
391 16 3

Requested by @AlexHynes3

Gold. Treasure, jewels, silks and coins.

Your instincts screamed at you to take it all, to ignore the warnings all around you and just take the treasures. Shaking your head, you focused on following the scent of the werewolf. Kill first, then pillage. The deeper in you got, the harder it was to shake off your instincts, your claws digging into your hands and your (f/c) tail wrapped tightly around your waist. The treasures got shinier and made you almost go mad, but you tried to focus.

The strange werewolf had sneaked into your cave and had ripped off several of your scales, which enraged you. All you were doing was sleeping soundly on your horde, curled up in your dragon form, when you felt something sharp get under your scales. Now you were trudging in a cave in your half human form, growling under your breath, fighting with yourself for control. Finally, you found him.

His half red, half white hair moved like it was in the wind, even though there wasn't a breeze from anywhere. His ear twitched, glancing over his shoulder to show a massive, red scar over his left eye. Turning around, he held a calm, almost bored look on his face, his right eye a dark grey and his left eye was blue. You were taken back by his appearance, but you still growled, lowering your body a little when you spotted his slightly bloody finger tips.

Your scales were on the ground, with a vile full of some dark liquid and flowers, all sitting in the middle of a weird looking star. There was a huge statue behind the werewolf, a man with spiky hair in an enteral yell, wide wings stretching out. His hand was raised like it was going to attack, his eyes hard, the carving looking like it was in the middle of a battle. His bare chest was perfectly carved, the statue only having stone pants to cover itself. Ignoring all of the signs, you race toward the werewolf, promising yourself that you would just kill him before he gets the idea he can just rip out your scales. The werewolf started mumbling something under his breath as you start to close in, his hair dancing as he watches you.

You didn't realize that you had stepped into a circle until bright, red light erupted from the ground, making you pause. Watching the lights, you saw that they all went to the center of the star, the items glowing before turning to dust. The light now circled the statue, illuminating the man with an almost blood red light, the dust of the items circling the statue before it all went into his mouth. The glowing stopped and everything went silent, your attention now back on the werewolf, who looked disappointed. Getting closer, you snarled, getting his attention back on you, starting to build up fire in your mouth when a crack echoed through the room.

The werewolf had a small, heart melting smile on his face as he turned around to watch the statue, that had a huge crack in its chest. It began to spread, pieces falling onto the floor as it began to chip away, revealing skin underneath it. A piece around the eye fell and your heart nearly stopped when you saw the blood red, shinning eye, that held anger and pure chaos. It looked around, softening a little when it landed on the werewolf, only to harden when it noticed you. The wings moved and the stone was shook off, revealing black, torn, powerful wings that stretched out.

The demon moved his entire body, the rest of the stones falling apart or cracking, quite a bit sticking to his skin. His yell turned into a scowl, his feet ripping from the ground, focusing on getting the stone off of his body. You were starting to panic, knowing full well that a demon wasn't a good thing to be stuck in a cave with. Taking the advantage of his distraction, you blew out a stream of flame, that went straight toward the demon. The werewolf made no move, only seemed to smile a little more, watching as the flames danced around the demon he had freed.

When you stopped to take a breath, your heart stopped, the demon now fully freed from the stone and had a sadistic smile on his face. His spiky hair was a light blonde, his skin tanned and his eyes holding almost insanity as he stretched his wings again, black horns now noticeable in his blond hair.

"You dumb ass." He smirked, taking a casual step toward you, making you take a step back. "You should have known that fire wouldn't harm a demon."

He stopped when he was next to the werewolf, looking at him for a brief second, seeming to have a silent conversation without saying a word. The demon huffed in annoyance, before looking at you again, looking you up and down, before smirking again. Lifting his hand, an explosion went off, making you tense a little, watching him when he turned toward you.

"You really think you can take me on, shitty lizard?" He yelled, charging toward you with a wild grin. "How about you show me what you got?"

Quickly, you shifted into your dragon form, having to bend down to keep from hitting your head, your (f/c) scales glistening in light cast by torches on the walls. The demon didn't falter, only prepared an explosion in his hand, his wings stretching out and shot him into the air so he was closer to your face. Trying to swat him away with you talon, you snarled loudly, the demon getting out of the way and sent a giant explosion in your face. It was so powerful that it snapped your head back, raising your tail quickly and slammed it in his chest, sending him flying until he was able to regain himself.

Your ears were ringing as you watched him, the demon coming at you again, so fast that you were barely able to dodge his attack, snapping at him with your teeth and ended up leaving a long scratch on his bare chest. It healed almost instantly, your heart beating faster, trying to tear the demon apart before he killed you. Another explosion to the head made your vision blurry, before it was followed by a much more powerful one, that made your body scream in pain despite your protective scales.

Everything went black, your ears ringing as you fell to the ground, the cave shaking when you had fallen. Three explosions from him made you feel like you were in a battle with a powerful, dragon for days without rest. Struggling to get back up and open your eyes, you felt pressure on your neck, a cool, soft hand patting your snout while a rough, warm one held onto your horn. Your eye opened a little, finding the werewolf was softly rubbing your muzzle, kneeling in front of you, the demon sitting on your neck and held on tightly to your horn.

Trying to lift your head, you felt another, smaller explosion on the back of your neck, your eyes closing completely and you fell into a deep sleep.

When you woke up, you found that you were back in your human form, your heart pausing when you saw that the werewolf held you in his arms tightly. Before you could even think about struggling, a rough hand covered your mouth and wrapped around your waist.

"You wake him, then I blow you to hell." The demon growled lowly in your ear, making you tense. "I promised him I wouldn't kill you and claim your soul, but I will beat your ass if you dare to disturb Shoto."

The werewolf's ear twitched at his name, but he continued to sleep, his arms tightening around you, his face peaceful. You tried to blow fire to get the demon to pull his hand away, only to find that your flame was gone, hearing him chuckle lightly behind you before nuzzling into your neck.

"I'll give it back when you need it." He smirked, his tail wrapping around your own tail that felt limp. "Now go back to sleep scaly."

Your eyes felt heavy after hearing that command, unable to fight the sleep that instantly weighed you down.

I'm sorry if this wasn't what you wanted, but it was the only thing I could think of.

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