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Dinner went well only issue that seemed be was Brandon he was having a hard time sitting down I don't know if it was because of the Punishment he got or what but no one seemed to mind or even say anything
But it bothered me he seemed to be fighting with himself even though he talked and laughed with all of us You could tell that something was bothering him
As we were leaving the restaurant I went to Brandon and took his hand giving it a gently squeeze he looked down at me
" Bambino"
" I know this may be one of those moments where I over step my bounds but Is there something wrong beside your backside being I think tender " I asked

He let out a small chuckle and then pulled me into his arms burying his head and nose into my neck
The warmth of his breath floated across my skin
" No need to worry My Bambino I'm fine " He says

I pulled back and looked at him

" To be Honest I think your not and your shutting me out but that's okay I will give you your peace for Now Brandon Henshaw but You will tell me or I will find out either way you have two days to figure it or I will resort to finding out "I tell him

He lets go of me his face his now hard

"Alexis did you just give me an ultimatum " He asked

" Yes I did and let this be a warning or lesson to all of you I don't tolerate secrets being kept from me " I tell them all
Everyone had gathered around us and was watching us

Brandon clenches his jaw I can tell he's not happy with what I said

" Brandon " Corey says as he walks over to Brandon

Seeing them both standing beside each other you see how much they are alike and different

" Peanut "
" Yes Nathan " I answered him
" Do you think it's wise to give your Dom an Ultimatum "
" Yes when he is withholding something that's bothering him I do can't you see it , it's all over his face and body language " I say

" You don't know anything " Brandon growls out

" Go ahead lash out I'm a big girl I can handle it but what you dish out you Damn well better be able to handle back " I say as I walk away from them before I say something I might regret

Getting to the door of the restaurant I hear feet running to me

"Cupcake come on I'll walk with you to the car " Luke said
He didn't wait for answer he hooks my arm and pulls me out the door

" What just Happen " Owen asked
" Nothing " Brandon responded
"Oh something happened now spill it " Owen says

" I think it has to do with The punishment Nathan gave Brandon " Boone offers that bit of information

" Alright Why did Nathan give Brandon a punishment"Axel asked

" It's no body's business but  Mine " Brandon growls

" Just tell them Brandon " Nathan said


" Brandon " Corey says

" Look You Gave me My Punishment Drop it " Brandon says

"He May have but I haven't Brandon now either tell us so we can deal with this as a family or I will give you another round of punishment for being a Brat" Owen said with a serious tone

Brandon looked around the room at his family his mind was going a mile a minute he wanted to tell them but then again why should he

" Bubba I know it's hard to let us in at times but you know all of us are here for you even when you are being a knuckle head " Corey says as he took Brandon's hand

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