Chapter 27: The New Villain

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Hadie's POV

I smile at Uma as I walkover and take Henry back in my arms, "Where is my sister?" Harry shrugs his shoulders and Audrey stared at Uma who is looking at Audrey telling to try anything."You two are lying because I went to Heidi's dorm room with Ella and the whole room was trashed." I turn my attention to Uma with a concerned look on my face,"There was a picture of the herself, Harry, and baby Henry that had been smashed to pieces, her jewelry box from the Isle has in a million pieces, and her wedding ring along with the necklace with the sliver hook with the little heart on it we also among the rumble." I look back at Harry who seems not to have a care in the world about anything Uma just said which raises the supposition of both Uma and I.

"Like we told you, Heidi came by and dropped Henry off then left." Uma looks at Audrey with a confusion on her face, "I know that is a lie Audrey because Harry and you got Henry when Heidi and he got into the argument and she accidentally burned him." This is the first time that I am hearing about Heidi burning Harry which doesn't sound like my sister at all, "Speaking of her unstableness, just wait until Fairy Godmother hears all about that in the morning. Then finally Heidi will be sent back to the Isle where she along with the rest of you degenerates belong." Uma rushes towards Audrey but I manage to stop her before she can do anything.

"Just give five minutes alone with her Hardie and I promise that she will be singing a different tune when I am done with her." I shake my head knowing that violence isn't going to help us find Heidi. I turn my attention to Harry, "I thought you loved my sister, and yet you are here with the most hated person is all of Auradon, and your neglecting Henry which is way out of character for you Harry."Harry rolls his neck and I can tell by the look in his eye that he is getting fed up with everything, "Harry did love your sister, but then you figured out that he could upgrade to a someone that isn't beneath him, and for your information I am not the most hated person in Auradon." Uma laughs pushes some of her hair of her face,

"You are a straight up homewrecker Audrey, and the fact that is doesn't bother you says a lot about the person that you are." Audrey lets out her own laugh before getting into Uma's face, "This is rich coming from the biggest two-faced person in all of Auradon. If I remember correctly it was you that set everything in motion for Heidi to come to Auradon in the first place, and that means whatever happened to her since then is all your fault Uma." Audrey looks at Uma with disgust and Uma attempts to hit Audrey but I grab her hand before she can, "Heidi and I are over! And I wish people would accept that and move on. She broke up with me, she ignored me when I tried to make things right, and if you haven't heard I have other responsibilities that need my attention." Uma places her hands on her hips,

"In case you didn't pick up on the hint he just gave you allow me to spell it out for you. GET OUT!" Audrey yells and I can tell by the look in Uma's eyes that she is at the end of patience with Audrey, "Responsibilities like Pearl and your baby you are about to have with her?" I snaps at him as Audrey looks at me with hatred in her eyes and she ties to slap me again only this time Uma grabs her hand before it can get anywhere near my face, "I have had about enough of you hitting on the people that I think of as my friends." Uma slaps Audrey who lands on the bed holding her cheek looking at Uma speechless and dumbfounded. "You are going to regret that." Uma looks at Audrey with disbelief in her eyes as she pulls out her sword and points at Audrey,

"Threaten me again Princess and I will mount your head in my dorm room like a trophy." The sound of metal on metal is heard as Harry places his hook-on Uma's sword and forces it away from Audrey. "Maybe you shouldn't be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong Uma." I notice that Uma looks very close at Harry's eyes then all of sudden her eyes go wide. "Very clever, I mean I will give it up to you Audrey I didn't see this coming at all." Uma backs away from Harry and rejoins me, "Would someone please tell me what is going on?" Uma reaches into her shirt and pulls out her mother's shell necklace. "Little Miss. Sleeping Beauty over there has somehow spelled Harry." Audrey who finally recovers from Uma gives both of us a dirty look. "That is why when I saw Margo leave this room she looked nervous and wanting to get the out of dodge as soon as possible." Audrey flips her hair with her hand,

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Audrey takes Harry's hand as I look over at Uma who is fiddling with her shell, "I wonder what Fairy Godmother would think if she found out that you spelled Harry." I ask but Uma shakes her head, "We aren't going to find out because I am ending this once and for all."Uma closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again. "A spell was cast with evil will, a wicked wed was wrongly spun." Uma chants and both myself and Audrey look at Uma not real sure what she is up to. "I take away the harm and ill, I now undo what has been done." The panic in Audrey rushes to the surface as she tries to stop Uma but I grab her with my free arm stopping her.

"This harmful spell I now negate, return things to their rightful state!" Uma finishes chanting and seconds later it is like a light switch goes off in Harry's head as he looks around confused. "What is going on?" Harry asks looks at all of us as I release Audrey who rushes out of the room as fast as she can, "Let her go Uma, she will get what is due to her one way or another." I say carefully handing Henry to Uma before stepping up to Harry and start filling him in on everything.

Once Harry is filled in he lets out an angry roar and starts trashing the room, "WHY AM I ALWAYS GETTING SPELLED!" Harry yells flipping over his dresser as I place myself between Harry and Uma. "Everyone knows that you are Heidi's weakness,but right now Harry we need to find her." Harry takes a couple of deep breaths trying to get himself under control. "You're right, our focus need to be on Heidi."I nod my head as the three of us head out of the dorms and back outside.

The moment we step foot outside Ella and her older brother Ethan run up to us, "Did you find Heidi?" I ask rushing up to Ella but she shakes her head, "I am afraid that I have some more bad news, your father's ember and Maleficent's scepter has been stolen from the museum." I sit down on the steps in front of the dorm building placing my head in my hands, "It is all my fault, I failed her as a big brother." Ella kneels in front of me as makes me look at her,

"You can't protect her from everything Hadie, and I am sure that everyone here would say that they are to blame as well." I look deep into Ella's eyes and I feel my heart skip a beat and one of the many things I love about Ella is her way of making me feel better even when I hate myself the most. "I don't know where to start looking because we have looked all over Auradon." Ethan clears his throat making me look at him, "I don't think we need to look at hard." Ethan points to a black mass moving quickly in the sky headed right for us. The black mass falls from the sky landing in front of the group and when the smoke clears I see something that I never thought I would see in my life.

Her hair now almost completely black with just the bottom half looking like it is on fire, she is wearing a black dress with sleeves on the shoulders, and in her hand she is holding Maleficent's scepter, "Heidi?" I ask out loud as the woman standing in front us smiles a wrathful smile, "Were you expecting someone else to fall out of the sky?" Heidi jokes in a condescending tone of voice as all of us stand there speechless. 

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