are the ones I always have as a backup.

"Who's Mark? "Janella asks.

In walks none other than Whitney with her son and his father, Kitty's cousin who is like a brother to her ,Calvin.

"It's me? "a small voice says as he smiles at Nella.

"If it is not the famous James's Blue "Calvin says as he spots me.

"Hi Blue, I didn't know you had a daughter, James's daughter "she says the last part to herself.

"Yeap I have a daughter which the media doesn't know of. "

"She's beautiful "she says as she bends down towards Nella.

We talk for a while before I know that they're going for their honeymoon. Calvin and Whitney were married a week ago. Calvin is James's best friend. Nella and Mark are getting along better than I could've wanted them to.

"I think he's found his future wife "Kitty says smirking as she looks at them which I reply with a chuckle.

"Here we come Kenya! "Kitty and I shout as the plane takes off.

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