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Song:- Talk is Overrated by Jeremy Zucker

Quote:- We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our paths for a reason...

These last years of school is fun. Its the time when we have our old friends and we meet new ones too. Lots of people come and go in life at that time. And each and every one of those people teach us lessons. These lessons are unique and valueable in every way.

The most amazing thing about this time period is that we laugh too much, we cry too much, we trust too much, we hope too much, we make wrong decisions, we get a lot of regrets but at the end we learn so much.

*Last week of vacations* 

Amelia's POV:-

Waking up in the morning is definitely the hardest part for me, it has always been this way, but my Grandparents allowed me to Sleep as much as i want. It won't be wrong to say that these days were heaven for me. The vacations were passing by without any worries. These were the happy days of my life and why wouldn't they be when I have such amazing grandparents. 

I was sitting in a Balcony after breakfast and was just scrolling through different apps when i got a message from an unknown ID on messenger, the name read 'Mamoon'.

I opened the message and stared at the name for a few seconds before I concentrated on the message which read "Hey, do you know any girl named Ella Cooper from your school?"

It was a strange message and I didn't really know who he was talking about so I just sent a simple "No".

"Liar" he replied. Now he was being rude to me and I couldn't have it. I wasn't used to people being rude to me. I thought of it as a disrespect.

"No, I an not lying. Why would you say that?" i asked that rude boy.

"I did a little stalking and she is with you on your facebook account.And you both used to be class fellows and you are still in same school. How is it possible that you don't know her?" he replied me.

"Look half of my school is with me on my facebook. Doesn't mean I am friends with all of them or that i know them all personally". Now I was wondering if i did the right thing by replying him.

"Put some pressure on your brain and tell me if anything comes to your mind" now I can't get what's going on in his mind.

"okay let's say I know her. Then what?" I asked him because i was getting curious.

"Look she is my friend and I need some information about her" he sent that message with a smile emoji.

"oh Hello mister! you want me to spy on her or something?. Because if you are wondering that i will do this ; Let me clear that I Won't ever do something like this. Ever!! " I made my point clear to him and I was hoping that he wouldn't say anything else now.

"Okay Miss Amelia. Nice Talking. Bye" He said bye and I just kept looking at the screen in shock. What just Happened I don't know. I didn't even replied him 'bye'. I just sat there for a while and then I stood up to get a cold bath.

Later in the evening after having tea with everyone I came back to my room thinking about who that rude boy was even talking about.

'Ella Cooper' i searched on my Facebook. Yes she was friend with me on Facebook and I recognized her by face. I have seen her in school many times I just didn't remember her name. After looking at her account for a while I opened that rude boy's account. I stalked both of them and my conclusion is that Ella looks simple and sweet and that boy is rude and arrogant.

"What have you been up to all day?" Evelyn's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"N-nothing" I said to her and kept scrolling his account. And that's when I saw his picture with his mother and father. I recognize these people.

"Eve look at this." I showed the picture to her. 

"Oh, this is Uncle Archid. Mom's cousin. Do you remember him?" she asked.

"Yeah. Kind of" I do remember him and his family a little bit. We met in a few family gatherings back in childhood. But his family moved out of the city and dad never really liked that family so we didn't meet them a lot. But his account is showing that they moved back in London a few years ago. 

"Ame, how and why did you find him?" Evelyn asked with concern.

"His son texted me." I told her.



"oh the youngest one; but why, what was he asking?" she asked. I wasn't in the mood to tell how rude this boy is. Luckily Grandma called her name and she excused herself.

Next day; I almost forgot about Mamoon; I was listening to Music and speakers were on full volume. Listening to Music calms me down. They are like a drug to me.

Sand by Atlas was playing  when my phone buzzed. An unknown number showed on the screen. 'who could it be?' I thought. But I picked up the on third ring. 

"hey. Its Mamoon here" he said as soon as I picked up the call.

"Bye.." how did he even got my number I thought but I didn't want to ask anything.

"wait wait wait What are you listening to?" he asked just when I was about to cut the call. 

"You are listening to sand, right?" he asked again before I could answer. 

"Yeah I am. But how did you got my number?" 

"That's my favorite song. It calms me down." He completely ignored my question. "Let's listen the song together?" he asked.

"Sure" I said to him. I was bored and I didn't see any harm in that. 

After that song we kept listening to other songs for about an hour. And on every song we both  explained how we feel about that song and about the singers. Our taste in Music was so similar. 

"Can we be Music Friends?" he asked after an hour of talking. 

"Music friends?" 

"Yeah we can listen to Music together sometimes." He suggested.

"You are doing this just so you can get the information about that girl." I was pretty sure about it. 

"No. Forget about that. I don't really want to know about her anymore." 

"Okay. Then maybe we can be Music friends but you have to promise me one thing."

"What?" he asked.

"You won't ever talk to me about that girl, Ella." I was just making sure that he won't use me to find out about her. 

"Ok  that's fine. But you have to promise me one thing too."  he said with confidence.

"Sure." what could he possibly ask for? I thought. 

"You won't ask me how I got your Number" He said and I heard a chuckle.  "Please" he said.

"Uhh Okay" I agreed.He can't harm me and we will just be listening to Music sometimes. And I was also curious; why is he so tempted? 

Two days later when I was coming back from my Grandparents house to my own I kept chatting with him about the new Taylor swift's album that just came out. And we decided that we will listen to it together soon.



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