chapter 4

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There is knock on the door which broke sleep of Meena. Place besides her is empty it, means he went for jogging .She checked the time ,it's  7 in the morning. She adjusted her appearance and opened the door.

"You?" Meena was shocked to see her mother in law standing there.

"I can't be here?"  Lines appeared on Anjana's forehead.

"No,No,I don't mean that.I was just... please come in." Meena invite her inside to ease tense situation.

Meena and Anjana sat on the chairs ,placed near balcony. Servant brought two cup of tea and placed on the table. Anjana inspect whole room. Walls are painted in light cram colour and doors are warnished to preserve its natural woody essence.There are plain curtains on the window. There is a desk near window which has some books and a laptop.  Everything is according to Aaditva's taste,neat ,clean and simple.  This girl's touch hasn't affected this room till now otherwise it would be stocked with luxurious items. A suitcase at other corner ,gave her so much happiness. She is right , something is wrong in this marriage like she predicted.

Meena followed the gaze of her mother in law. She didn't liked this scrutiny on her private place although it's not her place but ...Its her room till she didn't separated from that moron. His mention,even in thought is sufficient to spoil her mood. She saw her mother in law is staring at her suitcase.

"Your son doesn't have enough space for me." Meena clarify.

"Good for him."

They finished the tea in next few minutes and there is pin drop silence after that.

" You have married my son without my permission."Anjana paused

Meena wanted to snap the woman .she is gritting her teeth in anger but she wait for this woman to complete.

"Bygone is bygone. I want you to freshen n up and come downstairs. We need to complete some rituals."She said before leaving.

Meena wore a pestle green coloured Sari ,comb her hairs and make  a french braid. She came downstairs and again that disapproving look.

"Na Sindoor na mangalsutra ,kaisi Dulhan ho tum (You haven't applied vermilion not wore wedding necklace,what kind of bride you are?)"

"Your son haven't gave me anything."Meena gulped the lump in her throat. She has thousands of dreams for her wedding.Her son snatched everything and she is questing her. Is it right?why a woman is always questioned? A woman's appearance should be according to everyone's whimp whether it is society, family or husband except her.A married woman should be dressed up like that ,a girl should wear that kind of clothes.Nothing  changed for a man whether he is married or single. Meena doesn't know why she is complaining and where her thoughts is heading.

"Stop accusing my son for everything. Why don't you declares that you still want attention of single guy's."Anjana can't listen a word against her son.

"I'll get male attention whether I dressed up as a married woman or not .Your son married me in Buddhist way that's why there is no Sindoor and mangalsutra"Meena dropped the bomb when Aaditva is entering the house. Her mother in law followed her gaze which is fixated on Aaditva.

"Aadi,what this girl is saying?"Anjana hold Aadi's  arm to question him. Meena doesn't wait to listen his explanation.She immediately climbed the stairs and went in her room. Meena a girl raised like princess , bearing taunts and insults since first day of wedding. She jumped on the bed and hide her face in pillow.Tears falls from her eyes and she cried till her heartache isn't lessen.

After half and hour explanation to his mother,Aaditva return to his room to console his wife. He opened the door and she is sitting on the bed like nothing happened. She is painting her nails in red colour.There eyes met and she waivers immediately.

"Mee..."he said but his phone start ringing. Its from office of chief minister which he can't refuse.He went in shower immediately after talking to the said person. Meena took a sigh of relief when he went inside. Door of washroom clicked and she turns in opposite directions to avoid any indecent encounter. She listened opening of cupboard.

"Ma Da ladla bigad Gaya ,Sahar paun Da ,shagan paun Da khawab ye ma Da ujad Gaya. (Mumma's boy is a bad boy now.Mothers dream of performing his wedding rituals gone in the drain now) Meena hummed softly and he stand infront of her within seconds.

His presence is overpowering her as she is sitting on the bed while he is standing few inches away on her. His lower half is covered with towel but upper half is completely bare. His hairs still have moisture. His eyes is focused on her and hands are folded near his chest. He is standing in his  glory and Meena flashed a fake smile. She downcast her gaze from him. Her eyes fixed on his feet which is not a good idea altogether.

He moved a step ahead and she clutched side of her sari in nervousness. Another step and she bend backward . He leaned towards her and she bend backward. His breath is felt on her face which makes Meena extremely nervous.

"I am a bad boy, you can be my bad girl."he sing and Meena falls on the bed. He leaned on her and his hand on the sides of her, securing her within his arms. Meena's heart beating loudly like it can be come out from rib cage at any moment. She doesn't want to be intimate with this man. That thought is terrifying than anything else in the world. She can feel his cheeks on her cheeks.

"Don't play with fire Meena.Its not easy to resist beautiful woman like you . Don't provoke something,you will regret later."he whispered in her ears.

Meena relaxed when weight on her is lifted. He stand up from bed.

"that's close"Meena murmured  to herself. She drink whole glass of water in one go. She is sweating in cold weather. She looked at the other side of room. He is dressed in his formal attire as usual except that smirk. She hate that look which he is giving to her. "Creep "she muttered
All of sudden he start moving towards her.

"What you want now,go away,go away," Meena's inner voice shouted.

"Have a nice day,wife."he said and kissed her left cheek. Meena is shocked by the event happening with her today. She can't believe what's going on. This man can't be good atleast to her so she pushed him away.

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