- Luminary of the Stars - Chapter 1

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Urghh... My head hurts like a wooden bat had been repeatedly struck against my skull. I suddenly jump back onto Earth's reality. My head was buried in my arms and my arms were on a...desk? I lift my head to a familiar sight a classroom, but not a normal classroom just from looking up I could tell this wasn't a normal classroom. The windows were boarded up? And plants are growing inside, What's going on? I sit up and look beside me and see another person...

A girl, she looked the same age as me, her hair was a silvery blonde and she looked like a character from Downtown Abbey. She looked like a Victorian maid, not a modern-day sexy maid, hers was form-fitting and a fancy design I can't quite describe. I didn't want to wake her, she was very peaceful but I don't know where I am or how I ended up here. So I stand up and walk over to her and shake her shoulder. 

"Hnngh" She brought her gloved hands to her eyes. It was strange, I've never seen someone wake up so gracefully.

"Hello, are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down slightly, the girl lifted her head and looked at me.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Would you like something." She seemed fully awake, even though she woke up 30 seconds ago.

"Well, no. I was just wondering if you knew where we were?" When I said that the maid glanced around the classroom. A look of confusion painted across her face.

"Huh, No I'm not familiar with this place. I do apologise." She stood up to reveal her outfit. She was extremely beautiful, but I'm attracted to a lot of girls, unfortunately, none of them has been quite well...

"I just seemed to wake up here, but I don't have any memory of how I ended up here." She said that brushing herself down. Then suddenly she let out a miniature hop.

"Oh, I haven't yet introduced myself, I'm really sorry." She smiled sweetly and began her introduction. " I am Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid. Please let me know if you require my service." The Ultimate maid, So she's an ultimate.

"Your an ultimate, I am too," I said.

"Yes, I am. If you are too, may I suggest an introduction from yourself? That way we can be more familiar with one another." She seemed so formal for a teenager. 

"Well..." I prepared my self after all I wanted to make a good first impression on another Ultimate "I'm Kaito Momota, The Ultimate Astronaut!" Kirumi seemed impressed which was a good sign.

"I see so you specialize in outer space, I've always found space quite fascinating. It is quite exciting to meet an astronaut" I'm glad that she finds my talent interesting, well everyone does. I had another quick look around the room, its so strange that me and Kirumi just woke up here...

"We should look around, perhaps there are other Ultimates here, However, if you have any other request I will certainly effectuate to that." She depends on others opinions quite a lot but I expect that from the Ultimate Maid.

"No, your suggestion is great, I'm sure they'll be more than just us here." I scratched my goatee, Kirumi Tojo. 

"Well then after you." She was already holding the door open for me with a smile on her face. I walked through the door and of course, thanked Kirumi. The hallways weren't much to different to the classrooms; overgrown with greenery, and not far fetched from a normal high school.

"How peculiar, this school is so unkempt." It is kinda weird now that I think about it. No school is like this, right? Examining the school notice was a green-haired boy. Maybe he was an Ultimate too.

Me and Kirumi approached the boy and Kirumi did little talking.

"Excuse me, I am Kirumi Tojo the Ultimate Maid. May I ask who you are?" She summed that up perfectly. The avocado haired boy peered behind his shoulder and waved.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rantaro Amami. I can't quite remember my Ultimate Talent but  don't worry I'm a good guy." Rantaro Amami, he seemed like a cool guy.

"I'm Kaito Momota The Ultimate Astronaut!" I declared.

"Kaito, Ultimate Astronaut. Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Maid. Kay got it" he smiled at both of us.

"Pardon me, but you said you don't remember your talent. How are sure you have one?" Kirumi said, yeah she's right.

"Well, I've met a couple of other Ultimates. So I assume I just forgot mine." Ah! Other Ultimate's That means there's more than us three.

"That's Great, Thanks Rantaro." He waved again as in a way of saying 'no problem' 

"So what are you going to do now Kaito? I will fulfil any request you may have, but if you would like to be alone for a while I do not mind going on my own." Kirumi is a great company, however, I don't want to hold her back, after all, she said she doesn't mind being on her own. 

"If you don't mind, I'm going to try and find more students, but thanks for your help" 

"No need to thank me, my duty is to serve others." She smiled at me and walked down the hall. I continued down the opposite direction to Kirumi. I was determined to find other students, I wonder how many there are. Rantato mentioned a couple so maybe there are more? After quite a short walk I met a couple of people; Korekiyo Shinguji and a quite interesting Miu Iruma. I continued exploring this interesting but weird place and met three more people; Tsumugi Shirogane, an Unwelcoming Tenko Chabashira and Himiko Yuemno. Then I met; A very annoying rat Kokichi Ouma, Kiibo a real robot, My childhood idol Ryoma Hoshi, Gonta Gokuhara a sweet gentleman, Angie Younaga. I headed down to the basement it was quite dark but the last room I had to search was the library according to the map. I walked in and immediately gagged at the smell of old books only one person was in here. A small girl with bunches, she looked annoyed at something and then she noticed me. 

"Hi! I'm Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut. What about you'." She folded her arms and glared at me.

"Maki Haurkawa, Ultimate Child Caregiver... Leave me alone now." She wasn't a talkative one, completely different from me then. I did as I was told and waved which she returned with a death glare. I hadn't actually checked outside maybe that's what I'll do now...

~ Luminary Of The Stars ~ Danganronpa From Kaito's Eyes☆Where stories live. Discover now