Halloween Special- Part 3

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If you want to read part 1 and 2, go check out Broken Wolf.

Requested by @Random_girl1802

It's been six months since you had been taken into Bakugou's den, and your stomach has started to get swollen. Morning sickness, cravings, everything lead to you being pregnant, and Bakugou couldn't be happier. He stayed by your side the entire time, having the other wolves in the pack go out for food, especially what you were craving. With your legs no longer able to be used, you had to sit and endure his pampering, which wasn't that bad, except he tried to hide it as much as he could.

He was currently pressing his ear against your stomach, trying to guess how many there were by just the sound. His hand rubbed your stomach, and you were too tired to care about it, the hand rubbing in circles until he stopped and sat up when hearing you groan.

"It's going to be over soon." He promised, trying to keep his face expressionless, but the pride in his eyes and his tail thumping on the ground behind him betrayed him. "We're going to have our pups soon. Just relax."

He's gotten more gentle with you at least. Rolling onto your side, you watched the entrance to the cave from your little, soft bed that Bakugou made using everything soft in your house. Sighing, you knew all hope was lost and shut your eyes, going to sleep while the blonde werewolf curled around you protectively.

It's now been ten months, and you were now holding three babies in your arms, the birth painful without anything to help. Bakugou had licked each child clean before handing them to you, your heavy eyes seeing the three of them, cradled in your arms and wrapped in some of the smaller blankets to keep them warm. All three had wolf ears and a tail, one girl and two boys, one of the two boys was all blonde like Bakugou. The other boy was a bit smaller than the blonde one, having (h/c) hair just like yours. The little girl was a mix of both you and Bakugou, giving her a more patched looking fur on her ears and tail.

They were so beautiful, that you forgotten all of your resentment toward Bakugou. He leaned on you and watched them as well, a smile unable to be hidden from his face, his tail wagging behind him. One by one, they opened their eyes, both the boys having the same colored eyes as Bakugou, while the girl had your eyes. You felt Bakugou shift and nuzzle into you further, watching your children while they stared up at the both of you with wide, innocent eyes.

"What are we going to name them?" You ask, looking over at Bakugou, who gazed up at you, before shifting back.

"How about...." He paused to think, his mind churned before he came up with an idea. "He will be King."

He pointed at the little blonde baby, who just stared at him, not understanding what he was born into. Bakugou moved his hand to point at the other little boy, who was already clawing to get food, the sudden burst of energy making the large werewolf smirk.

"He's Explosion." And then attention went to the little girl, who had started to gnaw on her brothers arm with her gums, seeming to be growling. "And this sweetheart will be named Murder."

You groan at the names he gave them, making him smirk wider as he looked at you.

"Is there anyway that I can make you change your mind?" You ask, Bakugou chuckling while he ran his hand through your hair.

"Not this time." He grinned, watching as all three of them were now still and silent, Murder and Explosion eating while King just took in everything. "I'll let you name the next litter."

You groan again, and hit your head against the wall, having hoped he would be happy with three pups, but he clearly wanted more. Sighing you unhooked Murder and Explosion from your chest before bringing King up to eat, who calmly began to suck, while Murder and Explosion curled against your chest to nap.

True to his word, you were pregnant again, the three pups now two years old and you were ten months in to pregnancy. Bakugou was trying to teach them how to shift, going from werewolf to wolf, all three confused, and the only one to succeed was King. This got Explosion and Murder jealous as he was praised, and they tried harder to shift while King ran up to you.

"Mama! Mama!" He yelled excitingly, jumping up in down next to you. "Daddy shif! I shif!"

You smile at him as he shifted into a blonde wolf like Bakugou, the only difference was a small diamond of (h/c) on his forehead. The puppy now barked and ran around, making you chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Good job King." You praised, before your two other pups ran up in excitement as well.

"Mommy!" Murder said excitedly, Explosion bouncing next to her. "We shit too."

You choked with her mispronunciation, both of them shifting into wolves, Explosion a pure (h/c) wolf, with a star of blonde on his chest, and Murder was a fully patched wolf pup of both you and Bakugou's hair color. They ran around and chased each other, Bakugou coming up with a look of pride in his eyes as he laid down next to you.

"I think we need to focus on talking." You mumbled, chuckling when he kissed your cheek. "If they go around saying stuff like that, then it might give me a heart attack."

"But shifting is the first thing they should learn." He informed in your ear, before resting his head on your neck watching the three puppies run around in their wolf form, playing around.

"They need to learn how to say it first." You retorted, glaring down at the blonde dangerously. "Or do you want them to say that they keep shitting."

Bakugou's ears flattened and tailed tucked while his body tensed behind you, making you chuckle. Life like this isn't so bad after all. The only thing missing is the use of your legs.

Sorry it took so long. And I hope that this is what you wanted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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