Chapter 4

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Song:- Think about us by Little Mix

Quote:- "Life is Balance of Holing on, Letting go And knowing When to do which of the two"

Amelia's POV:-

"Morning Amelia"  It was Seven in the morning when I woke up and saw this message from Mamoon.
I have never liked these cheesy morning and night texts buy I sent him a 'hi' and further asked him 'Are you Okay now?' 
I was wondering how can he wake up so early if he was drunk until late night.
I got out of my bed to get ready for school. I took a shower and wore my regular black jeans and a simple white T-shirt which rests right above my thighs. I don't like to wear skirts or short shirts or anything that shows off my body too much. I tied my hair into a high pony. I feel comfortable in this look. Evelyn is also almost like me in every matter  but she does not shy away to show people how she feels about them; Good or bad.
After getting ready I went downstairs to have breakfast with my family. We always try to have our meals together because my father says 'A family who eats together, stays together.' I love this thing about my parents that they always teach us high family values.
After breakfast dad dropped me and Evelyn to school and he went to his showroom. Dad runs a showroom along with his 2 brothers, they all have same share in business. 

I had a few classes today but every teacher started to give assignments and I forgot my phone at home so it was pretty exhausting. 

"Let's go out after school ?" Emma asked when we were having lunch in school. She goes out a lot and never forgets to post it on instagram.

"I have work to do" Darcy told her. 

"And I won't get permission" I told them. 

"Come on Ame, you are seventeen. When will you live life?" Emma said as always. She always ask to go out and I always give her the same reply. 

"I am living life but sorry I can't go out like that. We can go on weekend maybe" I suggested. Dad is really possessive of me and Evelyn. He don't allow us to stay out after sunset but he always takes us out everywhere by himself and both of us don't have any issue with that.

Emma frowned but then nodded on my answer.

"I can come along Emma and I will pick flora" Darcy said with a smile. And Flora gave her a 'You didn't ask me' look.  Flora's Elder siblings are strict on her but Darcy always finds a way out for her.

" Thank God there are still some kind people left who care for their friends" Emma said Dramatically. 

"Enjoy your evening then." I said to them with a smile. 

After my last class I was with Flora and Darcy when Flora asked me about Mamoon. And it is true that I have been thinking about him. And as soon as flora asked me about him I told her all about my conversation with him.I always tell her Everything and so does she.

 "Amelia I don't think you should keep up this friendship" Flora said. 

"Why not ?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Why not? Are you seriously asking me that?" She said in a sharp yet concerning voice.

"Flora is right. He doesn't seem to be a good person." Darcy said. 

"We can't judge like that, can we? And if we see it he's also my 2nd cousin." I don't know why but I don't want to end my friendship with Mamoon yet. I feel like he need a friend. A true friend.

"Do what you want" Flora said, irritated. 

"Amelia. Where the hell is your phone?" Evelyn's voice came from back and all three of us turned. 

"I forgot it at- " 

"Let's go dad's waiting" She said and started walking quickly. I said bye to Flora and Darcy and walked fast to catch up with Evelyn. 

"Be nice to them for once?" I said to Evelyn. 

"I can't act fake and you know that really well." she said with a straight face.During the drive back to home Evelyn put earphones and stayed quiet.  

As soon as I came home I went straight up to my room to check my phone. I was hoping for Mamoon to text me. And as expected he did. 

"Yeah I am fine. When was I not fine?"  the text read. 

"Last night you were drunk so I just thought that I should ask." 

"No I wasn't drunk I was fine. Can you please stop using the word drunk?" he replied fast. 

"Sure but weren't you?" I texted back.

He wasn't typing anymore but a few seconds later my phone rang. Yes, its him. I picked the call on second ring.

"hi Amelia I am fine. Don't be so concerned please." His voice is deep but I have to admit that its calming. The word 'concerned' bugged me somewhat. Why would he call me at night when he don't have anyone else to talk to and then next day he tells me not to worry. I can't help it but be worried when someone tells me their problems or if I see them in a bad condition. Isn't that what friends do? 

"Ok I won't be concerned but then let's just stay Music friends. Don't call me otherwise" I said in a stern voice hoping for him to aplogize. I don't want anyone to take me as something easy.

"Fine by me" He said. Straight voice. No remorse. Nothing. 

"I have to go now. Bye" He said and I cut the call after saying 'Bye' in a low voice that he might not have heard. 

What is up with him?  What kind of person he is?  Why is he like that?  A lot of questions running in my mind. But I don't want to let go, I don't want to give up; that's what I know. 


Sorry for this late update. There'll be quick updates from now on. Vote and comment if you like it. Tell me if there's any mistake or if there's any change needed. Love Xx. :)))" 

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