Dragon Kirishima: Pendent

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This is an example of what I will do. It's an idea I've had for a while. Please, enjoy.

The sweet mountain air filled your lungs as you take in a deep breath, listening to the birds sing in the nearby trees as you walk to town. The valley you live in was peaceful and nestled in between two great mountains, surrounded by forest on every side. In a clearing of these woods was your small, home town, Larchindale. You lived in a house higher up the mountain, with your parents, and a small farm.

Currently, you were heading to town with a basket, the midday sun shinning above you, glinting on the pendent that you wore around your neck. It was made from pure silver with a sapphire in the center, small ruby's studding the outside of it and gold curling around the edges. It was given to you by your grandfather before he died, who made it himself just for you. Entering the town, you went straight to the market, on a mission to get food for your household. 

Heading to the market stalls, you fail to notice three sets of eyes that landed on your pendent. You went through the stalls, buying cheese, milk, meat and a few fruits that you couldn't grow on your farm. The final thing to grab was some bread, and, with luck, any extra money you can use on a sweet treat. You were unaware of the three shadow people that followed you through the market, their eyes never leaving your pendant.

"Hello (Y/n)." The baker smiled as you went up to his stall.

We smiled and nodded, your eyes focused on the baked goods, the sweet smells of cookies, fresh bread and pies mixing with the smell of herbs in the stall next to you. Getting the loaf of bread, you also grabbed yourself your favorite cookie, paying for the items before turning to head home. Entering the woods, you heard rustling, your head turning in time to see someone in a cloak with the hood up come running toward you, hand stretched out.

You easily dodged your attacker, who ran straight into a tree, groaning a little, more rustling making you sigh. You set your basket down with your half eaten cookie, turning toward the source of the sound to see two more cloaked figures. One was a little more buff than the other, the buff one just staring at you with crimson eyes that watched from the shadow of his hood, the other person charged at you.

Stretching in boredom, you easily grab his arm and make him stumble into a tree next to your first attacker. He groaned, his hood falling off as he sat up, revealing yellow hair with a black lightning bolt in it, gold scales on his cheeks, his golden eyes looking up at you, small, yellow horns showing slightly from his head. His eyes went down to your pendant and they slit like a cats, a growl coming from his throat as he stood back up and charged at you again. Shocked a little about his appearance, you dodge his attack, the strange boy falling onto the ground and groaned.

Your first attacker finally sat back up, their hood falling off to reveal a pink skinned girl, with pink, curly hair, yellow horns coming from her head, pink scales on her cheeks. Her eyes had golden irises in the middle of complete black, confusing you a little, her eyes going to your pendant and the golden iris became a thin, golden line in her eyes. She jumped up and went to grab your pendant, not fast enough as you dodge her and she ends up running into the yellow haired boy.

Watching them for a second as they both groaned in pain, you looked toward the last of your attackers, his crimson eyes staring at you. They were trained on your face, taking in your (h/c) hair and how it shone softly in the sun, and how your (e/c) eyes shinned with confidence and curiosity. Usually, people would scream and freeze or run because of their appearance, but you held your ground, not that fazed.

His crimson eyes became slits, his eyes never wandering to the pendant as he focused on you. He ran toward you, your head tilting in confusion when he didn't reach for the pendant, stepping out of his way. Somehow, he grabbed your arm, catching you off guard, stumbling into his chest to find that it was bare underneath his cloak. He held your waist in a firm grip, your heart pounding as you struggled against him, wanting to get away.

"Great job Kirishima." The pink girl smiled, jumping up from the ground, rubbing her thigh to ease the pain. "Now lets grab the pendant and go."

The person, Kirishima, growled slightly when Mina tried to approach, pulling you tightly  to his chest, winding you briefly.

"Mine." He growled in a low voice, the blonde now standing, rubbing his head.

"Yeah, yeah. The pendants yours, now lets go." The blonde sighed, seeming upset about not getting the pendant.

Kirishima growled when the blonde came closer, picking you up bridal style and hugged you closely to his bare chest. The other two exchanged glances as you struggled in the impossible grip of the male that held you. He was able to hold you in one arm somehow, ripping off his cloak and showed his red hair that was spiked up. Two long, spiraling, red horns came from his forehead, a small scar over his right eye, red scales on his cheeks flashing in the sun. His eyes were still slits as he went back to holding you with two arms.

"Kirishima?" The blonde tested, causing the male to look up at him. "Are you okay dude?"

"Yeah." He nodded, his eyes back to normal until he looked at you again, a wide smile showing all of his sharp teeth. "Just admiring my newest treasure."

You were confused, so was the two that had accompanied the redhead here. He finally put you down, allowing you to scramble away. He suddenly began to grow, making you freeze and watch in wonder. Red scales appeared over his body, his clothes sinking into his skin somehow, his horns growing with his size. Kirishima's mouth and nose melted into one and stretched out, his head squaring and body began to become a lot more like a giant lizard, a long tail now behind him.

He looked down at you, his crimson eyes snapping you out of the little daze you had, your heart racing as you stood and up and tried to run. A scaly, talon grabbed you before you could go anywhere, the dragon picking you up with a wide smile. Shouts could be heard from somewhere in the town, the others turning into dragons, neither as big as Kirishima had gotten. The red dragon set you on his neck and took off into the air as soon as you grabbed one of his spines.

Your pendant caught on his claw and the chain broke, the priceless pendant now laying alone on the forest floor with only a basket full of food and a half eaten cookie. Kirishima had a better treasure than a piece of jewelry.

Hope you liked this.

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