Chapter 3

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Tumhare liye tumse hi lad rahe hai na jane kaunsi muhabbat kar rahe hai                                - Gulzar

Fragrance of Suji halwa (sweet dish) is in the air and Aaditva easily guessed the arrival of her. His lips twitched upwards and steps hastens. There is no bounds of his happiness. He arrived in drawing room of the house. His father is sitting on sofa quietly while mother placed sweet dish on the table.

"Ma, Baba (mother, father) why don't you informed me of your arrival?"Aaditva said as usual.

" Have you informed us? " Anjana's outburst came out. " You have married Aadi without informing us. Doesn't we deserve to know about this. This is major event of your life and you left us unattended. "anger and disappointment is present in Anjana's voice. She wanted to lashes on her son but stopped in midway.

" I know you are angry with me but everything happened suddenly and...

"and what Aadi?" Why don't you say the truth that you are ashamed of your poor parents. "her anger turned into rage.

" This is not true. I am proud of my upbringing and my background. There is nothing to be ashamed. "

"Then why you did that Aadi?" she asked again and his didn't replied anything.

"Aadi, I am asking you something." his mother jerked him. She holds his arm firmly "Why you married her in such fashion? One fine day you woke up and married a girl whom no one knows." she interrogate him but there is no clear response from his side.

"Is she pregnant?" she asked at last.

"No Ma, she is not expecting. Where you brought such things?" You want to know why I married that girl. I married her because I am in love with her.  I gave you reason now leave me alone . "frustrated Aaditva replied.

"No, I'll not leave you just like that Aadi. You never talk about her before. You were not ready to marry to anyone just two months ago. What happened all of sudden? " the atmosphere heated with argument of mother and son.

"I met the woman of my dreams and I get married to her. Is it that difficult to understand?"

"You can lie today Aadi but one day I'll figure out everything." she warned him and he moved without giving a damn to his mother's threat. There is nothing to hide from his side. He is in love with Meena. Their story has unexpected beginning but its happened for real. He moved towards stairs and with that trail of past also start moving in his brain

It was last week of June and time of his departure to Delhi. His bag is packed. He took a quick galnce of his home. A ceiling fan, bycycle and bed is only luxury they have in home. His father is daily labourer and mother is working as maid. Sometimes its hard to manage day to day financial activity but that doesn't stop him from dreaming big. He decided to go Delhi for preparing for the job of homeguard and police constable. The plan is to grab a secure job to end the cycle of poverty. Last one year he is doing part time job to arrange finance for the studies and at the end of the year it turns fruitful. His desired sum collected in ten month. He continued the job to buy railway tickets of first class coach.

"My loving son, you are the first one in our family who is travelling in first class." his mother felt proud of him.

"This is just starting, our son will make his mark in the world. He will give you chance to feel proud of his achievements." his father said with hope.

"Papa, I promise, I'll work hard to change our life." Aaditva placed his hand on his father's hand.

At that time he hadn't knew that journey to Delhi change his life forever. His seat number was A 22 and moved pass births to reach his seat. He comfortably seated on his seat, closed his eyes to enjoy the comfort of first class. Inner compartment is cooler in compare to scorching heat outside. A sweet aroma hit his nostrils and he opened his eyes to find out his  travel  companion. The sight in front of him is very pleasing to eyes. A petite girl is  adjusting her luggage. She turned towards him and sat on her seat. She has shoulder length long hairs which were braided at side. Her doe like  brown eyes are enough to steal heart. She has dimple cheeks and her nose is pointed. Just like him she is also looking everything around curiously.

"First time traveller?" he asked

"Yeah"she replied with a smile. Her  voice is very low pitch and he can sense her hesitation.

" Aaditva "he raised his hand forward. She glanced his hand than his face. It seems she is debating whether to move ahead or not." Don't worry I am not a scammer or conman. I am also travelling for the first time in this train and I am a student too. "he said to eased the tension.

" Meena "she took his offer.

He collided with someone and his memory trail broke down. Meena is standing with a bowl of popcorn in hand. It seems she is enjoying their family tension.

" Easy, angry young man. "she mocked him to infuriating his anger.

" Don't put fuel in fire. "he warned her.

" Your family drama is more entertaining than most of the movies these days. I enjoyed it alot. Please inform me beforehand next time. "she replied with a smile and start moving towards kitchen. He holds her wrist tightly and she struggled to freed herself.

" Don't pretend like we are strangers. We have a history together Meena. I haven't forget our time in Delhi and I'll make sure you will relived everything once again. I'll reminds you everything and make sure to evoke same feelings once again." he disclosed his intentions and tears start flowing from her eyes. She push him hard and ran towards her room.

" I'll neither forgive you nor forget what have you done with me. "she mumbled to herself.

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