chapter 5

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I woke up super early the next morning, cause I was going to surprise Warren with some Mahalos coffee, then I had to get back to the house to make breakfast so, I through on a hoodie and shorts and left. As I walked along the side walk with the warm L.A. morning sunshine beaming down on my face and the cool breeze flowing  through my hair, how perfectly pleasant this morning was. I finally got to Mahalos as I walked in and ordered, it was pretty packed out for this earlier in the morning. I went to go put sugar in my coffee cause I liked it super sweet, then I turned around to leave with two cups of coffee in my hands.

Then I saw him standing right there straring right at me with his coffee cup in his mouth, (see pictures at top for reference) it was Leo. I was  shocked and it kinda spooked me that I dropped one of my coffee's on the floor. "Crap!" I said quickly grabbed napkins. He ran over to help me, "You really need to be more careful." He said laughing while looking me right in the eyes. I paused as he grabbed the napkins that I put on the floor that still had my hand on it. My heartfelt like it skipped a beat, and a rush of blood went to my face, causing me to blush. I took my hand away slowly, as I got up to grab more napkins.

Finally we had it cleaned up as he put his hand down to help me get up off the floor, I slipped a little from it still being kinda wet and falling right into his arms. He paused he smiled down at me, as he started to laugh "Now, your falling on me now, you really need to work on this." He said while tossing his head to move his blond hair out of his eyes. I giggled  "Sorry I'm normally, not clumsy like this." I said as I backed out of his strong arms his blue eyes still gazing at me. He came out of his zoned out state "Would you like to have breakfast with me?" He asked "I don't want to impose, on you." I said looking around the cafe "Let's just say it's your way of thanking me for helping clean up your messes." He smirked as he made a face that made me want to laugh "I guess I have no other choice l then." I said looking at him brushing my beached waved hair behind my ear. We sat down and ordered our food.

After we were done, we chatted for awhile "I'll be right back I have to use the little girls room." I said. As I came back Leo's phone started  buzzing, "Hold on just a minute I got to take this." He said as he held his pointer finger up. He walked outside to the porch, as I watched him put his hands on his hips. "Hey I gotta go to set, before the producers get mad at me." He said "Hey sorry, I'm having to leave so fast, but we'll have to catch up some other time." As he winked at me "Your completely fine, I better get going as well." I said

I stood up he came in for a hug, as we walked out of Mahalos together he got in a car and left leaving me standing there, as I walked back, to the house, I felt my phone buzz it was Warren.


Where are you at?
Answer me
Are you died?    
                                              I'm fine, I got
                                              caught up at
                                              Mahalos. I'm

I felt something in my pocket it was a napkins that read

"Hey Em loved hanging out with you this morning, we should meet up again here's my number (323)-441-7890 -Leo 😉."

Oh my goodness, he must have out that in my hoodie pocket when he hugged me.  I stopped right on the side walk. Did he really just give me his number, thee Leo DiCaprio the guy I had a crush on since I was a teenager.

I ran back to the beach house where I was greeted by Warren sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal "Where in the world have you been, I thought you were making me breakfast." Warren said with a mouthfull of Cocoa Puffs "Well, I went to go get coffee for us at Mahalos, and I may have ran into Leo again." I said making an unsure face at what Warren's reaction would be, she  paused looking at me, her mouth dropped wide open. "No, freaken way!" She yelled "Yeah he asked me to eat breakfast with me after I spilled your coffeed on the floor, and he may or may not have givem me his number too." Pulling the napkin out of my hoodie pocket and showing it to her. "Girl, he likes you, I'm sure no celebrate would just give anyone there number unless they had a good reason too." Warren said almost screaming. "This is big, Like I don't think you understand Em!" She said patting the couch gesturing for me to sit. "Tell me everything." She asked sitting up as I jumped on to the couch next to her, with a big smile on my face. "Well..." as I  told her all the stuff that happened at Mahalos.

Warren spoke up, after I told her the whole story "Are you going to text him?" She asked "Well I don't know, maybe." I said an a unsure voice.

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