Chapter 7: Vision of Heartbreak

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Heidi's POV

Ben has gathered all of us at the museum because it would seem that during the night we had a break in and some objects were stolen. I walk into the museum to see people and security everywhere but I right away spot Ben and Mal who are looking over a clip board full of papers. "Ben." I say walking up to him and Mal and I slightly bow to them, "Thanks for coming Heidi, we need all hand on deck for this." I give the two of them a confused look because I feel like I walked in on the middle of a conversation. "Can you fill me in here, all I know is that the museum was broken into and some items were taken." Ben sighs as Mal walks off to join the VK's. "One guard says that he doesn't remember anything because he fell asleep, and the other guard said that four kids attacked him and choked him out."

I can tell where Ben is headed with this and I won't let it happen, "I know you Ben, and I am telling you right now, Harry had nothing to do with this." Ben gives me an unsure look but I know in my heart that my Harry would never resort to this, and Harry has no need to steal from the museum since he has no desire to understand magic. "Did the second guard get a good look at the four?" I ask as Ben and I start walking around and I notice a bunch of students in each wing looking for any clue. "He gave his best description but the way it looks it was Mal and VK's just reversed in gender." 

This makes me stop dead in my tracks. "When we were trapped on the isle, Madame Leota told Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos that they had a sibling out there somewhere."Ben thinks about it for a moment and a sudden light bulb goes off in his head, "You think they are here in Auradon?" I shrug my shoulders, "It more than possible since the barrier is no longer on the Isle." Laurel and Cory walk up Ben and I with a look of relief on their faces. "The Sorcerer's Hat and The Magic Brooms are still here." Laurel says getting Ben to nod his head as I stand thinking of why four villain kids wouldn't take one of the most powerful objects in all of Auradon. "At least there is some good news."Ben says just as the group of Carly, Jane, Madeline Hatter, Rebekah, and Ani Radcliffe walk up to Ben,

"Everything but Pongo's collar is accounted for." Ani says which gets a confused look from not only me but everyone around, "Why steal a dog collar instead of Fairy Godmother's wand?" Ben asks out loud but no can give an answer, "Someone was definitely in the third wing, a piece of my mom's coffin has been stolen." Sebastian says as Artie and he walk up to us, "A dog collar and a piece of glass, those are very strange items to take." Cory remarks and things seem to be getting more and more stranger as more information comes to light. Travis and Ennis join the group informing us that both items in the fourth wing of the museum are still there.

Out of the blue I remember what Chris's 2nd prophecy of A group of unloved and out casted villain kids will ascend onto Auradon, and this makes me 100 percent positive that we are dealing with some kind of sibling rivalry. Mal,Evie, Jay, Celia, Hadie, Harry, Quaid, Mads, Shay, Yaxel, Faye, and Uma all walk over to us and I am assuming they were investigating the museum of villainy."Nothing from the museum of villainy has been taken." I look over at Harry who locks eyes with me as that feeling of longing and love comes over me making me want to go over and forgive him, but right as I take a step towards him Aubrey walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist. Seeing this makes my heart drop to the floor and shatter on impact and my mind races with the thoughts that maybe I am too late, maybe this is the end of Harry and Heidi.

"So far the only things have been taken are a collar and shard of glass." Uma eyes go wide and from the look on her face tells me that she knows something, "What is it Uma?" I ask as she pushes her hair out of her face, "Those items just made me think of a rumor I heard on the isle a few months back." This get the attention of everyone who turns their eyes on Uma, "I heard a rumor that some kids were looking for a spell that could let the caster travel back in time." I have never heard of a spell like that, but if there was that type of spell I would have stolen Fairy Godmother's wand. 

Christly,Jordan, Cara, Parker, Quincey, Penelope, and Anxelin all join us, "My father's lamp is gone." Jordan says and I can see how emotional she seems, "Why steal it when it has no magic anymore, none of these items have magical properties since magic is mainly dormant in Auradon and on the isle." Jordan asks as Cara gives her a hug, we all feel for Jordan but some of us are still racking our brain to figure out why steal random items, but then again it makes me think that these items might be so random after all. "Someone stole my dad's shield." Aaron growls as he along with Lonnie, Herkie, Aaron, Ella, Malia, and Reed regroup with us.

"Four items, this wasn't no a random robbery, this was planned out and whoever took the items knew exactly what they wanted to steal." Ben says as he orders his royal court to gather all of Auradon Prep for an update and an announcement, but as everyone including myself are leaving the museum I look back and notice that Tiger Pony is headed in the opposite direction.

 Tiger Pony's POV

I wander around the museum feeling myself being lead somewhere and the feeling suddenly stops at the entrance of the museum of villainy, "Why lead me here?" I ask walking down the narrow hallway until I step in the middle of the room, "Something bad is going to happen in here." I hear the low echo of evil laughter and when I turn around I see a dim glow coming from room for Hades, I slowly and carefully make my way into the empty room and I see that glowing is coming from Hades's ember. "You are what was drawing me here, now the question is what do you have to show me." I walk up the steps and stare down at the blue ember, I place my hands on the glass and a sudden vision rushes to me.

 I look around to see that I am outside the museum and when I turn around I see Heidi walking towards me but from the look on her face she looks she has been crying her eyes out. She wipes her eyes of tears as she walks up the steps but as I look closer at her I notice that is not light leading her here but a cloud of darkness swirling around her. Heidi walks into the museum and as I go to follow her I am blinded by a bright flash light. Once I am able to see again I look around to see that I am inside the room belonging to Maleficent, and I my eyes land on the woman standing in the middle of the room with her back to me. This woman has almost completely black hair, she is wearing a black dress, and I look closer to see that she is holding the scepter in her hand. "Who are you?" I ask making my way further into the room and the woman lets out a cold and evil laugh as she turns around and I nearly fall over seeing that it Heidi.

"SHE TOOK MY HAPPY ENDING!"She yells as the bottom of her hair flares up and she points the scepter at me,"Who are talking about?" I ask backing up a little, "I did everything that was asked of me and more, I always put Auradon ahead of everything and look what happened." I can see tears in her eyes but those tear quickly vanish and her eyes turn into a dark abyss of evil. "Heidi, you know that evilness is never the answer." Heidi spin the scepter around in her hand and hits me in my face knocking me down, "I am going make all of you feel the same pain I feel, I will show Auradon what darkness is really like." Heidi smiles at me as she uses the magic in the scepter to make me slide across the floor into a pile of pieces of broken stone.

"You all are going to learn you shouldn't mess with the daughter of Hades, you shouldn't mess with leader of darkness and evil." I try to get back to my feet but Heidi uses magic to keep me down, "I am the Queen now, and I going to make Hayden look like the hero." Heidi raises the scepter high into the air and just like that she vanishes into the dark of the night.

I come back to reality very shaken up from my vision, "Heidi is in danger of losing her light, and from what I just saw I would say that she is in danger of a heartbreak she might not come back from." I sigh hoping that I will be able to change what I just saw, but I know that I need to act fast if I have any chance of altering this course of action. 

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