chapter 7

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After enjoying our lovely morning outside by the Beach me and Warren chatted for a bit then, I stood up and said "I better start getting ready."
"His not supposed to be picking you up until 2, right?" Warren questioned looking kinda confused at me "He is, I just want to make sure I am completely ready before he gets here." I said with a giggle walking into the house to go take a shower I heard Warren yelling at me "Em your crazy, it's only 10am."

I was sitting on the floor in front of the full length mirror it had the best natural lighting to do my hair and makeup, but it just became my favorite place to get ready. Warren walked over to me because she was going to curl my hair and got down on her knees as she started curling my hair we sat in slice as I just sat there straring at my friend in the mirror I started to laugh. "If someone told me two weeks ago that I'd be going out with my celebrity crush I would have laughed right in there face." I said laughing trying not to move so I wouldn't get burnt. "Oh! I know right, I can barely believe it myself." Warren said as she chuckled, then she bent down and hugged me as we both laughed. Warren spoke up still hugging me from behinded "I have such a pretty friend, and she's so beyond lucky." She said smiling at me through the mirror. I gave her a cheesy smile "Thanks, but I have a pretty, and cool best friend." I said as Warren continue to curl the last peaces of my hair. "There all done." Warren said as she checked her phone. "It's 1:30 he should be here in about 20 minutes." I got up and ran to the bathroom to put on my dress, as I walked out of the bathroom, Warren was laying down on the bed just checking her phone, as she sat up "Bang girl! You look so pretty." She said as I did a little twirl while I giggled. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that's all work of my personal stylist." I said as a joke while looking in the mirror about to put on my lip gloss, when we heard the doorbell ring "I bet it's him." I said as I jumped "Can you please go answer it?" As I said as I turned around to face Warren and mouth the word Please
"Ooo I get to be like the mom." Warren said in an exciting mainer, has she jumped off the bed and ran out of the room to open the front doors. I heard Warren say "Hello good sir, come in, she'll be out here in a minute she was just finishing up." As a mom would probably say, I thought to myself giggling.

As I stood in front of the mirror facing myself, I could almost feel my emotions about to burst out of me. I normal had some anxiety when I got really excited so this wasn't something new, but this time it seemed 10 times worse. As I calmed my neavours I walked out, to see the most handsome young man I had ever seen, there he was standing right there in the kitchen with his arms crossed his chest. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white and blue checkered button down shirt, with his dirty blond hair swipe over to the side. He looked kinda zoned out, probably because Warren was ranting about something which she frequently did, he snapped out of his state and his eyes flashed when he noticed that I was there. "Wow, you look great." He said stuttering. "You put me to shame." Leo said as a smile grew across his face, continuing to  stare at me

I blushed causing me to look down at the floor trying to hide the fact that I was blushing "Thanks, you don't look that bad yourself." As I smiled looking up at him making eye contact with his gorgeous blue eyes. Leo was about to say something as Warren spoke up and said "Awe, I'm having a proud mom moment." She said as she took a picture of us smiling at each other, as I turned towards her and gave her a look that was like, really was that necessary. As I turned to face Leo again he said "Are you ready to go Em?" As he smiled, motioning his head toward the door, I nodded yes. I like how he called me Em it was my nickname and normally my friends or family called me that, but he didn't know that.

As we walked outside towards the driveway I noticed that he was driving a really nice blue Ferrari. "I guess that's what you can buy from being a famous celebrate." Warren said in my ear as she stood next to me as Leo ran to open the door for me, I gave Warren a hug and said bye. As we pulled out the driveway, and started driving down the road Leo and I just sat in silence, until I realized I didn't know where we were going. "Leo, where we going?" I questioned "I didn't think about that until now." I ask as I giggled, starting to feel a lot more comfortable. "You'll just have to see, now won't you." He said as he smirked at me while still trying to pay attention to where he was going.

We drove to downtown L.A. it was the first time I went to downtown L.A. and as much as I want to pay attention to Leo I couldn't help, but look up at the tall buildings. As we pulled up to the restaurant we were waiting to pull up to the valet so we could have them park Leo's car, as we sat in the car waiting I was looking at the sign of the restaurant it was French and I couldn't pronounce it so I leaned over to Leo and taped his shoulder "Leo whats the name of the restaurant I can't pronounce it, is it French?" I said as I kinda giggled because I felt kinda dumb asking that question, Leo looked at the sign and then looked back at me while smiling "Honestly, I don't myself." Leo said as he started to laugh, and I joined in as he laughed because he had one of those cute laughes that made me want to laugh too. As we pulled up and the valet opened Leo's door he ran as fast as he could over to my side of the car and opened the car door for me. As we walked up to the restaurant entrance I pulled Leo over to the side and pushed ageasted his chested for him to sit down. "What you doing?" Leo laughed as he looked smirking at me. "I want a picture of you there, now be still." I said while pulling out my phone to take acouple picture of him. He sat there having that crazy hot smile staring back at me.

"Thank you so much for dinner" I said while looking up at Leo as we walked beside each other in downtown L.A. "Its nothing, I just hope we can do it again." As he got closer to me as our hands bumping as we walked along beside each other and his hand slowly made his way over to mine as he clang onto it, his hand was soft but it had a firmness to it as he held it. My heart didn't know what to do, so I continue to talk to Leo like nothing happened, but I did look up at him and gave him a little smirk just to tell him that was quite alright. We stopped in the middle of this little park with a fountain in the middle we sat down on the side of the fountains edge, as we talked about how our life's are and what we like. The sun was still pretty bright, but you could tell it was about to start going down, "So how many siblings do you have?" I asked while putting my hand up to block the sun so I could see Leo better. "While I'm the only ch-..." He pause and leaned in closer to me and said in my ear "We need to go now!" As he stood up and let go of my hand, he quickly put on his sun glasses as people with cameras started coming towards us as we took of running they continue to chase us. It was so thrilling as I could feel the L.A. breeze on my face, as Leo looked back at me smiling and put out his hand for me to grab.

As we got back to where Leo had parked the car after the restaurant, as we got back into the car Leo gave out a big "Uhh." As he burst into laughter while brushing his dirty blond hair out of his face from where it got messed up from us running, this is what I have to deal with a lot looking at me with a big smile on his face. I giggled trying to catch my breath "That's something, I never had to deal with, it was kinda fun honestly." I said with my face all flushed. "So do you want to go back to my house maybe." Leo said as he started the car to back out. "Yeah that's fine." I said man I thought to myself I can't believe this is crazy I'm going to Leo's house, never in my life. "Look out over there." Leo said pointed out over to the cliff towards the sunsetting. It was absolutely perfect with the breeze flowing through my hair going every which way from where Leo let down the windows to his car. "This is absolutely amazing Leo." I said while sticking my hand out of the window to make it go up and down. "Yeah I know I love going up to my house at this time of day." There was a beach house out towards the cliff facing the ocean, as we pulled up to the house that had palm trees lining up to the front entrance it was all white with crystal clear window that you could see right through. Leo parked in the front of his house and ran over to open the door for me.  As we walked into his house he had a entryway that lead into a round living room with  windows all around over looking off the cliff, with a patio leading outside. "Wow this is a beautiful home " I said look all around in awe. Leo walked over to me from the kitchen he got up close to me and looked down at me while smiling "I think your more beautiful." Leo said in a tone of voice that made me shutter while he pushed my crazy wind-blown hair behind my ear, as he continue to stare at me with a sparkling looking in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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