The bedroom

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Authors note:

Hey everyone, Let me know what you guys think of the story so far. Comment some ideas for the continuation of the story. Do you like the SmExY part as long and detailed as they are? Let me know :)should I do the dialogue a different way?

John smashed his lips agains sherlocks. both men fought for dominance but John had won. John bite sherlocks lip before he pulled away from the kiss. John let go of Sherlock so he was standing but still pinned to the wall. "Is it true your a virgin?", John asked. "yes, so please go easy on me.", Sherlock responded. John let of sherlocks hands and slowly trailed his fingers down his arms till he reached sherlocks neck. And with one hand John grabbed sherlocks neck and deeply said, "you have no idea what I can do to you. I'm going to make you scream and moan in pleasure. I'm going to make you feel things you've never felt before. now go the middle fo the room." Sherlock did as he was told and John went to the front edge of the bed and sat. John just stared at Sherlock and admired him. "Strip", John said. Sherlock hesitantly slid of the black lace panties but kept his hands over his dick. "Hands up ", John demanded. "but I-"Sherlock tried to speak but John had interrupted. "I said hands up, Now!" John said. Sherlock slowly lifted his hand up of his crotch and put them in the air. John motioned with his fingers for Sherlock to come to him. Sherlock just stood infant of John waiting for hi to do or say something but John just his hands on sherlocks waist. All of a sudden John flipped Sherlock around so that his ass was facing John. "Bend over and spread you ass with your hands and stay there." John said. As he bent over Sherlock said, "please don't hurt me John." "i'm not going to hurt you...I promise." John responded. John rubbed his hands over sherlocks ass and giving it a hard spank gaining a gasp from Sherlock. John leaned down and kissed all around the other mans ass slowly getting closer to his hole. John started to eat out Sherlock. Sherlock was loosing his mind, it felt so good. Moan after moan John would keep going. John continued to do this for a while but then stoped making Sherlock whine. John stood and slipped away to get some toys. he returned but this time standing infant of Sherlock. Sherlock knew what he wanted to do. John put the blindfold and cock ring on then slowly pushed him onto the bed. Sherlocks legs were spread and a could feel a sudden rush of please on his dick.

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