Through the rain...

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This is my first fanfiction ever...
Anyways this is from a short story I made for an English assignment at school (I'll obviously include more details I haven't written ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hence I thought of sharing it... I Doubt it if anyone would read this. (^_^;)

And yes, I'm very late to this fandom... It has been a month since I watched the anime and joined the fandom. \(;'□`)/

(I'm absolutely open to constructive criticism ~(^◇^)/ so leave all the mistakes or advice you find in the comments below.)

(Y/N)- Your first name
(L/N)- Your last name
'Italics'- Thoughts of the person


3rd POV:

Karamatsu ran. Ran and ran through the heavy downpour while his ocean eyes flooded with tears, brimming to the top and pouring out like waterfalls. He wanted to escape that dreadful place he calls 'home'. The sky was grey, cramped with clouds while the afternoon streets of the town were isolated with not a single person in sight.

He stopped to catch his breath but a petite enchanting café in the corner of the street caught his eye. It looked like a mystical garden ornamented with innocent flowers.

"La Belle Vie" was presented on a large white signboard in the front. Hesitantly, he strolled into the café with his blue hoodie soaked wet; hair drooping with the weight of the water soaked in and a melancholic expression on his face.

When he entered through the door, the bell above him rang and (Y/N), the waiter, welcomed him. But she was taken aghast to see this customer's state of condition.

Just awful.

Karamatsu just moped to the corner couch and slumped into his seat; laying his hands on his face and sobbing his eyeballs out.

(Y/N) POV:

Today was relatively a boring day. It was raining cats and dogs and I was the only staff member working a shift today... Luckily there were no customers who would visit a café in this 'wonderful' weather...

'Yay! More relaxation time for me.'

As I scrolled through my social media page with my head rested on my hands while leaning on the counter, the customer bell rang. I immediately stood up straight (Almost slamming my phone to the ground due to the sudden surprise) to welcome the dark brown bowl-cut haired customer... But he seemed strange and... sad?


He has been crying in that corner seat for almost ten minutes straight. Feeling sorry for him, I brewed up a latte and served it on the table infront of him. "It's on the house..." I uttered.

He lifted his head from the table and stared at me with red puffy eyes and a snotty nose. Realising the situation, he reddend a bit and politely accepted the drink.

 Realising the situation, he reddend a bit and politely accepted the drink

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(Yes, I drew this... Just a rough sketch)

'How cute~'

I sat across him, watching him sip the latte I had made for him.
He had a soft smile upon his face as he stared into the cup.

After a while, there was an awkward silence between us. I wanted someone to break this silence... But finally he began, still looking down at his now empty cup.

"Yo-you're not going to ask me anything?" he asked me feeling embarrassed as I had witnessed him crying.

"Not really...", I answered nonchalantly, "But if you want someone to lend you an ear, I'm here", I said with a grin on my face.

He chuckled lightly and began to pour out all his feelings and worries.

"-they broke my beautiful, precious guitar since, apparently, I was too 'painful' and annoying..." He sniffled, "It's as if my burazzas don't care for me anymore! They ignore me all the time and treat me practically like a stone wall!" he cried. He continued ranting for quite a while about this touchy subject.

Hearing those words broke my heart... It reminded me of a 'close family member', who was very dear to me.

Feeling teary, I took his hands into mine squeezing them "That's not true!" I shouted. He suddenly looked up at me reddening and being surprised by my sudden physical contact and outburst. "They all must really care for you!" -I continued- "That is just how siblings usually are... We argue, fight, make up and love each other again. They are just trying to tell you your faults so that you wouldn't suffer in the future. Of course, they will tease you for certain things but you gotta fight back and attack them with a better comeback... It's just all part of the fun! You will regret it in the future if you don't take actions now to overcome your feelings."

I felt hot headed...

3rd POV:

Karamatsu gawked at (Y/N), eyes glistening with his mouth wide opened. No one had ever paid him that much attention before such as this girl he had only just met. He carefully pondered over the words she had spoken.

"You better go now!" She continued, urging him " They must be worried sick and searching for you!".

Karamatsu nodded and stood up, still holding (Y/N) hands. Blushing, he scratched his cheek with his other hand and remarked " Um- You're still holding my hand..."

(Y/N) immediately noticed that and gasped, releasing her hand and burning up.

It was not as if he didn't like that warm touch~

(Y/N) POV:

"Thank you so much!" He conveyed bashfully while giving me a sweet smile and dashing out of the café.

"What's your name by the way dear?" He asked near the entrance through the pattering of the rain.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) (L/N)!" You shouted loud enough for him to hear.

"(Y/N)... What a magnificent name! Destiny shall intertwine our paths and we shall meet again! Until then, don't try to miss me too much, my Karamatsu Girl!" And he darted away into the rainy haze just like that.

'Karamatsu girl? That must be his name... Karamatsu...'

And his character had completely changed with a few words of my apparent 'wisdom'! From a crybaby to a complete dork!

'I think I understand now why his brothers called him painful!'
I giggled lightly~

I just stood there recalling what had just happened. And then I recollected... I touched his hands unknowingly...!

Embarrassed, I slapped my hands on my cheeks while screaming internally.

'What have I done?!
But for some reason, I would like to meet him again! He seems quite interesting...'


Hopefully I will be making more parts to this story.

I apologize beforehand if this story isn't romantic enough since I had never written a story quite like this before (⌒_⌒;)

Hopefully I'll improve and do better ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Also, the updating schedule will be very random due to school, homeworks and exams. (个_个)


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